




Lesson 1 1.Hello!Hi!你好!

2.Good morning!Morning!早上好! 3.Wow!哇哦! Lesson 2 —Some cake?吃些蛋糕?

—No!No!不!不! Lesson 3 —Look ,it’s a frog!看,一只青蛙!

—Yes,it is.是的。 Lesson 4 1. Look at my kite!看我的风筝! 2. It’s the letter K.它是字母K。 Lesson 5 1. Please read after me!请跟我读! 2. I can see you!我能看见你! Lesson 6 1.—What is it?它是什么?

—It’s the letter Oo.这是字母o. 2.Stand up!起立! 3.Sit down!坐下! 4.Come here.过来。 5.Go back.回去。

6.Run to the window.跑向窗户。 7.Hop to the door.单脚跳向门 Lesson 7 1.—Look!What are they?看!它们是什么? —They’re rabbits.它们是小兔子。 2.—What are they doing?它们正在干什么?

—They’re making the letter Rr.它们在编排字母Rr。 Lesson 8 —Aa is for apple. Lesson 9

—Colour it bulegreenyellow.把它涂成蓝色绿色黄色。 Lesson 10

—Please find Aa.请找到Aa.

—This is Aa.这是Aa. Lesson 11 1. Hello !This is Liping.你好,这是李平。 2. Hi!Glad to meet you!你好!见到你很高兴。 Lesson 12 1.—What is red?什么是红色的?

—The car is red.这个汽车是红色的。 2.—What is black?什么是黑色的?

—The cat is black.这只猫是黑色的。 Lesson 13 1.—Which is a school?哪个是学校?

—This is a school.这个是学校。

2.—Where is the bookshop?书店在哪儿?

—It’s here.它在这儿。 Lesson 14

1.—How many lions can you see?你能看见多少只狮子?

—I can see two.我能看见两只。

2.—How many pandas are there?有多少只熊猫?

—There are six.有六只。 Lesson 15 1. Give me a P!给我一个P! 2. Give me another E!给我另一个E! 3. What have you got?你有什么? Lesson 16 Happy New Year!新年快乐!


一. 开场

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to Lucy English. Now let me introduce myself first. My name is Lucy, my Chinese name is Ge Rile, and I’ve been teaching kids English for about ten years. And for today, I hope we can have a wonderful time together. Now, let’s begin today’s class. Thank you.

二. Greeting: 1.Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! My name is Lucy. So, I say: Hello, everyone.

You say: Hello, Lucy. Let’s have a try: Hello, everyone. (Hello, Lucy.) 2.(对每一个学生单独打招呼) Hello,XXX. (Hello, Lucy.)

(奖励给每个对话的学生一个sticker: Good job! A sticker for you!) 3. 今天谁得的sticker最多,就可以到Lucy这儿换奖品哦~

Hello, everyone!

(Hello, Lucy)


Now, everybody, stand up! Let’s do a chant! (让学生排成一排)Stand in a row! (老师站到侧面) Face to Lucy. (挨个纠正) “Walking, walking, ready? Go !” “Walking, walking, walking, walking Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop Running ,running, running, running, running, running Now let’s stop! Now, let’s stop!”

(第一遍,慢!第二遍,稍快!第三遍,自由发挥!) Well done! Very good, everyone! (对一个学生打招呼,并给sticker)

Hello, XXX. (Hello, Lucy) Good! A sticker for you! Go back to your seat!

四. 字母Aa 1.“ABC Song”

大家都听过字母歌(Alphabet Song)

Today we are going to learn a letter. 老师拿出Aa的字母卡。

Follow me: A-A-A

2. Let’s write the capital A.

Look at me: (老师做straight line的动作) straight line的动作。Straight line! Straight line!

One straight line, two straight lines, three straight lines.

Show me your fingers.

Show me your feet.

Stand up! Show me your heap!

Let’s write the small A.


Look at me: (老师做曲线的动作) curved line! Curved line!

One curved line! Two curved lines!

Show me your fingers.

Show me your feet.

Stand up! Show me your heap!

3. Action(做动作)

字母A长成什么样子呢? Let’s make a letter A with our body!


4. Sound

Now, everybody listen! (老师发出各种声音) Sound!

What sound does letter A make?

Letter A, letter A, what sound do you make?

I make … sound.

Oh, I see.

Letter A makes … sound!

5. 字母操

Everybody stand up! Let’s do the action!

A A A ……

6. 单词



五. New words: elephant, monkey (做动作,发出声音)嘀哒,嘀哒,铃铃铃~ It’s words time!

Today, we are going to learn 3 new words.

(一) elephant 1.(拿出一个魔法棒)This is a magic stick! ABRACADABRA! CAT!(指向自己)I am a cat! Miao… ABRACADABRA! DOG! (指向自己) I’m a dog! Woof ABRACADABRA! DUCK!(指向自己) I’m a duck! Quack

2.ABRACADABR! Jack! (指向自己)(做动作) I am an animal. I am big.

I have a long long nose. I have two big ears. I have four strong legs. I have a short short tail. Who am I?

3.(老师把zoo的教具拿出来) This is a zoo. 这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么? (请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)

4. Follow me: elephant! Elephant!


6. Together: elephant

7. Do you like elephant? 你们喜欢大象吗?


那我们就可以说: I like elephants.


8. Look at me: I like elephants. (老师边说边做动作)

9. Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10. 老师再次拿出卡片: What’s this? Elephant!


Let’s play a game.


Look at me! This is the card. I say: ready? Go! You do like this. (学大象) and turn around, and round and round(转三圈). And you run to the card and pat the card. And say: Elephant!

(二) monkey 1. ABRACADABRA! (指向自己)

I am an animal.

I have a long tail.

I like bananas and apples.

I like climbing the tree.

I like jumping and running.

Who am I?

2.(老师把zoo的教具拿出来) This is a zoo. 这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么? (请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)

4. Follow me: monkey! monkey


6. Together: monkey

7. Do you like monkeys? 你们喜欢大象吗?


那我们就可以说: I like monkeys.


8. Look at me: I like monkeys. (老师边说边做动作)

9. Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10. 老师再次拿出卡片: What’s this? monkey!


Let’s play a game.


Look at me! This is the card. I say: ready? Go! You do like this. (学大象) and turn around, and round and round(转三圈). And you run to the card and pat the card. And say: monkey!

(四)Review 1. Flash Cards: What’s this? … (给最先说的学生sticker) 2. I do the action, you say the word. (老师做动作,学生猜单词,先说的给sticker)

六. Game It’s game time! Let’s play the game! 1. Pat the cards: (老师把三张卡片放在地上排好) Listen! (点三个同学的名字) Come here! Stand in a line! I say : mother! Ready, go!

You run to “mother” and pat the card. Say: mother? Do you understand? Let’s have a try! …

Who is the winner? XXX is the winner! Together: Winner! Winner! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! (A sticker for you!)

2. I am a monster. I like to eat animals. Everybody stand up! ……

七. Goodbye Song: It’s time to say goodbye now! Stand up! Let’s sing a song!

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye everyone! La la la , la la la, goodbye everyone!




Unit1 Greetings

ⅠTeaching aims and demands



3,是学生能初步掌握本单元中出现的几个单词的短语 ⅡExpressions in communication 1,Good morning!/Morning! 2,Say hello to Teddy Bear! 3,Hello!Hi!

ⅢKey words and expressions

Hello,moring,Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear ⅣMaterials for teaching

Some pictures about animals or toys Lesson1

Step1 Self-introudutions

Ok.From now on,I will be your English teacher.I am___。Please read after me! Step 2 Say requests

(具体要求具体制定) Step 3 Something about beginning the class

How are you today ? → I am fine, thank you, how are you or and you>

注:点名时说:I am here. Step 4 Teach orders

(1) Clap your hands, one two three

Stamp your feet, one two three

(2) Are you ready?

Go! Go !Go! (3) Nod your head,

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Shake your head,

No! No! No!

Step 5

Giving names Step 6


Drawing some pictures about the three tines of the day to teach (Good morning!/Morning! Good afternoon! Hello! Hi!Good evening!) At last using the names to practice the greetings. Step 7 Homework

抄写自己的名字每个三排每排五个,用英语和父母打招呼。 Lesson2

Step1 Review the greetings Step 2 mew words

Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear

Step 3 mew sentences

Say hello to Teddy Bear

Step 4 let us chant and sing

Listen to the tape and chang or sing after the tape,using the pictures to remember the chant. Step 5



Unit8 Play and score ⅠTeaching aims and demands 1,使学生进一步巩固和复习前面所学的字母


3,进行一次有关字母的综合复习 ⅡExpressions in communication 1, Aa is for apple 2, What is behind the clouds? 3, The rabbit is behind the cloulds Ⅲ Expressions in communication Umbrella vest window watermelon Lesson 1

Step1 Greetings Step 2 Leading out this unit of using the questions Boys and Girls, when you come to our school, what present have you got?(伞)You know this in Chinese ,but who can tell me how to say this in English? So, today let us learn unit 8 play and score. Step 3 new letters( Uu Vv Ww) 1,Now listen carefully, let us see who can catch the sound of the word quicky, T say the letter slowy and write the big letteron the blackboard. At last teaching how to say and how to write. 2,Now let us see this letter. It is the letter Vv. T using different sound to say the letter. 3, Look I have got one more letter for you today. This is the letter W. Listen W ,then teaching how to say and write? Steop 4 new words Umbrella vest window watermelon

Using the letters to leading out the words Step 5 writing

Writing the letters in book. Step 6 draw and colour 运用引导的语气说:“U is for 、、、、,Yes, umbrella. Ok, who can draw an umbrella on the blackboard? W is for、、、、Yes, window. Who want to have a try and draw a window on the blankboard? V is for、、、、,Yes, vest. Who want to have a try and draw a vest on the blankboard? Please look at part 6,draw and colour. Step 7 Homework 每个字母三排每排五个等。 Lesson2 Step1 Review the letters and words Step2 Listen point and say This is a game. T let the Ss to become two teams, Team one say the letters or the wors one by one. Team two say the letters from w to a. Let us see which team is the winner., Then, we can play the match with two students as a group. At last, listehn to the tape and point the letter. Step3 new sentences 1,Aa is for apple First, T leading to the Ss to read the letters and the words together, then match. Two Ss as a group, according to the letters to say the words. Two teams make the match, to see which team is the best.

2, What is behind the clouds? The rabbit is behind the cloulds

Look at part 3 let us guess .From left to right. Let us see what is behind the clouds? First, T ask from the left to right. Ss answer .At last, T can ask T1 ask T2 or T2 ask T1.Then ask them to write the words in their books. Step 4 Game (1)T say A ,Ss say B. And so on Step 5 Homework (自定) Lesson3 Step1 Review Step 2 sing

First, lead to the Ss to read part5 together, Second, listen to the tape and sing zfter it Third, learn the song. Step3 match to sing the song (1) Boys sing (2) Girls sing (3) Sing together Step 4 let us piay First, T takes the pictures and put it on the blackboard, then put a thing to fill in the things in front of the classromm ,let the Ss to far from a place ,let the thing to the box, if you can put the things in the box ,you can take a word on the blackboard and say it. Step 5 Homework (自定)


Unit 1 Greetings

Unit 2 Beginning sounds Unit3 Dog, elephant, fish Unit4 Find the hidden Unit5 The falling letters. 词汇宝藏


喂,你好 hi

嗨 morning

早上 good

好 monkey

猴子 panda

熊猫 dog

狗 cat

Teddy bear 泰迪熊 句子对对碰



你好! --Hello!



嗨! --Hi!


--Good morning!早上好! --Good morning!早上好!


早上好! --Morning.

早上好! Say hello to…和…打招呼



apple 香蕉

banana 竹子

bamboo 蛋糕

cake 糖果

candy 熊

bear 一些

some 不

no 请

please 嘿

hey 句子对对碰

1、向别人要东西要礼貌的加上please. A banana, please! 请给我一个香蕉。 Some cakes,please! 请给我些蛋糕。

2、询问别人是否要什么时,用升调读上面句子。 Some cake? 要一些蛋糕么? Yes, please. 好的,谢谢。 No,thank you. 不,谢谢。

and giraffe. 词汇宝藏


duck 大象

elephant 鱼

fish 青蛙

frog 女孩

girl 长颈鹿

giraffe 欢迎

welcome 儿童(复数)children 世界

world 句子对对碰

1、在动物园,看到小动物会怎么说呢? Look! It’s a frog.

看,它是一只青蛙。 It’s an elephant。 它是一头大象。 Yes, it.is.


2、怎么招呼客人呢? Hello!welcome! 你好!欢迎! Have fun! 玩的开心点! I will! 我会的! letters. 词汇宝藏


house 马

horse 母鸡

hen 冰



ice cream 夹克衫

jacket 风筝

kite 树

tree 蜜蜂

bee 字母

letter 看

look 句子对对碰 Look at my kite! 看我的风筝! It’s the letter K. 它是字母K. A cat in the tree. 一只小猫在树上。



lemon 台灯

lamp 芒果

mango 桔子

orange 菠萝

pineapple 西瓜

watermelon 鼻子

nose 能够

can 看见

see 句子对对碰

This is the letter L . 这是字母L。 I can see a lemon. 我能看见一个柠檬。 Please read after me. 请跟我读。 我来做总结


Unit6 Fun with letters. 词汇宝藏


plane Unit7 Animal fun. 词汇宝藏


rabbit Unit8 Play and score. 词汇宝藏


umbrella Unit9 Write and colour the letters. 词汇宝藏

Unit10 Let’s learn the alphabet. 词汇宝藏


pen 女王

queen 气球

balloon 家

home 桌子

table 窗户

window 门

door 起立

stand up 坐下

sit down 到这里来

come here 回去

go back 句子对对碰


What is it? 他是什么?

It’s the letter Q. 它是字母Q。

2、你能发出这些指令么 Stand up. 起立。 Sit down. 坐下。

Come here. 到这儿来。 Go back. 回去。

Run to the window. 跑向窗户。

Hop to the door. 单腿跳向门。

snake 尺子

ruler 海龟

turtle 太阳

sun 茶

tea 制作

make 他们

they 寻找

look for 句子对对碰

What are they? 它们是什么? They are turtles. 它们是海龟。 Rr is for rabbit.

R是兔子的首写字母。 What are they doing? 它们在干什么?

They are making letter Rr. 它们在制作字母R。

Look for the hidden animals. 把隐藏的字母找出来。


vest 窗户

window 蚂蚁

ant 果汁

juice 在。。。后面

behind 云彩

cloud 我们来归类

同学们,我们已经学了20个字母了,今天我们把我们学过的单词按照含有相同开头字母的方法归下类吧!如: Aa:apple,ant,Amy…


colour 蓝色

blue 绿色

green 黄色

yellow 粉色

pink 红色

red 黑色

black 狐狸

fox 悠悠球

yo-yo 斑马

zebra 铅笔

pencil 老鼠mice(复)mouse(单)颜料

paint 猪

pig 刷子

brush 橡皮

eraser 尺子

ruler 句子对对碰

Colour it blue. 把它涂成蓝色。 I can read ABC. 我能读ABC


arm 动物

animal 自行车

bike 书

book 公交车

bus 鸟

bird 小汽车

car 帽子

cap 奶牛

cow 课桌

desk 门

door 找到

find 玩

play 游戏

game 小的

small 句子对对碰

This is the small letter f. 这是小写字母f。 Come here quickly. 快点到这来。 Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。 Please find A. 请找到A。 This is A. 这就是A。

Unit11 Meeting new Unit12What is red and Unit13 Which and where Unit14 how many Unit 15 Word cheer game friends. 词汇宝藏


glad 见面

meet 下午

afternoon 傍晚

evening 谁

who 你

you 他

he 她

she 句子对对碰

Good morning. 早上好。

Good afternoon. 下午好。 Good evening. 晚上好。

Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Who is he? 他是谁? He is Bill. 他是比尔。 Who is she? 她是谁? She is Sue. 她是苏。

This is Zhang Fan. 这是张帆。

what is black? 词汇宝藏


red 黑色的

black 橙色的

orange 白色的

white 果汁

juice 绵羊

sheep 花

flower 一些东西

something 圆圈

circle 句子对对碰

Show me something red. 给我看些红色的。 This is red. 这是红色的。

Stand in a yellow circle. 站在黄色的圈里。 What is white? 什么是白色的? The sheep is white. 绵羊是白色的。 A white sheep.


The car and horse are orange. 汽车和马是橙色的。 An orange car and horse.



which 在哪里

where 公园

park 农场

farm 花园



kindergarten 商店



bookshop 公共汽车站 bus stop 教室

classroom 海洋

sea 海滨

beach 街道



playground 句子对对碰

农场在哪里? Where is the farm? 在这儿。 It is here.


Which is the school? 这是一所学校。 This is the school.


white 果汁

juice 绵羊




sheep 狮子



crocodile 山羊

goat 一

one 二

two 三

three 四

four 五

five 六

six 七

seven 八

eight 九

nine 十

ten 句子对对碰


How many pandas are there? 有六只。 There are six. 你能看见几只狮子? How mangy lions can you see?

我能看见3只。 I can see three。


give 押韵

rhyme 有

have got 单词

word 蜘蛛

spider 排水管

spout 雨

rain 向上爬

climb up



Who can rhyme the word Bill?

是的,我可以!Bill. Yes!B-i-l-l. 儿歌歌词 Incy wincy蜘蛛 爬到水管上 下雨喽 冲出了蜘蛛 太阳出来了 把雨水晒干了 Incy wincy蜘蛛 又爬上来了

Unit16 happy new year Unit16 happy new year Unit13 Which and where Unit14 how many Unit 15 Word cheer game 词汇宝藏


new year 玩具车

toy car 礼物

present 快乐的

happy 洋娃娃

doll 镜子

mirror 手表

watch 骑自行车

go bike-riding 游泳

go swimming 滑冰

go skating 看电视

watch TV 玩电脑游戏

play computer games 句子对对碰

你在新年那天喜欢做什么? What do you like to do on New Year’s Day? 我喜欢骑自行车。 I like to go bike-riding. 新年快乐!

Happy new year!



new year 玩具车

toy car 礼物

present 快乐的

happy 洋娃娃

doll 镜子

mirror 手表



go bike-riding 游泳

go swimming 滑冰

go skating 看电视

watch TV 玩电脑游戏

play computer games 句子对对碰

你在新年那天喜欢做什么? What do you like to do on New Year’s Day? 我喜欢骑自行车。 I like to go bike-riding. 新年快乐!

Happy new year!



which 在哪里

where 公园

park 农场

farm 花园



kindergarten 商店



bookshop 公共汽车站 bus stop 教室

classroom 海洋

sea 海滨

beach 街道



playground 句子对对碰

农场在哪里? Where is the farm? 在这儿。 It is here.


Which is the school? 这是一所学校。 This is the school.



sheep 狮子



crocodile 山羊

goat 一

one 二

two 三

three 四

four 五

five 六

six 七

seven 八

eight 九

nine 十

ten 句子对对碰


How many pandas are there? 有六只。 There are six. 你能看见几只狮子? How mangy lions can you see?

我能看见3只。 I can see three。


give 押韵

rhyme 有

have got 单词

word 蜘蛛

spider 排水管

spout 雨

rain 向上爬

climb up



Who can rhyme the word Bill?

是的,我可以!Bill. Yes!B-i-l-l. 儿歌歌词 Incy wincy蜘蛛 爬到水管上 下雨喽 冲出了蜘蛛 太阳出来了 把雨水晒干了 Incy wincy蜘蛛 又爬上来了


剑桥少儿英语预备级上教案 Unit 2 Beginning sounds


本单元通过学习几个常用的单词来学习英语的前三个字母,Aa,Bb,Cc 让学生初步接触一下英语,包括英语的语音和语调。



An apple, please! Some cake? No! No!


Amy, apple, banana, bamboo, cake, cat, Cathy, candy




教师首先拿出一个苹果对学生说:“Hello, look here. This is an apple. Apple, apple. It’s an apple.”教师在说这个单词和句子时主义放慢语速,同时,要变换一下音调。教师同时强调一下发音的部位。“Amy is eating an apple. Amy is eating an apple. Look! I have many red apples. You can come here an say ’An apple, please!’ I can give you an apple, Who wants to come here and try?”教师从手中拿出事先用红纸剪好的苹果给那些想要的学生。如果学生多的话,教师可以让三四个同学到前面来代替教师的位置,发苹果。发完苹果后,教师对学生说:“Amy is eating an apple, Do you like to eat apples?(做假装吃苹果的动作)Yes, I do. Yes, I do.”教师切一小块苹果放在嘴里,边吃边说:“Yummy.”然后问一个学生:“Do you like to eat apples?”如果学生回答正确,教师要给小孩一点苹果吃。接着,教师可以用类似的方法练习香蕉及蛋糕等。

单元教学活动1 Listen. Point and sing. 教师可以让学生一边听歌一边指苹果、香蕉和蛋糕。指的时候,教师告诉学生先指苹果,并按照上面所标的数字由小到大,速度也可以由慢变快。如果大家熟悉了歌曲的音调,教师还可以让学生自己指歌词唱,并变换速度。

单元教学活动2 Listen, point copy and say. 教师可以通过图片来组织学生学习这些单词。特别是教字母Aa时,教师有有意识地将Amy与apple这个音区别开。同时要用图片强化学生们的记忆。教Bb和Cc字母时应注意Cc字母的单个发音/k/,教师要强调学生的模仿及跟读。

单元教学活动3 Match the beginning letters 教师可以事先用图片让学生做看图说英文的联系。然后,教师将图贴在黑板上,并将事先准备好的单词卡放在讲台桌上。教师说:“Look! We have many pictures here. This is an apple. Please find the word here and put the word under the picture..”说完后,让学生挑出与图相配的词并贴在图的下面。最再进行人读的练习。集体做完之后,教师让学生打开书并进行该题的连线。

单元教学活动4 Write the beginning letters and colour the sounds. 该教学活动的目的是让学生练习刚刚学习的字母。比如apple,学生先将a写在按箭头走的圆圈红,共写5个a。然后,学生可以将这些圆圈涂成红颜色。其他的单词,如banana,cat,cake也是如此。学生要分别将b、c写在相应的圆圈内,并将b字母圈涂成黄色,c字母圈涂成蓝色。

单元教学活动5 Listen, sing, copy and draw. 该活动的目的是让学生练习书写。教师可以先在黑板上做示范书写,然后,让七八个同学或者两个组的同学到黑板上来进行书写练习。人数的多少根据黑板前的空间来决定。教师根据学生的书写进行适当的点评,然后,再让大家在教材上描写歌词。在该题中,每个小图标旁还有一点空白地,目的是让学生们在旁边也画一个该图,进一步加深印象。画完画之后,教师可以带领学生一起唱出这首歌曲,如:

Aa Bb Cc. Aa Bb Cc. Apple and banana. Cat and Cathy. Aa Bb Cc. Aa Bb Cc. Amy and bamboo. Cake and candy.

单元教学活动6 Spell the words。 该教学活动是一个动手的活动。学生要根据所给的图和拼写时需要的字母,将他们按单词顺序依次写在该图下面的方框中。由于后面的字母还未学到,所以教师可以提醒大家参看单元教学活动3中图下面的拼写来完成该项任务。教师可以给学生提一个要求,然后看哪个学生完成得最快。如果课堂教学的时间不够的话,教师还可以将该活动布置为家庭作业,等下次上课时再检查结果。




你可以在英语网站上搜索到你想要的字母涂色或相关图片。你键入,然后键入the alphabet activity即可。



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