


高中学生英语作文 第1篇

What matters most was the process

Watching the sunrise from the seaside has had a fascination for me since childhood, but I’ve never had the chance to fulfill it.This year, my father promised me that he would take me to realize the dream on the first day of the lunar year.Before setting off, I had made full preparation for this special trip.I prepared the camera, some food which we could have during the driving and had a nice sleep too, only to forget to listen to the weather forecast.Next morning, eager to see the sunrise, we got up at 4:30 am.After one-hour driving , we got to the seaside at 6:00 am.Despite the cold weather ,we still braved the wind waiting for this sacred moment.The sky was still dark until this should be the time of the sunrise.My father told me that the man who could see the sunrise was very lucky, especially in such a chill winter morning.On the way home we all felt very disappointed for not seeing the sunrise.But what matters most was the process , the process before we planned to see the sunrise , the process when we drove to the destination, the process when my parents and I together enjoyed a holiday time.Just as someone had said,‘Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful’

Sometimes a little flaw will bring more surprise.

高中学生英语作文 第2篇

he schools and teachers always emphasis the we should be a model student. But what is the definition of model student? This is a question that worth thinking about.

We all believe that a model student is someone that dose everything so well that others would follow it, which means he should take lead in everything we do. First of all, he will plan everything perfectly then do the things according to the plans. He always can find a balance between study and paly. He never leave today’s homework to tomorrow. Second, he will listen very carefully to what the teachers say and help others with their homeworks. He has a high standard of morality and always think about others feeling. He is so excellent that he can always get high marks on his examinations. Last but not least, he should take part in every activity. Such as football, singing and so on. He is not only good at study, but also good at team work cooperations.

Being a model student is not that easy. It takes determination and efforts. If we want to be model students, we should work really hard on it.

高中学生英语作文 第3篇

在现实情况中, 上海高中学生的英语作文的批改有效性整体不高, 原因有二:

一是教师。部分教师对于学生的作文的评价在有效性、及时性与针对性方面有待提高, 一定程度上打击了学生的积极性, 给学生的自我效能感带来负面影响。

二是阅卷方式。随着网上阅卷的逐步推广, 英语考试中作文批阅已经电子化。这提高了阅卷的客观性和效率, 但同时阅卷教师不能对学生的作文进行任何形式的批注或批改, 只能给出一个分数。考试结束后评讲试卷阶段, 学生对于自己文章哪里有错, 怎么改错, 如何提高等几乎无从下手。

2 为什么要强调英语作文批改有效性

2.1 对作文进行批注和评判能对作文的作者带来最直观和实际的反馈。

有利于学生迅速发现自己的不足, 从作文的反馈中找到知识的欠缺, 并根据批注和评语的启发来改进自己的作文。因此, 学生对于作文的批改十分看重, 而且对于有挑战性和一定难度的作文还渴望迅速得到反馈, 有的同学是自我比较, 有的同学是互相比较, 这样, 作文及时批改还间接推动了良好学风的形成。

2.2 对作文进行批注和评判能使教师检验教学效果是否达成, 并间接推动教师的专业成长。

批注和评价学生作文不仅需要教师有耐心、细心, 更需要教师艺术性地运用语言, 同时能否给出有价值的建议, 考验的是教师的专业水准。如果可能, 应提倡教师自己也要写作文。即, 给学生布置了什么作文, 老师也要写什么作文, 这是一些有魄力教师的自我挑战。

2.3 对于作文的批注和评价, 能增进师生的深层次交流, 激发学生对于写作的热情。

因为作文评语的一对一性, 良好的评语是一种有效的师生沟通的途径。同时, 教师真诚而有效评价能激励学生继续写作。

3 如何提升高中英语作文批改的有效性

3.1 策略一制定标准, 规范教师自身的批改行为

3.1.1 使用评分标准

教师须严格使用评分标准, 并将此标准传达给学生。将标准化考试的作文评分标准印发给初学写作的学生, 让学生明确从语言、内容和结构三个方面关注作文的质量。同时, 在每次评讲作文时, 将典型的A、B、C类文章及其分数以匿名的形式发给学生。

3.1.2 使用规范的订正符号体系

教师须制定订正符号体系, 并让全体同学熟悉。可将其印发给学生并要求他们贴在作文本显著位置。下表1为一范例:

3.1.3 撰写评析

教师应通过撰写评析促进学生写作思维的提升。教师容易有这样的想法, 我已经将文章中的错误标明了, 那么就应该完成了批改的任务。事实上, 批改错误只能是纠正语法和结构的问题, 却不能解决思路的问题。而评析能起到反馈思路并指导思路的改进!因此, 评析非常重要, 评语的书写也是需要艺术的。“没人喜欢空洞的赞扬。” (Jeremy Harmer, 2011) 评析可以是英文的, 也可以是中文的。这取决于学生的水平和评析内容本身的难度。

3.2 循序渐进, 规范学生的“写中”与“写后”行为

3.2.1 选择性批改

学生习作批改应有阶段性目标和整体设计, 关注学生的“写中”错误。对于一个班级学生的写作教学, 教师应有整体设计, 并针对学生的实际水平提出阶段化的要求与目标。“订正学生作文的最常见方法恐怕就是标出下划线、删除线、问号以及偶尔出现的勾…但这种密集订正有时会有适得其反的效果。” (Jeremy Harmer, 2011) 选择性批改是指每一次作文批改时, 教师只关注一个方面:如动词时态、标点符号、段落结构、语言风格、文章格式、选词用词等。另外, 应在布置作文题目时就告知学生本次作文写作关注哪个方面。

注:改编自《如何教写作》 (2011) , 邹为诚译) .

对于刚接触英语写作的学生, 选择性批改的顺序是:段落结构 (教会学生搭好文章框架) ;动词时态与数 (教会学生关注常见错误) ;过渡语 (教会学生思考段间与句间逻辑) ;选词用词 (教会学生关注词性与词义辨析) ;句型结构 (教会学生正确合理运用复合句与特殊句型) 。

3.2.2 帮助学生建立查错清单 (错误档案)

学生习作批改应有助于学生的“写后”自省与总结。批改的目的是反馈, 反馈的意义是自省, 自省的作用是改变。教师应通过自己的批改行为, 有意识帮助学生进行反思与改进。建立差错清单是一种有效的途径。简单的查错清单如下:

1) Subject-verb agreement:He likes, not He like…

2) Past simple or Present:I saw him yesterday, not I have seen him yesterday.…


1) The first sentence of each paragraph should introduce the subject/topic of the paragraph.

2) Business letters need formal greetings and“signings-off”.…

3.3 与时俱进, 主动运用信息科技提升批改效率

3.3.1 使用电子文稿进行批改

教师应推广运用电子文稿进行作文批改。这不仅符合当下电子化阅卷方式的要求, 且具有多重优势。使用电子文稿的优点如下:

(1) 学生的作文初稿更易于批改。由于一些学生的手写字迹较差, 甚至有时难以辨认, 会给教师批改带来麻烦。而电子稿能解决这个问题。但是需要和学生明确office的版本。

(2) 教师的批改更易于学生辨认。教师可以使用word中的“批注”功能, 能有效批改学生文章初稿中的错误, 且指向明确。

(3) 学生修改初稿更便捷。如果使用电子文稿, 经教师修改后, 学生可以直接在原电子文档上进行修改, 而不必重新在写一份。

(4) 电子文稿易于展示。因为通常教师在作文评讲课上需要印发一些典型习文, 电子文稿就省去了教师或学生再次输入电脑的麻烦。

(5) 电子文稿更易于积累和保存。如果一个教师比较细心, 那么就能逐步建立一个学生作文库了。

3.3.2 使用公共邮箱

教师应建立公共邮箱, 便于学生提交作文和建立资源库。在与学生接触第一堂课, 教师就应建立公共邮箱, 并且把密码公布出来。公共邮箱的作用有:

(1) 学生可以随时将作文稿件通过电子邮件发送给教师。

(2) 教师可以将修改、批注、评语及时发还给学生。

(3) 每个学生都可以看到其他人的作文, 有利于学生互评和互学。

4 结语

教师的有效批改对学生写作水平的提升至关重要。高中英语教师应严格管理学生的作文, 并且对于学生的作文应当及时批改, 并留下清晰明了、有利于师生有效沟通、并能激发学生学习热情的批语。评语和批注的形式是多样的, 不必拘泥一格。关键在于能让学生能从教师的批注和评语中获得有效信息以及进一步学习的动力。

摘要:高中英语作文批改的有效性是提升学生写作水平的重要保障。批改学生英语作文的方式在有效性、效率及长效性积累方面须进行提升。在互联网时代, 在英语学科网上阅卷正逐步推广的背景下, 尝试结合传统习作批改方式经验与新媒体的便利探索提升学生作文批改有效性是有意义的。



[1]Jeremy Harmer.如何教写作[M].邹为诚, 译.人民邮电出版社, 2011.

[2]党宇飞, 周文涛.中学教师语言与行为艺术[M].湖北教育出版社, 2008.

[3]谢文举.教师语言艺术手册[M].山东大学出版社, 2006.

[4]董杰峰, 朱若真.教师语言艺术[M].辽宁大学出版社, 1987.

[5]马显彬.教师语言学[M].中山大学出版社, 2000.

[6]王凤娟.中学教师评语手册[M].山西教育出版社, 2006.

[7]戈玲玲.教学语用学[M].国防科技大学出版社, 2002.

[8]罗斯等.语言教学中的语用学[M].世界图书出版公司, 2006.

[9]何自然.语用学与英语学习[M].上外教育出版社, 1997.

高中学生英语作文 第4篇












例1:In order to our society, we can’t wait.

例2: How to keep society healthy? The question is many people want to know.





例句:一般表达: A mother carries her little baby. The mother is standing unsteadily. The mother is trying to keep her balance.

修改后: A mother carrying her little baby is standing unsteadily, trying to keep her balance.



例:一般表达: At the same time, all the other passengers pretend not to see such a scene.修改后At the same time, all the other passengers alike are turning a blind eye to such a scene.


例:一般表达:We should strengthen moral education.

修改后: It’s high time that we strengthened moral education.



例:一般表达:We missed the chance to help the mother carrying her little baby only then.

修改后:Only then did we miss the chance to help the mother carrying her little baby.



例:一般表达:When the mother carries her little baby, she tries to keep her balance.

修改后: Carrying her little baby, the mother try to keep her balance.


要使文章保持连贯性,构建出完整的篇章结构,正确运用过渡词表示文中出现的并列、递进或转折关系,以此衔接全文,使文章显得连贯、流畅。比如在这篇书面表达中,叙述递进关系时使用what is more ; in addition ; and等,要表达不同的观点,可以用however; a coin has two side等,使文章顺畅、更地道,也更易,让读者看懂。



[1]黄百安.《高中英语“注重过程写作教学模式”初探》[M] ;北京:《中小学外语教学》.2004. 10

[2] 秦伟. 《高中英语写作中的回避现象》[D];华中师范大学;2003年


最美学生高中英语作文 第5篇


One of the hot topics for those earning the virtuous teen honor was whether to help an elderly person who had fallen. Despite opposition from passers-by, a little girl wearing her hair in a ponytail raised an 85-year-old man from the ground and escorted him to a hospital. She was named “the most beautiful middle school student” by netizens.


On Sept 6, , Guan Zhongpei went home for lunch from school via electric bicycle. On her way home, she found a pasty-faced old man lying by the road with a pained look on his face. A lot of people crowded around, but none of them dared to lend him a hand.


Without a second thought, Guan Zhongpei went to help the old man up. Some of the onlookers reminded her, “Don’t help him up, otherwise you will get yourself into trouble.”


“My family members also need the support from others if they fall down,” said Guan Zhongpei. “And my schoolmates will also offer a helping hand if they encounter such cases.”

学生打工的利弊高中英语作文 第6篇

The Advantage And Disadvantage of Part-time Job.

As students of today have to pay much attention to our lessons and know little of society though its not our fault.A holiday is the best time to make up for that.Taking a part-time job is a good form of social practice.What is learned in books cant have the same deep effect on us as what is learned through experience.In social practice,we can surely make progrein both knowledge and ability.Besides,taking a part-time job,we may get paid more or leto help our family.

Thus,I will say a senior school student should take a part-time job in holidays,if possible ,of course.

There is an ordinary phenomenon nowadays in some countries which is young students are tend to experience the gap year.But the debating for this matter never stops.Some people approval it while the other opposite it.As far as I am concerned,there are actually many merits and demerits of this matter.

The demerits of this matter can be found as the following.The first can be pointed out promptly that the study will be delayed and disadvantaged.When you come back after the gap year,you must start the study with the next class.Furthermore,so alluring is the adult world that youngsters are prone to lose themselves and go astray.

Although there are some risks we must face during the gap year,it must be stressed out the merits of the gap year outweigh the demerits of it.The first merit is it will broaden out horizon.During the gap year,you are doomed to experience many difficulties;thus these will enlarge your vision definitely.The second merit is it will make us accumulate a pool of working experience.Addition to that,it will enable us to cope with the future challenge more effectively.Another key merit is it will enlarge out circle of friends and deepen our insight into life and society.

Though the demerits of gap year can be easily recognized,the merits of it are obviously helpful for the growing of youth.When giving more attention to the demerits of the gap year,the young students can get benefits marginally from the gap year from which the young students will foster sense of independence and life responsibility finally.

学生是否应该带手机高中英语作文 第7篇

I’m a senior three student. I’m writing to tell you my opinion on whether middle school students can go to school with mobile phones. I think they can do that. Because students can stay in touch with their friends and family wherever they are. Besides, the mobile phone is a way to have fun.

However, there are some problems with using mobile phones. The ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in the classroom. Another problem is that some students can spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages.

In conclusion, I suggest students not use phones in the classroom. Also, as it is expensive, the owner should take good care of it

Yours sincerely,

高中学生英语阅读策略培养 第8篇


通过认知策略的培养, 使学生了解并掌握各种学习策略和技巧, 通过认知策略的培养, 使学生养成良好的阅读习惯, 以提高英语学习成绩。Anderson (2003) 提出了三类阅读策略:认知阅读策略、原认知阅读策略和补偿阅读策略。




1. 预测。

预测是成功的阅读者应掌握的重要策略之一。它相当于阅读前的“热身”, 旨在激发读者的阅读兴趣和激活读者的背景知识。

2. 略读。

略读是指读者快速阅读文章, 以了解文章的主旨大意、组织结构和写作意图, 下面几种练习可以训练学生的略读策略。

(1) 读文章标题、篇首段、结尾以及每段的第一句, 选择文章主旨大意。文章首段一定会提示主题, 引出文章的核心问题, 在结尾段作者通常会概括全文的内容, 再次阐述中心思想, 并与篇首段响应, 使读者对文章内容有更清晰的认识。 (2) 学生快速阅读文章, 然后将文章标题与中心思想进行匹配。 (3) 找出段落主题句和关键词。


结构分析可以帮助读者把握作者的思路, 了解作者是怎样将话题、主旨及支持细节串连成一篇连贯的文章的。结构分析包括分析段落与段落之间的关系、段落内部句子之间的关系及语篇标记词。

1. 推断。

阅读理解训练可以在三个层面进行:字面理解, 推断性理解层和评价性理解层。

(1) 推断作者的写作意图或态度。 (2) 推断文中言外之意。 (3) 推测生词意义。

推测是较高层次的认知活动, 它可以锻炼学生逻辑思维能力。教师在阅读教学中应启发学生多动脑。

2. 弄清指代关系。

教师应帮助学生认识指代关系的重要性, 对阅读中遇到的指代, 尤其是容易造成意义混淆的指代要进行重点分析。

3. 概括。

阅读文章后概括文章主旨有助于学生更好地理解和记忆文章内容。写概要是较高层次的策略, 它需要学生区分文章主题、主要信息和关键词, 并能用自己的话客观准确地加以概括。


本文有针对性地讲了以上几种重要的阅读策略。策略不是万能的, 它虽能促进阅读理解, 但不能代替学生对基本知识的学习。再者, “仅仅知道策略远远不够, 读者必须能够有效地运用策略” (Grabe&st oller, 2005) 。教师应根据教学实行设计阅读练习, 将阅读策略训练与阅读教学有机地结合起来。

摘要:本文分析了阅读策略的特点和实质, 并探讨了通过练习培养学生阅读策略的途径, 以提高学生的英语学习成绩。



[1]Anderson, N.J.2003.Act ive Skills for reading Book I[M].Beijing For-eign Language Teaching and Research Press.
