


It was Bill Clinton’s singularcontribution that he tried to transcend this deadlock,recognizing not only that what had come to be meant by the labelsof “conservative” and “liberal” played to Republican advantage, butthat the categories were inadequate to address the problems wefaced. At times during his first campaign, his gestures towarddisaffected Reagan Democrats could seem clumsy and transparent(what ever happened to Sister Souljah?) or frighteninglycoldhearted (allowing the execution of a mentally retarded deathrow inmate to go forward on the eve of an important primary). Inthe first two years of his presidency, he would be toabandon some core elements of his platform—universal health care,aggressive investment in education and training—that might havemore decisively reversed the long-term trends that were underminingthe position of working families in the new economy. 克林顿(BillClinton)总统一人独辟蹊径,试图打破这种意识形态的僵局,他认识到在政客身上打上“保守派”和“自由派”的标签渐渐趋向有利于共和党,也发现了解决我们面对的问题的手段不足。在他第一次竞选总统时,他在处理愤愤不平的民主党里根支持者(传统上是民主党人,特别是北方的白人工人阶级,但在里根竞选总统时投票给共和党)的手法上显得有些笨拙和直率(索尔嘉妹妹是怎么啦?1992年克林顿在竞选时严厉谴责政治立场激进而且喜好饶舌的女歌星SisterSouljah,并因此而赢得了中间选民的支持),或者是令人寒心的冷淡无情(在重要的初选前夕提前对一个智障精神病的死囚执行死刑)。在总统任期的前2年,他被迫放弃了自己政治纲领中的一些核心原则——全民卫生保健计划,对教育和培训的积极投资——因此可能导致决定性地颠倒了美国长期发展趋势,这种趋势正在削弱新经济体中工作家庭的地位。

Still, he instinctively understoodthe falseness of the choices being presented to the Americanpeople. He saw that government spending and regulation could, ifproperly designed, serve as vital ingredients and not inhibitors toeconomic growth, and how markets and fiscal discipline could helppromote social justice. He recognized that not only societalresponsibility but personal responsibility was needed to combatpoverty. In his platform—if not always in his day-to-daypolitics—Clinton’s Third Way went beyond splitting the difference.It tapped into the pragmatic, nonideological attitude of themajority of Americans. 但,他本能地意识到这是个错误的选择,他注意到如果能够合理安排政府开支和政府规章的话,会成为经济的发展中至关重要的因素而且不会产生抑制作用,市场和财政自律能够有助于促进社会公平。他认识到扫除贫穷不仅是社会机构的责任,也是每个人的责任。在克林顿总统的政治纲领中——并不一定呈现于他每日的政治活动中——他的第三条路线政策(ThirdWay,是介于自由放任资本主义和福利国家之间的一种发展模式。由于它与里根以前的自由主义政策以及里根后的保守主义政策都不一样,故称之为第三条道路)远不仅仅是折中路线。它迎合了注重实效的、无意识形态的大多数美国人的性情。

Indeed, by the end of hispresidency, Clinton’s policies—recognizably progressive if modestin their goals—enjoyed broad public support. Politically, he hadwrung out of the Democratic Party some of the excesses that hadkept it from winning elections. That he failed, despite a boomingeconomy, to translate popular policies into anything resembling agoverning coalition said something about the demographicdifficulties Democrats were facing (in particular, the shift inpopulation growth to an increasingly solid Republican South) andthe structural advantages the Republicans enjoyed in the Senate,where the votes of two Republican senators from Wyoming, population493,782, equaled the votes of two Democratic senators fromCalifornia, population 33,871,648. 实际上,在他总统任期结束时,克林顿的政策——如果谦虚一点地说,被公认为进步策略——得到了广大民众的支持。从政治上来说,为了竞选胜利,他削弱了某些民主党的政治优势。在这方面他失败了,尽管国家经济繁荣,但是将受欢迎的政策转变为两党治理联合的形式,说明民主党正在面临着人口分布带来的难题(特别是,人口增长使得共和党南方阵营日益稳固),并且共和党在国会享有组织结构优势,因为在国会中,两张来自怀俄明州(人口49万3782)共和党参议员的投票与两张来自加州(人口3387万1648)民主党参议员的投票具有相同的效力。

But that failure also testified tothe skill with which Gingrich, Rove, Norquist, and the like wereable to consolidate and institutionalize the conservative movement.They tapped the unlimited resources of corporate sponsors andwealthy donors to create a network of think tanks and mediaoutlets. They brought state-of-the-art technology to the task ofmobilizing their base, and centralized power in the House ofRepresentatives in order to enhance party discipline. 但是这方面的失败也是拜金里奇,罗夫和罗奎斯特等人的所赐,他们有能力巩固并制度化保守党的政治运动。他们利用企业赞助者和富有捐赠者的无限资源建造了一个政治智囊团和媒体渠道的网络。他们应用这种艺术级别的政治活动方式来动员基层党员,而且为了加强党纪,将众议院的权力集中化。

And they understood the threatClinton posed to their vision of a long-term conservative majority,which helps explain the vehemence with which they went after him.It also explains why they invested so much time attacking Clinton’smorality, for if Clinton’s policies were hardly radical, hisbiography (the draft letter saga, the marijuana puffing, the IvyLeague intellectualism, the professional wife who didn’t bakecookies, and most of all the sex) proved perfect grist for theconservative base. With enough repetition, a looseness with thefacts, and the ultimately undeniable evidence of the President’sown personal lapses, Clinton could be made to embody the verytraits of sixties liberalism that had helped spur the conservativemovement in the first place. Clinton may have fought that movementto a draw, but the movement would come out stronger for it—and inGeorge W. Bush’s first term, that movement would take over theUnited States government. 而且他们也明白克林顿总统对长期占据议会中多数席位的共和党所形成的威胁,这也解释了为何他们如此热衷于对付克林顿。这同样解释了为何他们花了如此多时间攻击克林顿的道德问题。因为,如果他们在克林顿的政策上找不出什么毛病,那克林顿的自传(当逃兵,吸食大麻,在名牌大学习得的理智主义,从政的老婆从不下厨,最糟糕的是性丑闻)则被证明对共和党阵营十分有利。他们将材料复制足够多份,对事件进行添油加醋,还有在根本上不可否认的克林顿自身行为不检的证据,最后结论是在克林顿身上体现了60年代自由主义的明显特征,而恰恰是60年代的自由主义在最初刺激了保守党政治活动。虽然克林顿在当时也许和这个运动团体打成个平手,但他们经过这事后变得更强大了——在小布什的第一任总统任期,这个运动团体接管了美国政府。

THIS TELLING OF the story is tooneat, I know. It ignores critical strands in the historicalnarrative—how the decline of manufacturing and Reagan’s firing ofthe air traffic controllers critically wounded America’s labormovement; the way that the creation of majority-minoritycongressional districts in the South simultaneously ensured moreblack representatives and reduced Democratic seats in that region;the lack of cooperation that Clinton received from congressionalDemocrats, who had grown fat and complacent and didn’t realize thefight they were in. It also doesn’t capture the degree to whichadvances in political gerrymandering polarized the Congress, or howefficiently money and negative television ads have poisoned theatmosphere. 我知道,这种叙事方式过于简洁了。我忽略了在历史叙事中的一些关键情节,例如:制造业是如何衰落的;里根政府开除罢工的航管员是如何关键性地重创了美国劳工运动;南方是如何划分多数派选举区和少数派选举区,在同一地区保证黑人拥有更多众议员席位的但同时使得民主党席位减少了;克林顿总统很难从民主党议员们处得到支持,因为自鸣得意的他们正在捞政治油水,而没有意识到他们已陷入一场斗争中。文章也没有记录改划选举区所导致的国会两极分化造成的影响,或金钱和负面电视广告是如何有效的荼毒政治环境。

Still, when I think about what thatold Washington hand told me that night, when I ponder the work of aGeorge Kennan or a George Marshall, when I read the speeches of aBobby Kennedy or an Everett Dirksen, I can’t help feeling that thepolitics of today suffers from a case of arrested development. Forthese men, the issues America faced were never abstract and hencenever simple. War might be hell and still the right thing to do.Economies could collapse despite the best-laid plans. People couldwork hard all their lives and still lose everything. 当我想起那位老华盛顿政客在那晚对我说的话时,当我仔细估量乔治·凯南(GeorgeFrost Kennan,美国外交家,冷战时对苏联遏制政策的始创人)或乔治·马歇尔(GeorgeMarshall,美国军事家、战略家、政治家、外交家,美国陆军五星上将)的丰功伟绩时,当我阅读博比.肯尼迪(BobbyKennedy)或埃弗里特.德克森(EverettDirksen)的演讲稿时,我忍不住感到今日的政治正经历一段发育不良的时期。在这些人的年代,他们一直面对的都是复杂的难题,而且非常棘手。战争也许带来痛苦,但在当时仍是一个正确的选择。就算准备了最好的计划,经济还是有可能会崩溃。人们一生勤劳工作但是仍然有可能会失去一切。

For the generation of leaders whofollowed, raised in relative comfort, different experiences yieldeda different attitude toward politics. In the back-and-forth betweenClinton and Gingrich, and in the elections of 2000 and 2004, Isometimes felt as if I were watching the psychodrama of the BabyBoom generation—a tale rooted in old grudges and revenge plotshatched on a handful of college campuses long ago—played out on thenational stage. The victories that the sixties generation broughtabout—the admission of minorities and women into full citizenship,the strengthening of individual liberties and the healthywillingness to question authority—have made America a far betterplace for all its citizens. But what has been lost in the process,and has yet to be replaced, are those shared assumptions—thatquality of trust and fellow feeling—that bring us together asAmericans. 由于各代领导者们的目标和成长经历的不同,使得他们对政治的态度也不同。在克林顿和金里奇之间不断的争斗中,在2000年和2004年的选举中,我有时感觉自己是在观看生育高峰的一代人在国家政治舞台上喧泻情感,扮演心理剧(一种可使患者的感情得以发泄从而达到心理治疗效果的戏剧),讲述一个在很久以前有一群大学生在上学时就构思策划好的包含怨恨和复仇的故事。上世纪60年代的人们争取到的胜利有:承认了少数派种族和女人的公民权利,巩固了公民个人的自由权利,并且只要你带着好的意愿你就可以质问当局,这使得所有的公民们都认为美国是一个极度美好的国家。但是在取得这些进步的过程中我们所失去的,并且现在已经被取代了的,是那些共同的预期——那是信任和互相理解的本质,也是使美国人团结一心的思想。

So where does that leave us?Theoretically the Republican Party might have produced its ownClinton, a center-right leader who built on Clinton’s fiscalconservatism while moving more aggressively to revamp a creakyfederal bureaucracy and experiment with market- or faith-basedsolutions to social policy. And in fact such a leader may stillemerge. Not all Republican elected officials subscribe to thetenets of today’s movement conservatives. In both the House and theSenate, and in state capitals across the country, there are thosewho cling to more traditional conservative virtues of temperanceand restraint—men and women who recognize that piling up debt tofinance tax cuts for the wealthy is irresponsible, that deficitreduction can’t take place on the backs of the poor, that theseparation of church and state protects the church as well as thestate, that conservation and conservatism don’t have to conflict,and that foreign policy should be based on facts and not wishfulthinking. 那么,现在我们该怎么办?理论上来说,共和党可以打造出一个保守派的克林顿,一个稍稍右倾的领导人,一方面坚持克林顿的财政保守政策,另一面更加积极地修复摇摇欲坠的联邦官僚作风,并且更加积极地在市场上做尝试,或者提出基于信仰的社会政策解决方法。实际上,这样的一个领导还是有可能被造出来的。不是所有的共和党推举出的官员都是坚守当今保守主义运动原则的。在众议院在参议院中,在全国的州首府中,存在有一些公务员,他们坚守更加传统的保守主义美德,如自我克制和态度严谨,他们明白为富有的人减税而增加国家负债是不负责任的,减少国家财政赤字的责任不能扔给穷人,保留传统和保守派政策并不一定有冲突,外交政策应建立在事实的基础上,而不是自己的愿望或欲望上。

But these Republicans are not theones who have driven the debate over the past six years. Instead ofthe “compassionate conservatism” that George Bush promised in his2000 campaign, what has characterized the ideological core oftoday’s GOP is absolutism, not conservatism. There is theabsolutism of the free market, an ideology of no taxes, noregulation, no safety net—indeed, no government beyond what’srequired to protect private property and provide for the nationaldefense.



How to learn English 1. pair n. (相关的)两个人;一对儿

2. correct v. 改正;纠正 adj. 正确的 对的

3. spelling n. 拼写

4. word n. 词;单词;字

5. practice v. 练习

6. Match v. 找到与……相配之物;使成对

7. meaning n. 意义;意思

8. complete v. 把……填完整;使完全

9. sentence n. 句子

10. dictionary n. 词典;字典

11. grammar n. 语法

12. letter n. 字母

13. Look up 查; 查找

14. mistake n. 错误;过错

15. Make a mistake 犯错误

16. understand v. 理解;明白

17. advice n. 意见;建议

18. should v.aux. 应该 19. possible adj. 可能的

20. write down 写下;记下

21. notebook n. 笔记本

22. forget (forgot) v. 忘;忘记

23. pronounce v. 发……的音

24. aloud adv. 大声地;出声地

25. radio n. 电台;广播 26. pronunciation n. 发音

27. key adj. 关键性的;非常重要的

28. main adj. 主要的;最大的

29. excellent adj. 极好的;优秀的

30. agree v. 赞同

31. Agree with sb 同意某人 32. vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量

33. ask for 请求(给予)

34. improve v. 改进;改善

35. basic adj. 主要的;基础的

36. time n. 次;回

37. advise v. 向……提出意见;忠告;建议 38. shy adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的

39. conversation n. 谈话;交谈

40. quickly adv. 快地;迅速地

41. natural adj. 合理的;合乎常情的

42. suggest v. 建议;提议

43. place v. 放置

Module 2 My home town and my country 1.hill n. 小山;小丘

2. population n. 人口;全体居民

3. wide adj. 宽的;宽阔的

4. million num. 百万

5. pretty adj. 相当地;非常;很

6. pretty good 相当好;很好

7. than prep. 比

8. get v. 变成;成为

9. north n. 北;北方 adj. 在北方的;朝北的

10. south n. 南;南方 adj.在北南的;朝南的

11. west n. 西;西方 adj.在北西的;朝西的

12. home town 故乡;家乡 13. especially adv. 尤其

14. be famous for 因……而闻名

15. university n. 大学

16. island n. 岛;岛屿

17. area n. 地区;区域

18. low adj. 矮的;低的

19. mountain n. 山;山岳

20. countryside n. 农村地区;乡下

21. umbrella n. 雨伞

MODULE 3 Sports 1. baseball n. 棒球

2. volleyball n. 排球

3. boring adj. 烦人的;无聊的

4. exciting adj. 令人激动的;使人兴奋的

5. relaxing adj. 令人愉悦的;使人放松的

6. score v.(体育比赛中)得(分)

7. already adv. 已经;早已

8. matter n. 问题;麻烦

9. What’s the matter? 怎么了? 10. hurt v. (使)疼痛;(使)受伤

11. Enjoyable adj. 令人愉快;有乐趣的

12. Olympics n. 奥林匹克运动会

13. stadium n. 体育场

14. miss v. 错过;遗漏;未达到;未击中

15. mind v. 介意;讨厌;反对

16. plenty pron. 大量;众多

17. plenty of 大量;众多

18. beat v. (beat) 打败;战胜

19. careless adj. 粗心的;疏忽的

20. cheer...on 用欢呼声激励;为……加油

21. coach n. 教练

22. fan club 球(歌;影)迷俱乐部

23. against prep. (在比赛或战斗中)对…… 24. train v. (体育) 训练;操练

25. practice n. 练习

26. warm v. 使暖和;使温暖

27. warm up 热身;做准备活动

28. usual adj. 通常的;平常的 29. better adj. 更好的 adv.更好地

30. after-school adj. 下午放学后的;课外的

31. pleased adj. 开心的;满足的

32. pass v. 传递;传送

33. pity n. 可惜;遗憾

34. chance n. 可能性;机会

35. loudly adv. 响亮地;大声地

36. confident adj. 自信的

MODULE 4 Planes, boats and trains

1. road n. 路;公路

2. accident n. 交通事故;意外事件

3. except prep. 除……之外

4. choice n. 选择

5. classmate n. 同班同学

6. far adv. 远;遥远 adj. 远的;遥远的

7. far away 远离

8. close adj. 近的;接近的;adv.接近地

9. crowded adj. 拥挤的;人数过多的

10. all the time 一直;不断地 11. journey n. 旅行;旅程

12. book v. 预定

13. park v. 停放; 泊

14. outside prep. 在……之外;外面的;外表的 adv. 在外面;朝户外 n.外面;外部 adj. 外部的;外表的

15. however adv 然而;但是

16. cost v. 价钱为;花费 n. 价钱;成本;代价

MODULE 5 Lao She Teahouse

1. actress n. 女演员

2. teahouse n. 茶馆

3. offer v. 提议;提出

4. end v. 结束 n. 末尾;最后一段

5. in the end 最后的;终于

6. no idea 不知道

7. act n.(戏剧,歌剧的)一幕;行为 v. 扮演;装作

8. show v. 给(某人)看

9. common adj. 普通的;一般的

10. twentieth num. 第二十

11. describe v. 描述

12. society n. 社会 13. head teacher 校长

14. college n. 大学;学院

15. novel n. 小说

16. name v. 给……取名;给……命名

17. if conj. 如果;若

18. magic adj. 魔术的;戏法的

MODULE 6 Animals in danger

1. snake n. 蛇

2. neck n. 颈;脖子

3. thin adj. 薄的;细长的

4. danger n. 危险;危害

5. in danger 处于危险中

6. at last 终于;最后

7. interested adj. 关心的;感兴趣的

8. allow v. 允许;准许

9. think of 想到;想到

10. protect v. 保护;保卫

11. wild adj. 野生的;n. 野生环境

12. grow v. 变得;生长 13. take away 夺走;拿走

14. enough adj. 足够的;充分

15. peace n. 和平;太平

16. in peace 和平地;平静地

17. notice n. 布告;告示

18. look after 照顾;照管

19. raise v. 筹集;抚养;养育

20. research n. 研究;探讨

21. baby n. 婴儿

22. situation n. 形势;情况

23. scientist n. 科学家

24. produce v. 生育;繁殖

25. southwest n. 西南 adj.西南的; 朝西南的

26. in order to 为了

27. government n. 政府

28. set v. 设置;设定

29. set up 开办;设立;创办;建立

30. nature n. 大自然;自然界

31. nature park 自然公园 32. develop v. 研制;制定

33. feed v. 喂养;饲养

34. symbol n. 象征;标志

MODULE 7 A famous story

1. fall v. 下落;跌落

2. follow v. 跟随;紧跟

3. hole n. 洞;孔;穴

4. rabbit n. 兔;家兔

5. ssh int. 嘘

6. ground n. 地面

7. tea park 茶会

8. twice adj. 两次;两倍

9. once or twice 偶尔;一两次

10. suddenly adv. 突然地;出乎意料地

11. pink n. 粉红色 adj. 粉红色的;

12. pocket n. 衣袋;口袋

13. field n. 牧场;田地

14. think about 考虑

15. deep adj. 深的 16. while conj. 当……的时候

17. land v. 降落;到地面

18. dry adj. 干的;干燥的

MODULE 8 Accidents

1. pale adj. 苍白的

2. appear v. 出现;显露

3. round prep. 转到(某物的)另一边

4. corner n. 拐角;街角

5. hit v. 碰撞

6. glad adj. 高兴的;喜欢的

7. in time 及时

8. fall off ... 从......跌落

9. risk n. 危险;风险

10. attention n. 注意力

11. pay attention 注意;留心

12. side n. 侧面

13. side by side 并排的;肩并肩地

14. bite v. 咬;叮

15. climb v. 爬;攀爬 16. hide v. 躲;躲藏

17. throw v. 扔;掷

18. fridge n. 冰箱

19. pain n. 痛;疼痛

20. morse adj. 更糟的;更坏的 adv. 更严重

21. medicine n. 药;药物

MODULE 9 Population

1. noise n. 噪声;杂音

2. prepare v. 准备;预备

3. notes n. 笔记;随笔

4. report n. 报告;汇报

5. grow v. 增长;增大

6. huge adj. 巨大的;庞大的

7. cause v. 造成;引起

8. problem n. 麻烦;问题

9. increase n. 增大;增长 v. 增大;增长

10. birth n. 出生

11. billion num. 十亿

12. fifth num. 第五;五分之一 13. hang on 稍等

14. flat n. 套房;公寓

15. rubbish n. 垃圾;废弃物

16. quiet adj. 寂静的;安静的

17. local adj. 当地的;本地的

18. close down (永久)关闭;关停

19. pupil n. 学生;小学生

20. pollution n. 污染

21. public n. 公共的;公众的


service n. 公共服务;服务

23. solve v. 解决问题

MODULE 10 The weather

1. cloud n. 云;云雾

2. shower n. 阵雨

3. snow n. 雪 v. 下雪

4. storm n. 暴风雨

5. cloudy adj. 多云的

6. rainy adj. 多雨的;下雨的

7. snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的 8. sunny adj. 晴朗的

9. windy adj. 多风的;刮大风的

10. skate v. 滑冰

11. thick adj. 厚的

12. ice n. 冰

13. joke v. 说笑话;开玩笑 n. 笑话;玩笑

14. might aux. 可能;也许

15. temperature n. 温度

16. minus adj. 负的;零下的

17. degree n. 度;度数

18. although conj. 然而;尽管

19. wet adj. 下雨的;湿的

20. neither adv. (某人或某事物)也不

21. terrible adj. 使人烦恼的;可怕的

22. wish v. 但愿;希望

23. probably adv. 或许;可能

24. come on 快点

25. mile n. 英里

26. round adv. 围绕地 27. northwest n. 西北 adj. 西北的;朝西北的

28. southeast n. 东南 adj. 东南的;朝东南的

29. from time to time 有时;间或

MODULE 11 Way of life

1. cap n. (有檐的)帽子

2. chess n. 国际象棋

3. set n. (同类事物的)一套;一副;一组

4. a chess set 一副国际象棋

5. chopstick n. 筷子

6. toy n. 玩具

7. video adj. (电子)视频的

8. video game 电子游戏

9. gift n. 礼物

10. surprise n. 惊奇;意外之事 v.使......吃惊

11. immediately adv. 立刻;当即

12. difference n. 差别;差异

13. accept v. 收受;接受

14. tradition n. 传统习俗

15. example n. 例子;实例 16. for example 例如

17. must aux. 必须;应该

18. month n. 月;月份

19. serious adj. 认真严肃的;不开玩笑的

20. taste v. 有......的味道 n. 味道;滋味

21. experience n. 经历;经验

22. stay n. 逗留;停留

23. someone pron. 某人;有人

24. for the first time 首次;初次

25. sandwich n. 三明治

26. chip n. 炸土豆条;炸薯条

27. fish and chip 炸鱼加炸薯条

28. onto prep. 到......之上;向......之上

29. gentleman n. 先生;男士

30. shoulder n. 肩;肩膀

MODULE 12 Help

1. broken adj. 破碎的

2. glass n. 玻璃

3. stairs n. (pl)楼梯 4. aid n. 救助;帮助

5. first aid 急救

6. medical adj. 医学的;医疗的 7. imagine v. 想象;设想

8. bottom n. 底部;下端

9. at the bottom of ... 在......的底部

10. wrong adj. 有毛病的;错误的 adv. 不正确的

11. What’s wrong with ... ......怎么了?

12. trouble n. 问题;烦恼;困难

13. lift v. 举起;抬起;提起 n. 电梯

14. lift up 抬起;提起

15. harmful adj. 有害的

16. drop v. 使落下;投下

17. training n. 训练;培训

18. make sure 确保;确认

19. cover v. 盖;盖上

20. earthquake n. 地震

21. warn v. 警告;告诫

22. inside n. 内部;里面 adv. 在里面;在室内 prep. 在......里面 adj. 里面的;内部的 23. under prep. 在......正下方;在......下面

24. window n. 窗;窗户

25. keep v.( kept/kept) 保持;留在

26. clear adj. 不和......接触的;不挨......太近 v. 清理;清除;移走

27. keep clear of ... 不和......接触

28. calm adj. 镇静;了沉着的

29. brave adj. 勇敢的;无谓的

30. helpful adj. 有用的;提供帮助的

31. power n. 电;电力

MODULE 1 How to learn English MODULE 1.pair n. 2. correct v. 3. spelling n. 4. word n. 5. practice v. 6. Match v. 7. meaning n. 8. complete v. 9. sentence n. 10. dictionary n. 11. grammar n. 12. letter n. 13. Look up 14. mistake n. 15. Make a mistake 16. understand v. 17. advice n. 18. should v.aux. 19. possible adj. 20. write down 21. notebook n. 22. forget (forgot) v. 23. pronounce v. 24. aloud adv. 25. radio n. 26. pronunciation n. 27. key adj. 28. main adj. 29. excellent adj. 30. agree v. 31. Agree with sb 32. vocabulary n. 33. ask for 34. improve v. 35. basic adj. 36. time n. 37. advise v. 38. shy adj. 39. conversation n. 40. quickly adv. 41. natural adj. 42. suggest v. 43. place v. MODULE 2 My home town and my country 1. hill n. 2. population n. 3. wide adj. 4. million num. 5. pretty adj. 6. pretty good 7. than prep. 8. get v. 9. north n. 10. south n. 11. west n. 12. home town 13. especially adv. 14. be famous for 15. university n. 16. island n. 17. area n. 18. low adj. 19. mountain n. 20. countryside n. 21. umbrella n. MODULE 3 Sports 1. baseball n. 2. volleyball n. 3. boring adj. 4. exciting adj. 5. relaxing adj. 6. score v. 7. already adv. 8. matter n. 9. What’s the matter? 10. hurt v. 11. Enjoyable adj. 12. Olympics n. 13. stadium n. 14. miss v. 15. mind v. 16. plenty pron. 17. plenty of 18. beat v. 19. careless adj. 20. cheer...on 21. coach n. 22. fan club 23. against prep. 24. train v. 25. practice n. 26. warm v. 27. warm up 28. usual adj. 29. better adj. 30. after-school adj. 31. pleased adj. 32. pass v. 33. pity n. 34. chance n. 35. loudly adv. 36. confident adj. MODULE 4 Planes, boats and trains 1. road n. 2. accident n. 3. except prep. 4. choice n. 5. classmate n. 6. far adv. adj. 7. far away 8. close adj. 9. crowded adj. 10. all the time 11. journey n. 12. book v. 13. park v. 14. outside prep. adv. adj. 15. however adv 16. cost v. n. MODULE 5 Lao She Teahouse 1. actress n. 2. teahouse n. 3. offer v. 4. end v. n. 5. in the end 6. no idea 7. act n. v. 8. show v. 9. common adj. 10. twentieth num. 11. describe v. 12. society n. 13. head teacher 14. college n. 15. novel n. 16. name v. 17. if conj. 18. magic adj. MODULE 6 Animals in danger 1. snake n. 2. neck n. 3. thin adj. 4. danger n. 5. in danger 6. at last 7. interested adj. 8. allow v. 9. think of 10. protect v. 11. wild adj. 12. grow v. 13. take away 14. enough adj. 15. peace n. 16. in peace 17. notice n. 18. look 19. raise v. 20. research n. 21. baby n. 22. situation n. 23. scientist n. 24. produce v. 25. southwest n. 26. in order to 27. government n. 28. set v. 29. set up 30. nature n. 31. nature park 32. develop v. 33. feed v. 34. symbol n. MODULE 7 A famous story 1. fall v. 2. follow v. 3. hole n. 4. rabbit n. 5. ssh int. 6. ground n. 7. tea park 8. twice adj. 9. once or twice 10. suddenly adv. 11. pink n. adj. 12. pocket n. 13. field n. 14. think about 15. deep adj. 16. while conj. 17. land v. 18. dry adj. MODULE 8 Accidents 1. pale adj. 2. appear v. 3. round prep. 4. corner n. 5. hit v. 6. glad adj. 7. in time 8. fall off ... 9. risk n. 10. attention n. 11. pay attention 12. side n. 13. side by side 14. bite v. 15. climb v. 16. hide v. 17. throw v. 18. fridge n. 19. pain n. 20. morse adj. 21. medicine n. MODULE 9 Population 1. noise n. 2. prepare v. 3. notes n. 4. report n. 5. grow v. 6. huge adj. 7. cause v. 8. problem n. 9. increase n. 10. birth n. 11. billion num. 12. fifth num. 13. hang on 14. flat n. 15. rubbish n 16. quiet adj. 17. local adj. 18. close down 19. pupil n. 20. pollution n. 21. public n. 22. service n. 23. solve v. MODULE 10 The weather 1. cloud n. 2. shower n. 3. snow n. v. 4. storm n. 5. cloudy adj. 6. rainy adj. 7. snowy adj. 8. sunny adj. 9. windy adj. 10. skate v. 11. thick adj. 12. ice n. 13. joke v. n. 14. might aux. 15. temperature n. 16. minus adj. 17. degree n. 18. although conj. 19. wet adj. 20. neither adv. 21. terrible adj. 22. wish v. 23. probably adv. 24. come on 25. mile n. 26. round adv. 27. northwest n. 28. southeast n. 29. from time to time 7. imagine v. 8. bottom n. 9. at the bottom of ... 10. wrong adj. adv. 11. What’s wrong with ... 12. trouble n. 13. lift v. n. 14. lift up 15. harmful adj. 16. drop v. 17. training n. 18. make sure 19. cover v. 20. earthquake n. 21. warn v. 22. inside n. adv. prep. adj. 23. under prep. 24. window n. 25. keep v.( kept/kept 26. clear adj. v. 27. keep clear of ... 28. calm adj. 29. brave adj. 30. helpful adj. 31. power n.adj. MODULE 11 Way of life 1. cap n. 2. chess n. 3. set n. 4. a chess set 5. chopstick n. 6. toy n. 7. video adj. 8. video game 9. gift n. 10. surprise n. V. 11. immediately adv. 12. difference n. 13. accept v. 14. tradition n. 15. example n. 16. for example 17. must aux. 18. month n. 19. serious adj. 20. taste v. n. 21. experience n. 22. stay n. 23. someone pron. 24. for the first time 25. sandwich n. 26. chip n. 27. fish and chip 28. onto prep. 29. gentleman n. 30. shoulder n. MODULE 12 Help 1. broken adj. 2. glass n. 3. stairs n.(pl) 4. aid n. 5. first aid 6. medical adj. Module1

How to learn English 2. pair n. (相关的)两个人;一对儿

3. correct v. 改正;纠正 adj. 正确的 对的

4. spelling n. 拼写

5. word n. 词;单词;字

6. practice v. 练习

7. Match v. 找到与……相配之物;使成对

8. meaning n. 意义;意思

9. complete v. 把……填完整;使完全

10. sentence n. 句子

11. dictionary n. 词典;字典

12. grammar n. 语法

13. letter n. 字母

14. Look up 查; 查找

15. mistake n. 错误;过错

16. Make a mistake 犯错误

17. understand v. 理解;明白

18. advice n. 意见;建议

19. should v.aux. 应该 20. possible adj. 可能的

21. write down 写下;记下

22. notebook n. 笔记本

23. forget (forgot) v. 忘;忘记

24. pronounce v. 发……的音

25. aloud adv. 大声地;出声地

26. radio n. 电台;广播 27. pronunciation n. 发音

28. key adj. 关键性的;非常重要的

29. main adj. 主要的;最大的

30. excellent adj. 极好的;优秀的

31. agree v. 赞同

32. Agree with sb 同意某人 33. vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量

34. ask for 请求(给予)

35. improve v. 改进;改善

36. basic adj. 主要的;基础的

37. time n. 次;回

38. advise v. 向……提出意见;忠告;建议 39. shy adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的

40. conversation n. 谈话;交谈

41. quickly adv. 快地;迅速地

42. natural adj. 合理的;合乎常情的

43. suggest v. 建议;提议

43. place v. 放置

Module 2 My home town and my country 2.hill n. 小山;小丘

3. population n. 人口;全体居民

4. wide adj. 宽的;宽阔的

5. million num. 百万

6. pretty adj. 相当地;非常;很

7. pretty good 相当好;很好

8. than prep. 比

9. get v. 变成;成为

10. north n. 北;北方 adj. 在北方的;朝北的

11. south n. 南;南方 adj.在北南的;朝南的

12. west n. 西;西方 adj.在北西的;朝西的

13. home town 故乡;家乡 14. especially adv. 尤其

15. be famous for 因……而闻名

16. university n. 大学

17. island n. 岛;岛屿

18. area n. 地区;区域

19. low adj. 矮的;低的

20. mountain n. 山;山岳

21. countryside n. 农村地区;乡下

21. umbrella n. 雨伞

MODULE 3 Sports 1. baseball n. 棒球

2. volleyball n. 排球

3. boring adj. 烦人的;无聊的

4. exciting adj. 令人激动的;使人兴奋的

5. relaxing adj. 令人愉悦的;使人放松的

6. score v.(体育比赛中)得(分)

7. already adv. 已经;早已

8. matter n. 问题;麻烦

9. What’s the matter? 怎么了? 10. hurt v. (使)疼痛;(使)受伤

11. Enjoyable adj. 令人愉快;有乐趣的

12. Olympics n. 奥林匹克运动会

13. stadium n. 体育场

14. miss v. 错过;遗漏;未达到;未击中

15. mind v. 介意;讨厌;反对

16. plenty pron. 大量;众多

17. plenty of 大量;众多

18. beat v. (beat) 打败;战胜

19. careless adj. 粗心的;疏忽的

20. cheer...on 用欢呼声激励;为……加油

21. coach n. 教练

22. fan club 球(歌;影)迷俱乐部

23. against prep. (在比赛或战斗中)对…… 24. train v. (体育) 训练;操练

25. practice n. 练习

26. warm v. 使暖和;使温暖

27. warm up 热身;做准备活动

28. usual adj. 通常的;平常的 29. better adj. 更好的 adv.更好地

30. after-school adj. 下午放学后的;课外的

31. pleased adj. 开心的;满足的

32. pass v. 传递;传送

33. pity n. 可惜;遗憾

34. chance n. 可能性;机会

35. loudly adv. 响亮地;大声地

36. confident adj. 自信的

MODULE 4 Planes, boats and trains

2. road n. 路;公路

3. accident n. 交通事故;意外事件

4. except prep. 除……之外

5. choice n. 选择

6. classmate n. 同班同学

7. far adv. 远;遥远 adj. 远的;遥远的

8. far away 远离

9. close adj. 近的;接近的;adv.接近地

10. crowded adj. 拥挤的;人数过多的

11. all the time 一直;不断地 12. journey n. 旅行;旅程

13. book v. 预定

14. park v. 停放; 泊

15. outside prep. 在……之外;外面的;外表的 adv. 在外面;朝户外 n.外面;外部 adj. 外部的;外表的

16. however adv 然而;但是

16. cost v. 价钱为;花费 n. 价钱;成本;代价

MODULE 5 Lao She Teahouse

2. actress n. 女演员

3. teahouse n. 茶馆

4. offer v. 提议;提出

5. end v. 结束 n. 末尾;最后一段

6. in the end 最后的;终于

7. no idea 不知道

8. act n.(戏剧,歌剧的)一幕;行为 v. 扮演;装作

9. show v. 给(某人)看

10. common adj. 普通的;一般的

11. twentieth num. 第二十

12. describe v. 描述

13. society n. 社会 14. head teacher 校长

15. college n. 大学;学院

16. novel n. 小说

17. name v. 给……取名;给……命名

18. if conj. 如果;若

18. magic adj. 魔术的;戏法的

MODULE 6 Animals in danger

2. snake n. 蛇

3. neck n. 颈;脖子

4. thin adj. 薄的;细长的

5. danger n. 危险;危害

6. in danger 处于危险中

7. at last 终于;最后

8. interested adj. 关心的;感兴趣的

9. allow v. 允许;准许

10. think of 想到;想到

11. protect v. 保护;保卫

12. wild adj. 野生的;n. 野生环境

13. grow v. 变得;生长 14. take away 夺走;拿走

15. enough adj. 足够的;充分

16. peace n. 和平;太平

17. in peace 和平地;平静地

18. notice n. 布告;告示

19. look after 照顾;照管

20. raise v. 筹集;抚养;养育

21. research n. 研究;探讨

22. baby n. 婴儿

23. situation n. 形势;情况

24. scientist n. 科学家

25. produce v. 生育;繁殖

26. southwest n. 西南 adj.西南的; 朝西南的

27. in order to 为了

28. government n. 政府

29. set v. 设置;设定

30. set up 开办;设立;创办;建立

31. nature n. 大自然;自然界

32. nature park 自然公园 33. develop v. 研制;制定

34. feed v. 喂养;饲养

34. symbol n. 象征;标志

MODULE 7 A famous story

2. fall v. 下落;跌落

3. follow v. 跟随;紧跟

4. hole n. 洞;孔;穴

5. rabbit n. 兔;家兔

6. ssh int. 嘘

6. ground n. 地面

7. tea park 茶会

8. twice adj. 两次;两倍

9. once or twice 偶尔;一两次

10. suddenly adv. 突然地;出乎意料地

11. pink n. 粉红色 adj. 粉红色的;

12. pocket n. 衣袋;口袋

13. field n. 牧场;田地

14. think about 考虑

15. deep adj. 深的 16. while conj. 当……的时候

17. land v. 降落;到地面

18. dry adj. 干的;干燥的

MODULE 8 Accidents

2. pale adj. 苍白的

3. appear v. 出现;显露

4. round prep. 转到(某物的)另一边

5. corner n. 拐角;街角

6. hit v. 碰撞

7. glad adj. 高兴的;喜欢的

8. in time 及时

9. fall off ... 从......跌落

10. risk n. 危险;风险

11. attention n. 注意力

12. pay attention 注意;留心

13. side n. 侧面

14. side by side 并排的;肩并肩地

15. bite v. 咬;叮

16. climb v. 爬;攀爬 17. hide v. 躲;躲藏

18. throw v. 扔;掷

19. fridge n. 冰箱

20. pain n. 痛;疼痛

21. morse adj. 更糟的;更坏的 adv. 更严重

21. medicine n. 药;药物

MODULE 9 Population

2. noise n. 噪声;杂音

3. prepare v. 准备;预备

4. notes n. 笔记;随笔

5. report n. 报告;汇报

6. grow v. 增长;增大

7. huge adj. 巨大的;庞大的

8. cause v. 造成;引起

9. problem n. 麻烦;问题

10. increase n. 增大;增长 v. 增大;增长

11. birth n. 出生

12. billion num. 十亿

13. fifth num. 第五;五分之一 14. hang on 稍等

15. flat n. 套房;公寓

16. rubbish n. 垃圾;废弃物

17. quiet adj. 寂静的;安静的

18. local adj. 当地的;本地的

19. close down (永久)关闭;关停

20. pupil n. 学生;小学生

21. pollution n. 污染

23. public n. 公共的;公众的


service n. 公共服务;服务

23. solve v. 解决问题

MODULE 10 The weather

2. cloud n. 云;云雾

3. shower n. 阵雨

4. snow n. 雪 v. 下雪

5. storm n. 暴风雨

5. cloudy adj. 多云的

7. rainy adj. 多雨的;下雨的

7. snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的 9. sunny adj. 晴朗的

10. windy adj. 多风的;刮大风的

11. skate v. 滑冰

12. thick adj. 厚的

13. ice n. 冰

14. joke v. 说笑话;开玩笑 n. 笑话;玩笑

15. might aux. 可能;也许

16. temperature n. 温度

17. minus adj. 负的;零下的

18. degree n. 度;度数

19. although conj. 然而;尽管

20. wet adj. 下雨的;湿的

21. neither adv. (某人或某事物)也不

22. terrible adj. 使人烦恼的;可怕的

23. wish v. 但愿;希望

24. probably adv. 或许;可能

25. come on 快点

26. mile n. 英里


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以每一纵行为一组进行竞赛,教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a plane (bus,bike)?”回答:Yes it is.或No,It isn„t.等。哪个组猜对了就给记10分,然后接着往下猜,第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜,最后得分最多的组为优胜。做这个游戏时,还可以找一位学生来主持,由他让学生们猜。















教师从书包中拿出一件东西放入一只不透明的袋子里,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a banana(an apple,orange)?”猜对了为优胜。




教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,请一名学生到前面猜,猜的学生面对全班,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中。猜的学生可以问全班:“Is it a plan(ship,bike)?”等,全班学生答:“Yes.”或“ No.”猜对后可以换另一位学生继续猜。


教师先准备一些单词的图片。如白色的飞机,红色的小汽车,黑色的鞋,绿色的上衣等。游戏开始,请一名学生到前面来猜,猜的学生面对全班站立,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中并说:“This is a plane(car).What colour is it?Please guess.”猜的学生可以问全班:“Is it red (black)?”等,全班学生答:“Yes.”或“No.”猜对后可以换另一位学生继续猜。


这是训练学生记忆力的游戏。教师出示一些实物,放在讲台上,让上来猜的学生先看半分钟,然后背向讲台面向学生站立,再让另一位学生上来取走一样东西。然后说:“Pease guess What is missing?”猜的学生要在10秒钟内用英语把缺的东西说出来。








这个游戏的玩法与“摸鼻子差不多,在学了run,walk,sit,stand,swim,skate,play,football,play, basketboll等动词和动词词组后,教师可快速说出这些动词或词组,学生听到便做动作,最快最准的获胜,这个游戏同样可以用竞赛的形式进行,每组抽一名学生到前面做动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为优胜。






教师事先准备好一批人物的图片,如Mike,Kate等,在图片的反面写上数字,如5,8,11,15等。这个游戏可以每一纵行为一组进行竞赛。由教师或一位学生出示一张图片,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以说:“Is he(she)twelve(eleven)?”等。哪个组的学生猜对了就给该组记10分,然后接着往下猜。第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜。最后哪个组得分最多为优胜。


将全班分成若干个小组,对抗赛在两个小组中进行,在教师宣布游戏开始后,第一组的第一名学生立即出一道加减题,如:Three and four.等,第二组的第一名学生应立即用英文将答案说出来,如:seven,three等,然后,该学生出另一道题,由第一组的第二名学生回答,答错或不能迅速答出的记负分,最后哪组扣分最少优胜。





















4、英语课堂句型对话教学游戏(65-70) 句型对话游戏 (65-70)


这个游戏可训练学生听祈使句并迅速反应的能力。教师可快速说出一些祈使句,如:Touch your head(eye,ear,nose…),Put up your hands. Close your eyes.等,学生听到后便做这一动作,最快最准的获胜。可以用来发出指令发出指令的词句还有: Touch your book(your pen ,the desk…).等,这个游戏也可以用竞赛的形式进行,可将全班分成若干小组,每组抽一名学生,一起到前面做动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为优胜,给该组记10分。然后各组再抽另一名学生到前面来,游戏继续进行。

66、萨姆说(Sam says)

这个游戏在义教中学新教材中叫“Polly says”,玩法与前一个游戏差不多,不同的是教师在发出指令前可以说“Sam says”,则学生做此动作,指令前没有“Sam says”学生则不做此动作,如教师说“touch your nose”,而学生做了摸鼻子的动作,便算错了,要扣分。这个游戏同样可以用竞赛的形式进行,每组抽一名学生,一起到前面做动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为优胜。


教师让猜迷的人到前面来,背对全班,然后让一位学生站起来用英语跟他说一句话。如“Good morning,XXX."猜的学生要根据说话人的声音判断是谁,然后提问:“Is he(she)XXX?全班学生答;Yes.或No.可以规定问题不得超过五个,如果问了五个问题还猜不出来,就算输了。


教师先让第一组猜谜的人到前面来,背对全班,然后让一位学生站起来再坐下,猜的学生转过脸来接受第二组随便哪个学生的提问,如:“Is the one a boy? What row is he(she)in?„ Whatline is he (she) in?‟ colour clothes does he(she)wear?等。如果问了五个问题还猜不出来,就算输了。


这个游戏可由一人出题一人猜,也可以一人出题多人猜,也可将学生编成每组10人的两个组,在两组中间比赛,出题的可以想出任何一样东西,例如一种动物,植物,一种交通工具,或一个人等,把它写在纸上,并将纸扣放在讲台上,猜的学生可以问10个问题,但只能问一般疑问句,如:“Is it an animal?”“ Have it four legs?”等。出题的人只回答:“ Yes”或“No”如果问了10个问题还猜不出来,就算输了。如果采取两组比赛的形式,由一组出题另一组答,则猜的组可以每人轮流问一个问题,出题的组每人轮流答。



心情不好in a bad place

心情很乱pretty dark

极度悲伤feeling messed up


„You‟ve got to find what you love,‟ Jobs says

This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I‟ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That‟s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.” My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents‟ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn‟t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn‟t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn‟t all romantic. I didn‟t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends‟ rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5?? deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn‟t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can‟t capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can‟t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in somethingI found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creationa year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn‟t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs downI still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn‟t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I retuned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple‟s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together. I‟m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn‟t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don‟t lose faith. I‟m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You‟ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven‟t found it yet, keep looking. Don‟t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you‟ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don‟t settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you‟ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I‟ll be dead soon is the most important tool I‟ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everythingthese things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn‟t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor‟s code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you‟d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I‟m fine now.

This was the closest I‟ve been to facing death, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don‟t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life‟s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don‟t waste it living someone else‟s life. Don‟t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people‟s thinking. Don‟t let the noise of other‟s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960‟s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.

Steve Jobs说,你得找出你爱的 (You‟ve got to find what you love.)。

以下是苹果计算机公司与Pixar动画制作室执行长Steve Jobs在2005年六月12日对全体史丹佛大学毕业生的演讲内容。



我在里德学院(Reed college)待了六个月就办休学了。到我退学前,一共休学了十八个月。那么,我为什么休学?



这一点也不浪漫。我没有宿舍,所以我睡在友人家里的地板上,靠着回收可乐空罐的五先令退费买吃的,每个星期天晚上得走七里的路绕过大半个镇去印度教的 Hare Krishna神庙吃顿好料。我喜欢Hare Krishna神庙的好料。追寻我的好奇与直觉,我所驻足的大部分事物,后来看来都成了无价之宝。举例来说:

当时里德学院有着大概是全国最好的书法指导。在整个校园内的每一张海报上,每个抽屉的标签上,都是美丽的手写字。因为我休学了,可以不照正常选课程序来,所以我跑去学书法。我学了serif与san serif字体,学到在不同字母组合间变更字间距,学到活版印刷伟大的地方。书法的美好、历史感与艺术感是科学所无法捕捉的,我觉得那很迷人。




我好运-年轻时就发现自己爱做什么事。我二十岁时,跟Steve Wozniak在我爸妈的车库里开始了苹果计算机的事业。我们拼命工作,苹果计算机在十年间从一间车库里的两个小伙子扩展成了一家员工超过四千人、市价二十亿美金的公司,在那之前一年推出了我们最棒的作品-麦金塔,而我才刚迈入人生的第三十个年头,然后被炒鱿鱼。要怎么让自己创办的公司炒自己鱿鱼?好吧,当苹果计算机成长后,我请了一个我以为他在经营公司上很有才干的家伙来,他在头几年也确实干得不错。可是我们对未来的愿景不同,最后只好分道扬镳,董事会站在他那边,炒了我鱿鱼,公开把我请了出去。曾经是我整个成年生活重心的东西不见了,令我不知所措。

有几个月,我实在不知道要干什么好。我觉得我令企业界的前辈们失望-我把他们交给我的接力棒弄丢了。我见了创办HP的David Packard跟创办Intel的Bob Noyce,跟他们说我很抱歉把事情搞砸得很厉害了。我成了公众的非常负面示范,我甚至想要离开硅谷。但是渐渐的,我发现,我还是喜爱着我做过的事情,在苹果的日子经历的事件没有丝毫改变我爱做的事。我被否定了,可是我还是爱做那些事情,所以我决定从头来过。












在我年轻时,有本神奇的杂志叫做Whole Earth Catalog,当年我们很迷这本杂志。那是一位住在离这不远的Menlo Park的Stewart Brand发行的,他把杂志办得很有诗意。那是1960年代末期,个人计算机跟桌上出版还没发明,所有内容都是打字机、剪刀跟拍立得相机做出来的。杂志内容有点像印在纸上的Google,在Google出现之前35年就有了:理想化,充满新奇工具与神奇的注记。

Stewart跟他的出版团队出了好几期Whole Earth Catalog,然后出了停刊号。当时是1970年代中期,我正是你们现在这个年龄的时候。在停刊号的封底,有张早晨乡间小路的照片,那种你去爬山时会经过的乡间小路。在照片下有行小字:



