


电子小报英文 第1篇


A hobby , someone once said , is somethingyou do when you have nothing to do.That may be true,but a hobby is more

than just a way to fill some dead time.It’s really a way to express your passion for life.For me,that passion is Chinese calligraphy;for others,it may be coin collecting(numismatics),or stamp col-lecting(philately).

Today,though,there seemto be fewer callig-raphers,numismatists and philatelists.People complain that they are just too busy to waste their time on such hobbies.Of course,these are the same people who can find plenty of time to spend on their computers or mobile phones,or even watching television.The truth is,we have more leisure time than ever,but many people have lost interest in traditional hobbies because these pas-times are considered too quiet.There is no buzz.

True hobbyists do get excited about their pas-times because a little thing like a stamp can open up a whole world of knowledge and interest.Did you know,for example,that the first stamp issued in China was also a dragon?That was in1878dur-ing the Qing dynasty.And did you know that stamps can be valuable?A Swedish stamp was sold infor$2.3million.Even the newdragon stamp is now selling online for fifty times its face value.

Stamp collecting or other traditional hobbies may not be your thing,but having a hobby that you can stick with can really add to life’s enjoyment.

电子小报英文 第2篇


chinese new year

chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. we also call it the spring festival. it is on lunar january 1st.

on new year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. there are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. after dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes. we have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.

on the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. on the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.


beet wiehee fer the helidaye and happineee threugheut the new year.


with very beet wiehee fer yeur happineee in the new year.


pleaee accept eur wiehee fer yeu and yeure fer a happy new year.


may the ceming new year bring yeu jey, leve and peace.


wiehing yeu happineee during the helidaye and threugheut the new year.


a happy new year te yeu.


eeaeene greetinge and eincere wiehee fer a bright and happy new year!


i weuld like te wieh yeu a jeyeue new year and expreee my hepe fer yeur happineee and geed future.


may the new year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!


rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.


good luck, good health, hood cheer. i wish you a happy new year.


with best wishes for a happy new year!


i hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year.


with the compliments of the season.


may the seasons joy fill you all the year round.


seasons greetings and best wishes for the new year.


please accept my seasons greetings.


to wish you joy at this holy season. wishing every happiness will always be with you.


good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.


may the joy and happiness around you today and always.


please accept my sincere wishes for the new year. i hope you will continue to enjoy good health.


allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the new year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.


i give you endless brand-new good wishes. please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.


good luck and great success in the coming new year.

电子小报英文 第3篇


思维导图又称脑图、心智图, 属于一种放射性思维的表达, 最早兴于20世纪60年代, 由英国著名心理学家、教育家托尼·马赞所创造的一种新的思维模式, 对于全面提高和发展健全的思维品质具有非凡的价值。将思维导图应用于信息技术主题活动, 不仅可以让学生进行自主探究, 帮助学生提高理解力和记忆力, 还有利于知识的管理与建构, 形成整体的思维能力和逻辑能力, 使学习更加有目的性和针对性, 提高学习效率。

小学生对新鲜事物非常感兴趣, 对事物有了一定的理解能力, 具有从动作思维向形象思维和抽象思维逐步发展的特点, 但是对事物的理解能力还是有限, 这在信息技术课程教学中尤其显得突出。利用思维导图分析解决信息技术学习中的主题探究活动, 学生就能抓住知识的本质特征, 发现解决问题的关键, 机智灵活地解决问题。

例如, “制作电子小报”主题活动, 对于学生来说是一个难度很大的项目, 是对学生整体思维能力的考验, 因为在作品主题构思、版面设计、内容等方面都需要学生通过思考、分析、归纳、比较、规划等思维活动来完成。但是由于小学生的思维能力有限, 他们一般没有能力全部完成这些重要步骤, 大多只能应付技术层面的工作, 这样做出来的小报效果只能差强人意。如何让学生轻松地制作出优秀的作品?在教学中, 针对具体情况, 利用思维导图从如下几个方面引领学生自主探究完成电子小报的制作。

1 利用思维导图构思“电子小报”的主题, 整理想要研究的问题

主题是一个作品的灵魂, 是影响一个作品是否成功的关键因素。作品应该主题明确, 内容健康。为了在选题时能够尽快扩展自己的思路, 将学生进行分组讨论, 教师适当引导, 学生发挥想象力和创造力, 在讨论的同时去绘制思维导图, 将所有人的想法记录下来。例如, 在制作“魅力靖江”宣传小报时, 我进行了尝试, 让学生利用“思维导图”把想要研究的问题画下来, 起初学生的思路很窄, 想研究的问题也就是“靖江的由来”、“靖江的特产”、“靖江的景点”, 经过引导, 学生很快想到“长江三鲜”、“靖江的历史名人”、“名胜古迹”、“民俗文化”、“靖江新形象”等, 短短十分钟内, 学生在综合讨论交流的基础上, 绘制出的“魅力靖江”宣传小报是从“靖江的由来”、“靖江的美食”、“靖江的名胜古迹”、“民俗文化”、“历史名人”等方面来宣传的思维导图。

2 利用思维导图制定“电子小报”的制作计划

一份优秀的电子小报作品, 需要经过多个阶段才能完成。但是大多数学生对制作过程有哪些阶段以及每个阶段的具体工作是什么都不了解, 便开始盲目制作。由于没有制作计划, 只是想到哪做到哪, 临时安排, 导致每节课没有完成相应的制作任务, 进度缓慢, 难以在规定的时间内完成任务。通过绘制思维导图, 让学生自主探究出每个阶段需要完成什么工作、组内成员分工和时间进度安排, 并将想法进行整理优化, 然后画出层次清楚、条理清晰的网络结构图。这张图就将作为整个作品制作的引导工具, 指导主题活动任务的完成。

同样在“魅力靖江”电子小报制作中, 有小组对思维导图中的“靖江美食”感兴趣, 于是组内成员讨论交流, 根据组内成员特长制定相应计划, 计算机水平高的可以负责收集“长江三鲜、双鱼肉脯、蟹黄汤包、各类风味小吃”等方面的素材, 美工好的负责版面设计, 水平一般的学生可以帮忙录入文字等, 并且明确时间进度。这样, 小组内成员各司其职、各负其责, 还能起到相互监督的作用。

3 利用思维导图整理制作“电子小报”的所需素材

电子小报的制作计划和主题确定以后, 就需围绕所选主题进行搜集素材。学生根据主题画出以“所选主题”为中心点的各类素材以及获取素材的途径、方法等的思维结构图, 然后根据思维导图决定去网络搜集, 还是去图书馆搜集。

在收集“靖江美食”素材中, 例如, 蟹黄汤包的吃法, 可能配有视频更有感染力。所以, 组内成员要讨论哪些是需要文字素材, 哪些是需要图片素材或视频素材, 哪些需要去图书馆查询, 哪些可以去网络搜集等。

4 利用思维导图设计“电子小报”版块

学生遇到的最大困难是没有做好电子小报的整体规划, 一边做一边想, 将搜集到的素材粗略组合一下, 就随便地叠放在一起, 资源与资源之间缺乏联系和逻辑, 让读者看了感觉多而乱。让学生利用思维导图画出自己所能想到的版块栏目, 是板块式还是穿插式, 是横排还是竖排, 最后学生从画出的所有版面中选择一种适合自己的。

通过以上几个方面将教材每个模块的主题探究活动分成几个小主题, 利用思维导图自主探究出知识结构图, 边画边修改整理, 画出自己满意的结构图。然后选择适合自己的主题, 有计划有步骤、条理清晰地完成整个主题活动任务, 极大地培养了学生的创新思维能力。


[1]张秀常.思维导图在信息技术教学中的案例及分析[J].浙江现代教育技术, 2008.

[2]高志军, 李海青.对思维导图在教育应用研究的调查与分析[J].中小学信息技术教育, 2009.

电子小报英文 第4篇
























电子小报英文 第5篇

类 别: 英语手抄报 学 校: 景谷县钟山乡新民小学 版面设计: 王光宇 王雪荣 尺 寸: 640x476 像素 班 级: 四年级(6)班 文字编辑: 王光宇 大 小: 80KB(81261 Bytes)指导老师: 李作莹 美术编辑: 王雪荣 暑假生活手抄报英文精美版——英语小报简介:本作品尺寸为640x476像素,由景谷县钟山乡新民小学四年级(6)班王光宇和王雪荣共同制作,手抄报版面设计过程在李作莹老师的指导下完成。本站推荐争说普通话黑板报图片,弘扬雷锋精神黑板报,五一快乐板报图片,风景主题黑板报版面设计图_锦绣中华,抗日战果黑板报图片,运动会黑板报设计图欣赏,小学三年级黑板报设计,希望你喜欢。

电子小报英文 第6篇





学习雷锋电子小报 第7篇
















电子小报英文 第8篇


0 Introduction

Studies of ferroelectric cathodes were started in 1960 by Miller and Savage[1].Novel ferroelectric cathodes have gained attention due to lower cost, ease in manufacture, and absence of high vacuum requirements for handling and operation. These cathodes can be operated in poor vacuum and have low emittance and high brightness characteristics. They are superior to thermionic cathodes not only in their ruggedness but also due to their instant turn-on capabilities (thermionic cathodes require heating time) . Current densities up to 104~105 A/cm2 were theoretically pointed out by Hans Riege and Hartmut Gundel of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) [2]. The strong electron emission is excited by submicrosecond polarization switching with high voltage pulses applied to ferroelectric materials[3]. The reported emission current density varies from 10-9 to 200A/cm2.

Theoretical explanations for ferroelectric electron emission have been proposed, and several models have been developed throughout the years[4,5,6,7]. In this paper, the study of the electron emission was carried out with three kinds of ferroelectric cathode materials: lead zirconate titanate (PZT) , natrium bismuthate titanate (BNBT) , and barium titanate (BT) . Especially, the waveforms of the electron emission were noticed.

1 Experiment

The samples were the chips with a diameter of 240mm and a thickness of 3mm, which were prepared by a modified mixed-oxide method. The ceramic chips were polished and patterned with gold, then were polarized under an electric field of 3kV/mm.

The experimental apparatus for electron emission consisting of a high-voltage pulsed generator, a vacuum container, and certain essential measuring circuits; a schematic diagram is shown in Fig.1. The sample was mounted in the vacuum container, the electron emission surface was bare, and the emitted currents were collected under driving pulse that was applied parallel to the polar direction of the samples.

2 Results and discussion

2.1 Results of emission current densities

Different kinds of regularity between electron emission current densities and exciting field with different ferroelectronic materials are shown in Fig.2.

For the BT material, it is shown that the variation of the emission current densities is the weakest, but its initial value is the highest. For the BNBT material, once the exci-ting voltage turned above the threshold value, the increase of current densities is linear, till the voltage reach to the flashover value. And for the PZT material, the value of initial current densities and amplify is in the mean value among the three ferroelectric materials, also the regularity contains the characters of BT and BNBT materials.

2.2 Results of the related performance parameters

The results of related performance parameters are shown in table 1.

The process of electron emission can be considered as the fatigue test for the ferroelectric cathode materials, so it is reasonable that the parameter values of piezoelectric coefficients (d33) , dielectric constant (ε) and loss tangent (tgδ) are all falling down after the electron emission. The value of d33 after electron emission is the data measured after 50 times test. PZT have the maximum decrement of the parameter change. It shows that PZT is the softest material, and its fatigue resistance is the worst. On the other hand, BNBT and BT material have good fatigue resistance, and both are lead-free materials. So both materials have unique dominance on utility.

2.3 Result of microscopic structure

Because the sample surface intercepted is the lengthwise section, the orientation of domains is uniform with the orientation of the prepolarization and electron emission. The microscopic of the different ferroelectric samples are shown in Fig.3.

The domains are in disorder with PZT sample after electron emission. Domains are not observed before electron emission with BT samples. Maybe it is because the samples are not prepolarized. Or it is maybe BT structure selected is typically “shell-core” structure. After electron emission, several domains are generated for transient polarization with high pulse voltage. The structure change of BNBT samples is not observed before and after electron emission.

2.4 Results of electron emission waveform

According to the uniformed experiment conditions, the waveforms of different ferroelectric materials are shown in Fig.4.The experiment conditions are uniformed as follows: (1) vacuum degree, 3×10-3Pa; (2) high pulse voltage, 10kV; (3) acquisition accuracy of oscilloscope, 200ns/div, etc.

If the influence from sharp peak on the trailing edge of pulsed voltage waveform to the current waveform was neglected, the current waveform of BT material will be single-peaked principally (Fig.4 (a) ) . And with the pulsed voltage higher, the electron emission current densities become higher, yet the shape of the waveform is invariable.

The current waveform of the PZT material is double-humped wave principally (Fig.4 (b) ) . And with the pulsed voltage higher, the peak value of electron emission current densities become higher, yet the shape of the waveform is variable more or less. Sometimes the first peak value is bigger than the second, sometimes it is in reverse.

For the waveform of the BNBT material, the main peak of current waveform is single-peaked, but before the main peak there are always some minor peaks existing (Fig.4 (c) ) . And with the voltage higher, the main peak value increases violently, wherever the minor peak value increases weakly.

2.5 Analysis of electron emission mechanism

There are mainly two mechanisms to explain the ferroelectric electron emission. One is the fast polarization switching mechanism, and the other is the plasma-induced electron emission mechanism. Considering that the waveform visualized reflects the characteristics between the ferroelectric electron emission current and high driving voltage, it inevitably includes much information about material specificity and electron emission mechanism. Based on the results above, the conclusion is drawn that electron emission of different ferroelectric cathode material follows one or both of the ferroelectric cathode emission mechanisms. Especially, the plasma plays an important role in electron emission.

For the BT material, it is not prepolarized, so its piezoelectric coefficients d33 is zero. But its dielectric constant and capacitance are high. Once high pulse voltage was applied to samples, with the voltage on pulse front edge rapid increase, local high field was initial formed in triple point (metal grid- mediator-vacuum) within submicrosecond time interval in cathode surface. Then high-field emission happened. Analyzed by waveform, the high capacitance characteristics of BT material have been influencing the shape of the pulse voltage waveform, so the emission current also contains influencing factor of materials characteristics corresponding. Also, damage on the sample surface is always observed in experiment, especially with the BT samples whose dielectric constant is up to 10000; sharp hole can be formed after emission experiment (Fig.5) . And all these phenomena are according to the characteristics of the plasma-induced electron emission.

For the BNBT material, fast polarization switching plays an important role in electron emission. The sample was prepolarized, and more charges were localized on the surface for internal ordered domains are arranged in its structure. Once the external field exerted on ferroelectrics causes the polarization switching, upsets equilibrium charge state and gives rise to unscreened charge. Because of the static repulsive force and internal field the unscreened charge can be emitted during one emission cycle. Therefore prepolarization is essential to electron emission which is caused by fast polarization switching. It is difficult to gain optimum polarization for BNBT material, so its piezoelectric coefficients is less than PZT material′s, and its emission current densities is also less than PZT material′s. In addition, dielectric constant of BNBT material is above 500, so plasma-assisted electron emission still potentially occurred. That is maybe the reason why some minor peaks existed before the main peak of waveforms.

For the PZT material, both fast polarization switching and plasma-assisted electron emission mechanisms are suitable. The sample is prepolarized, and its dielectric constant is between the values of BT and BNBT materials. The waveform shape of current emission is double-humped. The higher peak value shows indirectly which mechanism plays a major role in electron emission. Even the sample is not prepolarized, electron emission is also observed occasionally. It shows that plasma plays an important role in electron emission.

3 Conclusions

Electron emission experiment was carried out with three ferroelectric cathode materials: lead zirconate titanate (PZT) , natrium bismuthate titanate (BNBT) , and barium titanate (BT) . And the waveform of the high pulse voltage and current emission densities were studied. The results show that different ferroelectrics follow one or both of the ferroelectric cathode emission mechanisms. Especially, the plasma plays an important role in electron emission process. Electron emission of BT can be explained with plasma-induced electron emission mechanism and BNBT with fast polarization switching mechanism. For the PZT, both mechanisms are suitable.


[1] Gundel H. Electron emission by nanosecond switching in PLZT[J].Integrated Ferroelectrics, 1992, 2:207

[2] Ivers J D, Schachter L, Nation J A, et al. Electron beam diodes using ferroelectric cathodes[J].J Appl Phys, 1993, 73 (6) :2667

[3] Fhlechtner D, Kerslick G S, Ivers J D, et al. Ferroelectric cathodes as electron beam sources[J].IEEE, 1995, 2:1036

[4] Schachter L, Ivers J D, Kerslick G S, et al. The analysis of a diode with a ferroelectric cathode [J]. J Appl Phys, 1993, 73:8097

[5]Flechtner D, Golkowski C, Kerslick G S, et al.Electron e-mission fromlead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) ceramics[J].J Appl Phys, 1998, 83 (2) :955

[6]Mesysyats G A.Electron emission fromferroelectric ceram-ic[J].Techn Phys Lett, 1994, 20 (8) :832
