




TED—Why We Are Happy 观后感


Doctor发现——Happiness can be synthesized 。很多人都认为natural happiness和synthesized happiness中明显后者是次等品,因为前者是我们得到了自己本来就很渴望的事物,而后者是带着笑容面具接受并不使自己十分满意的事物。表面上看,或许natural happiness更胜一筹,但研究表明,synthesized happiness往往更加持久有效。


Adam Smith(现代资本主义之父)曾说——人生中的悲剧与无序之源,似乎都来自于人们过高地评估某种时局,诚然,某些时局趋势高于人们的追求,但是,不管这种追求有多大的合理性,我们都不可能因为这种痴情的追求而打破谨慎公正的法则,亦或我们未来的心(The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life seems to arise from overrating the difference between one permanent situation and another. Some of these situations may,no doubt ,deserve to be preferred to others, but none of them can deserve to be pursued with that passionate ardor which drives us to violate the rules either of prudence or of justice , or to corrupt the future tranquility of our minds)。生活中去是存在某些事物比某些事物更有价值,我们也确实应该追求价值更高的事物,但如果我们过分地看重这两种事物之间的区别而过分地追逐我们想要的东西的时候,很可能会因为忽略初心而变得盲目,甚至是牺牲真正有价值的东西而被畏惧所控制,从而变得谨小慎微、患得患失,当这种畏惧积累膨胀时,我们就能会变得或者鲁莽大意,或者单小如鼠。当我们不是无节制的追求,我们反而可以生活得很快乐,我们可以通过选择,或者自己产生出自己不断追求的目标。


TED演讲素材之------1,为什么我停止观看A片?(英文演讲稿) 讲师:Ran Gavrieli 编辑制作:wikiejoo@163.com 仅供学习参考

I stopped watching porn for two reasons basically. The first one was that porn brought so much anger and violence into my private fantasies. These were anger and violence that were not there originally to begin with, and I did not want it for me anymore. This was not me , and I decided to just put an end to it. Easier said than done--I got it later about. The second reason was that I came to realize that only by watching porn I take part in creating a demand for filmed prostitution. Because that’s what porn really is: filmed prostitution.

Porn stands for prostitute; graphic stands for documentation. And prostitution was nobody’s childhood dream; it is always a result of trouble and distress. Now, I became aware of that gradually, when I was volunteering with men and women in prostitution, some of them victims of human traffic, serving aid in brothels, under the bridge and street corners. You don’t really need to do all that in order to understand how this mechanism of porn and prostitution works. Because porn is a genre it’s not about erotica or healthy sexual communication. It is all about male domination of women, sub-ordinance of women. Not only the sexual practice, but as a way of being, as a genderhierarchy in this world.

If we were to ask porn, how does it define something as sexual? What qualifies, what defines something as sexual? Porn would laugh in our face. What defines sexual? Whatever men find arousing----men find it arousing to choke a woman, to have a brutal sex without one touch, hug, kiss, tender caress. Well then it is sexual. It arouses men to see a woman or child cry, it is sexual. It arouses men to rape a woman; well, then it is sexual. In every mainstream porn gallery on the web, we can find the rape category side by side with the humiliation category, abuse category, crime category and so on. This is all as if this regular porn is not already filled with these motives. Even in its mildest version, the mildest version of porn, what porn is showing us like, 80%, maybe 90% of the time is actually sex with no hands involved. This is not how we authentically desire. Sorry, I’ll repeat that, i see your look. Sex with no hands involved. Okay? If you and I are not going to give up watching porn, the next thing you do watch you just notice that porn cameras have no interest in capturing any normal sexual activities such as petting, caressing, making out, touching, hugging, kissing. No. What porn cameras are into is the penetration. So normally the composition will be a man and a woman, hopefully just one, okay.So, one man and one woman. His penis is inside her. Don’t be picky. It doesn’t matter where inside. Somewhere inside. His penis is somewhere inside her, okay? And in order not to block the camera for doing this extreme close up on the penetration, he’s standing with his hands behind his back most of the time. And the woman is in this --uncomfortable position and she need to handle the penis inside her without damaging the hair or makeup or look down on her because that’s money invested and time invested in her. Without disturbing his aggressive movement and mainly without blocking the cameras, so the result is that we got two people having sex different shapes and acrobatics or something. But they’re having sex when the only body parts that actually touch each other are the penis and the part being penetrated. No hands involved. Now I talked, I don’t know, 250-300 times a year, soldiers, students, pupils.No one had ever come up to me and say, “Ran, you know that part with sex with no hands thing that was my authentic desire, like when I was 11 or 12, I never wanted to kiss or touch anybody. I was not curious about that. It was all the penetration to begin with.” No one had ever said that-before porn. After porn. In my private fantasies before watching porn, there was always a very strong narrative and the narrative was of sensuality and mutuality which means that I had always imagined what I would say to her? What would she possibly answer? What options do I have to respond? In real life it never works like I planned, but it was super important in my mind in term of arousal, the build-up, the location, the setting, where will it? What are the circumstances of me and her being alone? How will this bodily flaming between us will emerge step by step? It was super important, before porn. After making a habit out of porn, it conquers your mind and it invades your brain. And I lost my ability to imagine. Which means I found myself and I won’t be too explicit, but trying to masturbate, just closing my eyes , trying to fantasize desperately about something human and not making it because my head was bombarded with all of those images of women being violated and subordinated and forced into pretending they enjoyed diabolic sperm rituals, okay? So, this is pretty much the result. And we are all vulnerable to pornography. It’s not just young people and we should be very careful, I think, with not only what we put into our bodies in terms of food and nutrition, but with the nutrition of our mind. Because everything we watch invades us. I’ll give you a short example from non-sexual areas. I came the other night, I came back home and my beloved one was watching some cultural junk. She was watching a karaoke show audition, the one with chairs spinning. We don’t have a TV set back home, but only because it allows us to falsely present ourselves as deep and profound people. I’ve never heard of that. Master Tommy who? Angeline? We watch every cultural junk possible, okay? Not me, not her, we don’t contemplate about existence. We download stuff. And we download all cultural junk. So I am watching this 20 minutes karaoke show. It was so boring and tedious. Two minutes talking, for minutes blabbering. I lost patience after 20 minutes and I went off to take a shower and the most interesting part was in the shower. Because what I found out there was myself in my most pathetic state ever. I’m going to share it with you. I want to feel that you accept and love me, so l have to share my most pathetic moment and you have to accept it now. I don’t know until I got over myself if it took me five, seven, ten minutes to realize that I am standing under the water in the shower pondering severely what would’ve been my song for the audition? Deep and profound, mind you. I won’t be doing this Rihanna or Lady Gaga’s. I will be doing Mercedes Sosa’s Como UnPajaroLibre. I’ll be doing a cover for Bon Dylan’s Blind Willie McTell. Ain’t that deep and profound? I had to realize that I’m an idiot because I have no talent for music. More than that, I never wanted to be neither a musician nor a singer or songwriter. This was never a part of my inner world of wishes, okay? But I’m a human being. What can I do? I was watching that for 20 minutes. It entered my brain for a while. So if we take this example and we just try to estimate the impact of 20 minutes of watching no matter what, how it invades our mind and conquers our wanting’s and desires. Let’s just try to imagine or I can share it with you orally what is the impact of 20 minutes of watching porn once or twice a week, nothing unmoderated? It’s overtaking. Porn is in out household, whether we want it or not and I believe that it does agree with out well-being. Because we have internet in the western world over the place almost in every cellular phone now, we’ve got 90% of 12 years-old watching porn on a regular basis. It has both an addictive effect and a paralyzing effect. It’s addictive, because it develops somewhat of a dependency on porn. Paralyzing part is because, mainly for young boys and men, porn is teaching us that as a man you are solely valued in sex by having a large penis and an eternal erection. According to porn, being a valuable sexual partner does not relate with being sexual, passionate, attentive, generous, well-coordinated. None of the above. It is all about large penis and eternal sunshine, which we don’t possess so boys become paralyzed.

If they don’t become paralyzed by watching porn, very often they turn into imitators of what they saw, which means they become aggressors. Aggressors, even when emotion is involved. There is so much sexual abuse going on nowadays within the confines of what we perceive from the outside as beautiful teenage love stories, or healthy adult relationships. Because we don’t really talk about sex, we just see it all over the place; we don’t really talk about it. So, what goes on in the confines of certain room, but these are all sexual mutations that happen. If we talk about women, it’s not only that, but young girls and women get the message not only from hardcore porn but from a porn influenced main stream culture.

Have you seen any Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga video clips or commercials?That’s porn with clothes on. So girls get this notion that if you want to be worthy of love, first and foremost you have to be worthy of sexual desire. And now, the definition of sexual desire almost equals: be like a porn star. I work in dozens and dozens of high schools and junior highs. In every single one of these schools I find girls that at a certain point agreed to be documented in an intimate situation because they wanted to please some guy that they had feelings for. This guy misappropriated their trust. Always the same story. So he sells it on WhatsApp application or on the web, on the internet. Normally nobody even addresses him in terms of moral. But it is always girls that suffer from shaming and mortification. They can change the school, they drop out normally. Change city, move to another city and still be haunted on social networks. They develop clinical depressions, severe eating disorders, as if we don’t have enough reasons in our culture to develop eating disorders. They become so isolated socially. So some of them like Amanda Todd, rest in peace, some of them actually commit suicide, becausethey find no more value in life or in themselves.

So, porn is not only in our house. It is a capital case. It is not a minor phenomenon in our society. It is a question of life and death sometimes. It is mainly a question of life and death for the people who participate in porn, because porn id not an embodiment of freedom of speech, freedom of occupation, blah-blah. No, it’s an embodiment of sex-exploitation, working side-by-side with human traffic, raping, pimping, and solicitation.

For every one porn star with a book contract of a production company, we’ve got hundreds of thousands of women and girls who do not survive out there. Literally, they just don’t make it. The sex industry just chews them up and spits them back into brothels, into hooking in the street, escorting, massage parlors, with happy or unhappy ending depends who you ask. I am not joking. This is the whole spectrum of prostitution. So, many of them do not even make it to the age of 50. I am talking about countries that the life expectancy is at 75, 76 years now. They don’t make it to the age of 50, four reasons mainly: Drugs, STD---Sexually Transmitted Diseases, being murdered by a john, a boyfriend and the fourth reason is suicide once again.

Because if you are a prostitute, on camera or off camera, you are in the situation that can we refer to as social death. We have all sat on the dinner table with people who probably consumed prostitution that have been to a brothel once, twice at least. We never sit down to the table with a prostitute, not with a declared one. That’s social death. It is not glamorous. Not at all. When I sit in the privacy of my room and watch porn, even without paying, no need to pay, it’s free. I hope you know that, if you’re still consuming. Whatever I am watching is creating a demand. Wherever there is a demand, there will be a supply. There is a correlation. If I watch pornography of black, older women, somebody is going to go out and pimp black older women. Asian minors? Somebody is already trafficking Asian minors in order to film them. Israeli women, Palestinian women, WASP, all American college girls. It’s a strong in the last few years. It’s a very upcoming category. The scum of the Earth are already out there trying to solicit and prostitute these women on camera. I stopped watching porn for my personal well-being, my intimate communication, my private erotic life, reclaiming control and responsibility over my mind. But by doing that, I actually stopped contributing to this horrible sex industry. That’s a good thing to do, I believe.

I would really like to propose that notion of physically and emotionally-safe sex. It does not mean going back to be conservative or unliberated sexually. I am all for sexual freedom. It just means that we need to put gender hierarchy aside, subordinance aside. And bring back in, let’s just say, laughter as a critical method for intimacy. Two souls, two humans, two souls alone in private, can they please have a laugh together? I don’t care whether they know each other for a decade or for an hour. If two souls alone in a room do not manage to have a laugh together, what good could possibly grow their sexual and non-sexual? That’s emotionally safe sex. I’ve got so many things I want to share with you but I feel like my time is almost up. So I just really want to ask for us to speak about these issues more, because I strongly feel that our history of silence never did us many good----silence only perpetuates more silence, while talking normally gives birth to more talking, more sharing, more identification, more awareness, more change. A small change, we have a small humble life. But a real change, a true one, emotionally safer. Thank you for listening……


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to the September 19th edition of - come on, Friday`s are awesome. You wanted to hear it, I wanted to say

it. It`s good to have you watching CNN STUDENT NEWS. First up, Scotland, home to more than 5 million people, about the size of South Carolina.

Scots have contributed world-changing inventions related to bicycle tires, penicillin, television. Yesterday, they decided on a potentially nation

altering question: should Scotland be an independent country? The polls were closed when we produced this show, the vote was over. But it was

expected to be very close, and we don`t have results for you yet.

For the latest, teachers please visit cnn.com. We do have an excellent fact-filled look at how Scotland came to be the division of the United

Kingdom that it has been for the past 307 years.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we know as modern Scotland was formed in the 13 century when England and Scotland signed the treaty of York. Mapping out

Scotland southern border.

60 years later, the countries were at war, with the legendary Scottish rebel William Wallace helping to lead the charge. Wallace`s fight for

freedom was a subject of Hollywood blockbuster, Brave Heart. Years of war paid off for Scotland. IN 1328, England recognized Scottish independence

in the treaty of North Hampton. In 1603, Queen Elizabeth, the last of the Tudors, died at the age of 69. And that cleared the way for King James VI

of Scotland, son of Mary, Queen of Scotts, to become England`s king, too. It was known as the union of the crowns.

Just over 100 years later, parliaments of England and Scotland passed the Acts of Union. It joined the two separate states into one. The Kingdom of

Great Britain, one parliament, one monarch.


AZUZ: Australia used to be part of the United Kingdom, and like the U.K., it`s an ally of the U.S. in fighting the ISIS terrorist group. Yesterday

Australia`s government said it had prevented a terrorist plot on Australian soil. Two men were arrested and charged Thursday. Australian officials

say they planned to kill a member of the public, a civilian, just like ISIS has killed some of its innocent victims in Iraq and Syria.

Australia`s Sydney "Morning Herald" says, dozens of Australians are fighting overseas on the side of terrorists groups, and that more than 20

of them had returned to Australia afterward.

For that reason, plus the fact that Australia`s military is helping in the fight against ISIS, the Australian government raised its terror alert level

to high last week. That its second highest level.

Meantime, some American lawmakers are giving President Obama the go ahead for part of his plan to fight ISIS. Earlier this week, the House of

Representatives voted 273 to 156 to authorize training and weapons for rebels in Syria. The Senate was expected to approve this as well.

Syria is in the middle of a civil war. ISIS terrorists have taken over some Syrian land. The rebels that the U.S. supports are fighting both

Syria`s government and the ISIS terrorists. So, the American plan is to help these rebels defeat both. Some lawmakers don`t support arming the

rebels. They say at war torn Syria, it`s not always clear who the rebels are and who the extremists are. And that the strategy of arming rebels has

sometimes failed in the past.

We are starting out West today on the CNN STUDENT NEWS Roll Call at West Heaven, UTA. Can you bear the grizzlies? They are all over Rocky Mountain

Junior High School.

One state northeast, we`ve got Wyoming on the roll. Kelly Walsh High School in Casper, home of the Trojans. And in Thief River Falls,

Minnesota, the Prowlers are on the prowl. They are stocking CNN STUDENT NEWS from Lincoln High School.

It looks like Sarah Saldana is about to make history. She is the president`s nominee to lead the U.S. immigration and customs enforcement

agency. She`d be the first Latino ever to hold the job, if she gets it. We say if because President Obama doesn`t have the final say. The

Constitution says he has to seek the advice and consent of the Senate. As part of that, the Senate held a confirmation hearing this week to interview

Saldana. Because it went smoothly, analysts expect she`ll get the job.

One responsibility of the ICE agency is to decide which illegal immigrants get to stay in the U.S. and which are deported.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Decades ago, the word immigration conjured of images of boats at Ellis Island, of course, the Statue of Liberty. Today, it`s a

different story. The issue is more heated, more politicized, more complicated. Immigrants are now entering the U.S. from every corner:

Miami to Seattle, L.A. to New York, and especially along the Mexican border. We are talking more than 40 million immigrants in the United

States right now. Both legally and illegally. That`s roughly 13 percent of our population, making America the number one destination for


So, who are these new arrivals? Well, (INAUDIBLE), 11 million are undocumented. A number that`s increased almost year by year since 2000.

Of those who become legal residents, you`d probably get some of them are from Mexico. You`d be right, 14 percent, but you might be surprised to

find out the next two leading countries of birth for new U.S. residents: China and India. Those are the two most populated countries on the planet.

As for work, the latest labor stat show by and large, immigrant workers are in the service industry. We are talking hotels, restaurants, gas stations,

and they are making a lot less than U.S.-born workers, about 160 bucks less per week.

So, regardless of how you feel on the issue, there is no doubt immigrants are here to stay and they play a huge role in the American economy every



AZUZ: Beyond all of the benefits of listening to music or creating it, it`s been shown to help heal certain brain injuries and decrease anxiety.

Today`s character study`s about a musician who believes music is medicine for the mind. His work has helped hundreds of wounded warriors.


ARTHUR BLOOM: Music is my earliest memory. I never decided to be a professional musician. It`s just what I`ve always done. It feels great to

play music, but it`s also a mechanism for healing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were on this an early morning patrol, walking down the road. I`d never been hit by an IED before. It felt like I got hit by

a wrecking ball. I sat up, my legs were completely gone. What happens if you don`t quite get killed, and you don`t quite survive, you`re somewhere

in the middle? I was a shell of a man. Who I was was gone.

BLOOM (on camera): So, let`s take it right before the melody comes in.

(voice over): Our organization helps wounded warriors play music and recover their lives.

We match the injured troops with professional musicians who come visit at Walter Reed Medical Center and work with them on music projects. Learning

music, writing and performing.

BLOOM (on camera): We are going to try to incorporate (INAUDIBLE)

(voice over): I`m a music therapist, a musician. By injecting music into the space we can inject life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Something survived that horrible injury in Afghanistan, and that was my ability to play the guitar.

Arthur and his program changed my outlook on what is possible.

BLOOM: Music has no stigma. The folks to work with, when they do music, there`s nothing injured about the way to do it. It`s just good music.


AZUZ: Members of the Minnesota National Guard`s 114 Transportation Company just returned from Afghanistan. There`s some ceremony and procedure to

this. The troops stand in formation for a few moments, but a toddler just didn`t care. And that didn`t seem to bother anyone else either. After his

mother`s nine month deployment the boy decided he`d waited long enough, not long afterward everyone else got the chance to reunite with their loved


The happy homecoming brings together this Friday edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS. We hope to reunite with you next week, and if you are in a military

or you have a parent or a relative who is, thank you for your service. Have a great weekend, everyone.




2009年3月 • 黄亚生

美国式资本主义的可信性是全球金融危机中最早的牺牲品之一。随着雷曼兄弟银行的破产倒闭,全世界的权威评论家一窝蜂地唱衰美国经济理念——有限政府、最小限度的监管和对信贷的自由市场分配等。在考虑以何种模式取代没落的美国模式时,有些人把目光转向了中国。在中国,市场受到严格的监管,而金融机构则由国家控制。在经历了华尔街的溃败后,焦躁不安的弗朗西斯•福山在《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)上撰文指出,中国式的国家资本主义“看起来越来越有吸引力了。”《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)的专栏作家大卫•伊格内修斯为基于孔子思想的“新干预主义”在全球的出现而高声欢呼;伊格内修斯引用理查德•尼克松间接称颂经济学家凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的话说:“现在我们都中国化了。”


我们经常读到这样的文章,认为渐进主义是中国成功地从马克思主义转型到市场经济的关键因素;许多文章称赞北京摒弃了俄罗斯式的休克疗法,采用更加务实的方法,创建了良好的商业环境,让私营企业有机地发展。这种观点认为,通过在上世纪80年代首先进行小范围改革,中国经济发展的自由度和市场导向水平逐渐提高,并在90年代后期积蓄了发展动力。但事实并非如此。实际发生的情况是,上世纪80年代进行的金融自由化和私营企业的早期地方性试验,催生了乡镇企业最初的蓬勃发展。正是这些早期的收获——而并非国家主导的大规模基础设施投资和90年代的城市化——为中国奇迹奠定了真正的基础。 尽管有许多专家将中国宏大的基础设施项目和利用外国资金建设的崭新工厂与印度破败不堪的公路和微不足道的外国直接投资流进行比较,但这种观点夸大了公共开支和外国投资对中国发展的贡献。直到上世纪90年代后期以前,这两种因素在中国的影响力所占比重都不大——它们的出现比80年代宽松的金融控制和最初的乡镇企业发展大潮要晚得多。 在上世纪80年代,中国经济的发展要比90年代快得多,并且产生了更好的社会效益:贫困人口下降,贫富差距缩小,而且劳动力在GDP中所占份额——衡量从经济发展中人均获益的指标——显著上升。从1978年到1988年,生活水平低于中国贫困线的农村人口减少了1.5亿以上。而在90年代,尽管GDP几乎都达到了两位数增长,并且实施了大规模












简而言之,西方经济学家常常认为乡镇企业归乡镇政府所有。就在2005年,另一位诺贝尔奖得主道格拉斯•罗斯在《华尔街日报》上撰文指出,乡镇企业“与经济学中的标准企业很少有相似之处” 2。但有证据表明,情况并非如此。在中国国务院1984年3月1日发布的一份政策性文件中,第一次正式提到了乡镇企业的名称。该文件将它们定义为“由乡镇主办的企业、由农民组成的联合企业、其他联合企业和个体企业。”“由乡镇主办的企业”一词指的是归乡镇所有并管理的集体企业。该政策文件中提到的所有其他企业均为私营企业:个人所有的企业或有多个股东的较大型企业——都是严格意义上的“经济学中的标准企业”。官方对“乡镇企业”一词的使用具有非常显著的一致性:它一直是既包括私营企业,也包括政府主办的企业。







黄亚生,麻省理工学院Sloan管理学院副教授,从事政治经济学的教学工作,创建并管理麻省理工学院的中国和印度实验室,该实验室旨在帮助本土企业家提高管理技能。本文摘自其《具有中国特色的资本主义:企业精神与国家》(Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State)一书。


绿色未来(A Greener Future?)

大家好,我是Zach。从本周开始,我们将开展“TED演讲主题介绍”系列,陆续为大家介绍TED演讲的各类主题,方便大家更快地找到自己喜欢的TED演讲。 众所周知,TED刚刚创办时的焦点是集中在Technology(科技), Entertainment(娱乐)和Design(设计)三方面。但随着TED的成长和知名度的增加,TED演讲所涵盖的行业也越来越广泛。为了确保读者们不会在大量的演讲中迷失了方向,TED网站贴心地将所有的演讲分门别类,归纳到不同的主题中,既方便读者们针对自己感兴趣的内容有选择地观看演讲,也便于大家观看和某一演讲相关的其他内容。


本周为大家介绍的主题是–A Greener Future? 绿色未来




◎ 主题简介




◎ 演讲者推荐

阿尔·戈尔 (Al Gore):美国政治人物,曾于1993年至2001年间在比尔·克林顿掌政时担任美国第四十五任副总统。其后升为一名国际上著名的环境学家,由


珍·古道尔 (Jane Goodall):英国生物学家、动物行为学家和著名动物保育人士。珍·古道尔长期致力于黑猩猩的野外研究,并取得丰硕成果。她的工作纠正了许多学术界对黑猩猩这一物种长期以来的错误认识,揭示了许多黑猩猩社群中鲜为人知的秘密。除了对黑猩猩的研究,珍·古道尔还热心投身于环境教育和公益事业,由她创建并管理的珍·古道尔研究会(国际珍古道尔协会)是著名民间动物保育机构,在促进黑猩猩保育、推广动物福利、推进环境和人道主义教育等领域进行了很多卓有成效的工作,由珍·古道尔研究会创立的根与芽是目前全球最活跃的面向青年的环境教育计划之一。由于珍·古道尔在黑猩猩研究和环境教育等领域的杰出贡献,她在 1995年获英国女王伊丽莎白二世荣封为皇家女爵士,在2002年获颁联合国和平使者。


◎ 部分已翻译演讲(简体中文)推荐:

1. 阿尔·戈尔关于避免气候危机的演讲


2. 阿力克斯·史蒂芬看望可持续发展的未来


3. Willie Smits 修复雨林

透过复杂的生态学,生物学家Willie Smits发掘一个重新植林的快捷方式,在婆罗洲救回了许多栖息于当地的红毛猩猩,进而创造出一个得以修复脆弱生态系统的蓝图。

4. William McDonough 谈「从摇篮到摇篮」理念

致力于环保的建筑师兼设计师 William McDonough 问,如果设计师心系所有子孙、所有物种、直到永远,我们的建筑及产品会是什么样子?

5. 查尔斯·摩尔:塑料充斥的海洋


◎ 待校对演讲(简体中文)推荐

1. Carl Honore praises slowness

“Journalist Carl Honore believes the Western world’s emphasis on speed erodes health, productivity and quality of life. But there’s a backlash brewing, as everyday people start putting the brakes on their all-too-modern lives.”

2. Kamal Meattle on how to grow fresh air

Researcher Kamal Meattle shows how an arrangement of three common houseplants, used in specific spots in a home or office building, can result in measurably cleaner indoor air.


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