



•Nowadays, sports equipment hasn’t been in use for a long time. Needless

to say, students are ridded of the opportunity to do sth .Confronted with /faced with the harsh reality, there are many disputes over sports time.

•As fas as I can judge, it is sensible to highlight the children’s safety during

sports class .However, over-protecting can only result in the decline of health condition. It is no exaggeration to say that everything fades next to a healthy body. We should guarantee enough sports time for students, which is beneficial to mental and physical development. We should not discourage students from doing sports for fear that they may get hurt, which is obviously a ridiculous action.

•It is high time that we should strike a balance between health and safety.

Schools can restore old equipment and provide some effective skills of sports. With the safety of sports insured, we are bound to see the students health improved, ambition inspired and success achieved. Under no circumstances can we discount the importance of doing sports.

•Nowadays, sports equipment hasn’t been in use for a long time. Needless

to say, students are ridded of the opportunity to do sth .Confronted with /faced with the harsh reality, there are many disputes over sports time.

•As fas as I can judge, it is sensible to highlight the children’s safety during

sports class .However, over-protecting can only result in the decline of health condition. It is no exaggeration to say that everything fades next to a healthy body. We should guarantee enough sports time for students, which is beneficial to mental and physical development. We should not discourage students from doing sports for fear that they may get hurt, which is obviously a ridiculous action.

•It is high time that we should strike a balance between health and safety.

Schools can restore old equipment and provide some effective skills of sports. With the safety of sports insured, we are bound to see the students health improved, ambition inspired and success achieved. Under no circumstances can we discount the importance of doing sports.



假设你校英语社团举办以“讲求文明,从我做起”为主题的征文活动,请你以“On the Way to School”为题,写一篇英语短文。








We all know that“sticks and stones may break our bones”, but we should also be aware that words can hurt people, too.


请以下词语为关键词写一篇英语短文。 mateh winner loser result


“Actions Speak Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。


星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。


介绍“中秋节”及这个 节日里的主要活动。
















请以“One Thing I’m Proud of”为题,


A mother said, "My son is always on the phone, sleeping, out with his friends, or in his room. He never has lime to talk to me. "



第一档是极优档,30分。标准为:书写规范;覆盖所有要点,内容充实;词汇丰富,有修辞意识。第二档是优秀,26分至29分。标准为:紧扣主题;覆盖所有要点,内容充实;语法结构多样,词汇丰富,显示出较强的语言运动能力;语言小错不超过4个。第三档是良好,22 分至25分。标准为:紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容较充实,语言有少量错误,但基本不影响意思表达。第四档是一般,18分至21分。标准为:紧扣主题,基本覆盖所有要点,能够表达基本内容;语言错误已影响了部分意思的表达,但多数句子基本正确。第五档是较差,13分至17分。标准为:内容不完成,要点不全,行文不连贯,语言错误较多,多数句子基本正确。第六档是差,6分至12分。标准为:内容混乱或主要内容偏离主题,能够写出少数与内容相关的可读句。第七档是极差,0分至5分。只能写出与内容相关的词语,没有有效信息;抄写其他文章或只写出与作文无关的内容。


极优档:30分 上档(18分—29分)










1、 较差(13分-17分)


2、 差(6分-12分)


3、 极差档(0-5分)



1、评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其为 上档或下档。








I am your new classmate Li Hua,and I come from Xinhua middle school. From your letter I know you could not get well with the classmates ,___________


I have learned that you are upset because you find it difficult to get used to the new environment,so,as your new classmate,I am writing to help you .

阅卷后的反思 :


一、 要充分重视阅读表达在整份试卷中的特殊地位,加大对阅读表达的训练和指导。如果说它不可避免的要误导书面表达的分数的话,我们就使它向着好的方面“误导”

二、 书写必须要常抓不懈。我们英语的作文更注重的是形式和内容的完美结合。书写很差,以致影响了识读的。就算抄得是范文,也是很难得高分的。

三、 平时要注意学生作文方向的引导。.我们鼓励学生尝试运用高级词汇和精美句式,但我们更应该强调句子的正确性。因为我们要给一篇作文减分,主要的依据就是划出文章中的错误句子。一篇作文,如果一眼就能看出错误句子的话,这样的作文是最好给分的。







一. 教学内容:


A 人物介绍

参考篇目:Unit 1. Hawking. Einstein

注意:1. 表格变为段落




be bornwhen he/she was ……years old /at the age of

laterbegin tograduate from

spend time doingdiscover

评价:be considered to be / be regarded as

be rewarded……contribute

devoted oneself to sth.根据以下素材写一篇介绍爱因斯坦的短文

Date of birth: March 14th, 1879Place of birth: Germany

Childhood: curious, slowing in learning

Education background:

1886 : study in Munich, mathematics, religion

1896 : graduated from high school

1900 : become a maths teacher

1905 : receive a doctor’s degree

Achievement:develop the Theory of Relativity by 1915

prove light is bent when passing the sun

won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922

Evaluation: one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born on March 14th,1879 in Germany. When he was a child,he was curious about everything, but he was considered to be slow at learning. In 1886, he began to study in Munich. He studied mathematics as well as religion. In 1896,Einstein graduated from high school at the age of 17.

Four years later, Einstein became a maths teacher. In 1905, he received a doctor’s degree. By the year 1915, he had developed the famous Theory of Relativity and became famous in the world. He proved that light is bent as it passes the sun. Because of his great achievement, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.

Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century. Some people say that he was a genius. But I think the main reason why he was so successful was his hard work .

B. 说明文

参考篇目:Unit2.News Media 不同观点对比。阐述自己观点。


对比:while, but, however, on the contrary, on the other hand,

类比:as well, besides, also, too,

表达观点:I think, in my opinion, it seems to me……

1. 适当增加与要点有关的语句加以说明;

2. 主要陈述自己观点,对对方观点要提及并加以驳斥;

3. 在结尾处重申自己的观点



Side A

1. Museums can help understand what happened in the past

2. Museums can educate people

3. Museums are centers for research.

4. Museums can attract tourists to the city

Side B

1. Museums use up a great sum of money

2. Museums are usually in old buildings, so they need protection

Most cities have at least one museum, but how important are museums to people living in the 21st century?

Some people think that museums use up the money which could be spent on other things. Besides, museums are usually in old buildings, so they often need protection.

In my opinion, museums can help people understand what happened in the past. If we have a better understanding of the past, we may improve our life in the future. Museums play an important role in educating people and they are centers for research. Also, museums are very important for tourism. They attract a lot of tourists to the city each year.

To sum up, it seems to me that museums are an important part of our life. They are worth visiting and protecting.

C. Safety Rules

参考篇目:Unit8 First Aid

Useful expressions:

You should always…Please don’t ….

You ought to …

You should not….

You must….Never…..

Make sure that ….

You must never….

Always remember to ….


Use the lists of dos and don’ts below to write a passage about safety rules in the chemistry lab.


•wash your hands before & after the experiment

•keep the air fresh

•put on gloves when doing experiments

•be careful with fire and dangerous chemicals


•taste chemicals

•eat anything

•touch anything without teacher’s permission

•run about in the lab

An emergency may happen every day. But if we are careful and follow some safety rules, some can be avoided. Let’s take chemistry lab as an example.

First of all, you should wash your hands before and after the experiment. And you should keep the air in the lab fresh. You’d better put on the gloves when doing the experiment. Be careful with fire and dangerous medicine.

Never taste chemicals or eat anything in the lab. Always remember not to touch anything without teacher’s permission. You shouldn’t run about in the lab.

Only in this way can you keep yourself safe in the lab.

D. 记叙文

参考篇目:Unit 7 Living with disease / Diagnosed with Cancer



表示时间的短语:one day, while, when, then, a moment later, as soon as…

因果关系:so, as, as a result……



根据以下图示(图略),以Naughty Tommy为题,写一篇短文,描述在公园里所发生的事。

Tommy was a naughty boy. One day he saw a girl playing happily under a tree. He decided to play a trick on her. So he picked up a stone and hid himself behind the tree. Then he threw the stone at the girl. Hit on the back, the girl began to cry. Tommy was very happy and went away with a smile.

A moment later, he saw a dog sleeping on a bench. He picked up a stone again

and hit the dog. The dog woke up and jumped at him. Tommy was so frightened that

he ran away as fast as he could.

E. 过程描写

Useful expressions:

 

 

 

 While….. as soon as be about to do….when…. just as….

 suddenly / all of a suddenly

 happen to do…/ It happened that…


How to write a process paragraph?

1. 审题: 文字,图表


3. 人称

4. 时态

5. 内容要点

a) 时间

b) 地点

c) 人物

d) 事件经过

6. 所需词汇及句型:

Practical writing:

NMET 2000

假设你是李华,在美国探亲。2000年2月8日清晨,你目击一起交通事故。 警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。

注意:1 目击者应该准确报告事实;

2 词数100左右;

3 结尾已为你写好。



_____________________________________________________________________After two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.

Possible version:

It was 7:15 on the morning of February 8, 2000. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. Suddenly the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didn’t stop but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864. About two

minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.



At 7:15 on the morning of Feb,8th ,2000, I was heading east on the south side of the Park Road, taking my morning walk as usual. I saw an old man on the other side of the road outside the gate of the City Park. He was just crossing the street when a car on the 3rd Street made a sudden right turn at the crossing. The car was so fast that the old man even didn’t have time to dodge and the car hit the elderly hard. I thought the driver would stop to help but she didn’t. Instead, she just drove off, leaving the old man still lying on the ground in pain. Fortunately, I noted down the details: it was a yellow car, the plate number of which was AC864, and the driver was a young lady. After that I went over to check out the old man.


It was 7:15 on the morning of Feb,8,2000. I was walking along the southern side of Park Road. I noticed that an old man coming out of City Park was going to cross the road. There was no car at the moment, so the old man started to cross the road. What happened next really surprised me. A yellow car roared down the 3rd Street, made a right turn and knocked the old man down. It happened in such a short time that the old man had no time to react. Seeing this, I rushed to the place where the old man was hit just in time to see the plate number of the yellow car. It was AC864.

F. 地点描写

参考篇目:Unit 5 The British Isles

Useful expressions:

be located in / lie in / be situated in

in the west of, to the west of

off the east coast of

cover an area of …… square kilometers

be made up of / consist of

be separated from

be surrounded by

has a population of

******** ***************

Location: north-west of Beijing Area: 3.5 square kilometers

History: built in Qing Dynasty, 150 years of construction

in 1860, Anglo-French Forces invaded Beijing, set fire,

took away treasures, ruins,

new China, protected, part of it, rebuilt in 1980’s,

Yuanmingyuan Park

Yuanmingyuan , which is a ruined park, is located in the north-west of Beijing. It covers an area of

3.5 square kilometers. It was built during the Qing Dynasty. After 150 years of construction, it

became one of the most famous palaces in China as well as in the world.

However, when Anglo-French forces invaded Beijing in 1860, the whole palace was set on fire. Treasures were taken away and stones lay in ruins.

It was not until the founding of New China that it began to be protected. Part of it was rebuilt in 1980’s.

The stones take on a golden color at the sunset, as if they were telling the story of yesterday.



It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8,2000.1._________

I was walking along Park Road towards to the east2. ________

when a old man came out of the park on the other3. ________

side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up 4. ________

Third Street and made a right turn into Park Road.5. ________

The next moment the car hit a man while he6. ________

was acrossing the road. He fell with a cry. The7. ________

car not stop but drove off at great speed heading8. ________

west. I notice the driver was a young woman,9. ________

the plate number was AC 864. About two minutes10. _______

later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to

the nearest hospital.

1. in→on2. to去掉3. a 改为an4. 正确5. made改为make6. a 改为an7. acrossing应为crossing8. not前加did9. notice→noticed10.the plate number前加and





★ 范文

Leifeng was known as a pattern that offered help to others selflessly. He devoted all this life into his beloved career as well. I, myself, was totally shocked by his character.

Such is human nature; people trace the good, water flows to low. Everyone should copy his sprit as our daily life goes instead of uttering a meaningless slogan “learn from Leifeng, our decent idol”, so that we could definitely see a lot more smiling faces rather than conflict.

To help others is not a hard thing, however, what you need is to consist doing it. Take myself as an example. I am the representative of Math, to collect homework is my daily task, however, I would turn them to the right page for shorten the time for teachers when correcting them.

I strongly propose that we shall see a better world if each of us treat Leifeng as our model and copy his spirit..

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