










(4)哥伦比亚大学所有的奖学金均为Need-based,申请截止日期为3月1日,申请奖学金不影响录取结果。哥伦比亚大学的整体一年费用在61116美元左右;2013年国际学生本科平均奖学金额度为$50,291,共有165人获奖。另,奖学金申请必需通过College Board申请,必需拥有SAT/ACT成绩


(6)除常规申请(RD)外,哥伦比亚大学还设有Single-Choice Early Decision(也即ED申请的一个变种)申请方式,截止日期为11月1日,预计12月15日出录取结果。常规申请预计4月1日出录取结果


普通申请表:The Common Application and the Columbia Writing Supplement, or the Columbia First-Year Application

申请费:$85 Application Fee or Fee Waiver


3封推荐信:One high school counselor’s recommendation and school profile;These recommendations must come from teachers who taught you in academic disciplines.*For engineering applicants, one must come from a math or science teacher

高中成绩单:School Report (includes Transcript and Counselor Recommendation)

标准考试成绩:Standardized test results, including either

SAT:SAT and two SAT Subject Test scores (for Engineering applicants, Math 1 or 2 and Biology, Physics or Chemistry) 天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道! 天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/

ACT:the ACT Assessment with Writing

期中考试报告:Mid-Year Report (due when first semester or trimester senior grades become available at your school)*



Note: Students using the Columbia First-Year Application should notify their school counselor as soon as possible.






1.理科与工程专业(Science and Engineering):one or two page scientific abstract or a letter of recommendation from your research mentor for our review as a supplement to your application.

联系方式:e-mail:ugrad-confirm@columbia.edu, via fax:212-854-3393

2.创作及表演艺术(Creative and Performing Arts)——

音乐表演(Musical Performance):ED申请截止日期是11月8日;RD申请截日期是1月1日;

通过COMMON APPLICATION递交材料时写明自己的目的,一次最多递交2份;




想要申请哥伦比亚 - 茱莉亚音乐学院交换生(the Columbia-Juilliard Exchange)的学生也要递交材料。

天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道! 天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/




天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道!


STEVEN J. LORRENCE3242 South Lexis Ave Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone: (555) 782-4322 Email:EXPERIENCE2002-Present






POLYMER RESEARCHMilwaukee, WI General Manager Managed research-oriented polymer start-up through product design and development; oversaw sales/marketing initiatives of several patented products for footwear and medical markets.  Created and supervised team of 25 including 11 professional engineers and researchers; team has produced 14 different projects to date, accounting for $13 million in revenue  Developed “C-Tech” patented custom forming system for footwear – licensed to global footwear manufacturer  Established joint venture in Dominican Republic to integrate C-Tech into customer’s production line  Increased sales 500% in two years MULTI-SPORT HELMETMilwaukee, WI Technical Director Orchestrated product design, testing, and production of multi-sport protective helmets for start-up company.  Advised President on general management issues and assisted with marketing and sales efforts  Coached team through 15-month design-to-production cycle of first product; ultimately captured 5% of $130 million market BOSTON MARINABoston, MA General Manager Led management team and designed organizational structure for newest and largest marina in Milwaukee area, while simultaneously managing phase one construction; coordinated 500 boats with $2 million in annual revenue.  Hired, trained, and reviewed six department managers and over 50 full and part time employees  Maintained optimum occupancy while expanding capacity 800%  Served as general contractor during construction of utilities, docks, buildings, and landscaping Project Engineer Hired and supervised consulting engineers, architects, and contractors for $6 million phase one design and construction of marina on undeveloped site; worked directly with owner and functioned as General Contractor.  Directed $4 million construction of harbor, site, buildings, docks, utilities  Personally designed and contracted fabrication and installation of 300’ floating breakwater MACKIN COMPANYMilwaukee, WI Project Leader, R&D Technician Conducted research and development for entrepreneur, including composite mountain bicycle and automotive projects.  Designed valve cover/oil baffle that became standard equipment in over 1 million Chrysler automobilesCOWELL UNIVERSITYChicago, IL Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology, June 1995.Graduated Cum Laude Captain of 4 intramural teams Trustee, Milwaukee Heritage Association – Downtown Milwaukee community planning and development organization  Interests include: camping in national parks without amenities, skiing in Western Europe, reading Ayn Rand novels






此外学生还是需要考SAT或者ACT,这个主要是针对顶尖的名校,有些学校会明确如果学分超过30可以不提交标准化的成绩,但不少顶尖名校还是要求这个成绩评估的。最后,有些学校是不接受大一转学的,必须是大二下学期才可以转。我们之前有个学生就是这种情况,她在美国读大学的,大一的时候申请被拒了,大二重新申请就录取了。比如UC Berkeley的商学院,是需要学生在大三的时候重新递交一份单独的Application申请的,需要在申请的时候完成商科所有Lower division的课程。所以要明确每个学校具体对于转学生的要求,根据自身的情况选择学校,申请才有把握。






哥伦比亚大学要求转学生是必须完成24个学分以上才可以转学的,另外还是要求要评估SAT/ACT的成绩。如果申请工程专业希望能够在微积分、物理、化学等有比较好的成绩,对先修课程有一些要求。如果休学超过一学年,学校要求只能申请general studies,而不能申请明确的专业。每年大概有2500人申请,录取150人左右,录取率为6%。建议学生可选择转读大



以上是百利天下留学专家为大家介绍美国哥伦比亚大学转学要求,更多留学疑问,可以继续浏览相关网页或者拨打电话400-890-6000。也可登陆百利天下留学官网: 进行了解咨询。



经验总结:IN@Columbia MBA, WL HBS Round 3.



北美洲立大学,GPA才2.7 (分数低的朋友们千万不要灰心啊!)


Gmat 740(V43, M49), AWA 5.0

GMAT 经历:在这里的朋友考Gmat都应该是行家了,具体学习方法就不多说了。我从学校得来的反馈是,top school看重的不是纯分数,而是平衡。如果数学和语文差太远分数的含金量就要打折扣(可能老外听说过几经了)。比如我的分,语文是95%,数学是 86%(汗颜),但是加起来总分是97%。所以大家一定要把语文攻下来。作文几乎可以忽略不计。

Harvard: 报考哈佛的时间非常紧张,只来得及第三轮了。 各位千万不要再犯我的错误。Dream School一定要在第一或第二轮申请。 最后一轮的时候学校不会录取平均分数线以外的同学了,因为他们的班级形成已经定型了。面试后我的心情不错,以为肯定会被录取了,4月份的waitlist 通知让我沮丧了很长时间。 我被wait list之后去电话给学校,和他们的adcom深谈后他们告诉我,我的工作经历和其他一切都很强,但是低于分数线的GPA是我的硬伤。虽然都工作8年了,可是报考Harvard的人都很牛,差一点也不行。 如果是第二轮的话他们的选择余地会大些。说到这里,请大家注意。学校的adcom其实很喜欢和学生交谈的。虽然资料上说不许我们联系他们,但是如果要是有真切的疑问,一定不要犹豫。他们会非常详尽地给你解答。

被waitlist之后我就决定不能再一棵树上吊死。于是转战哥大。哥大的春季入学比较特殊,报考的人群也大都是年龄稍大,工作经验长,不需要实习找工作的人们。如果你不是:1) 毕业打算到以前的行业,2) 创业,3)家族生意,一般他们会劝你报考秋季入学。除了这一点外都一样。有了哈佛的失败经历,这次的报考材料格外地细心。虽然当时觉得哈佛的材料已经写得非常好了,但是经验告诉我最好的文章都是在第2或第3次写出来的。写哥大文章的时候就明显觉得哈佛的文章有点不成熟。

Essay真的是最最重要的环节。是唯一一个完全由你掌控的因素。一定要写的精炼,动情,生动,有气势,能够体现你真正的自己。我GPA较低,就用了一个篇幅去解释。不要找借口,直接切入主题:来美国的时候英文不好(其实都在贪玩了),但是学到了lesson。 Quick in, Quick out. 剩下的要扣题。歌大的文章问你毕业后短期目标是什么,长期目标又是什么。一定要具体,可行,不能傻大空地高论。 还有一篇选择题我选择了假象的竞选班级主席的演讲稿。因为歌大是一个communter school,很多人批评它凝聚力不够。所以一定要表现出你愿意为社区付出。这些技巧见仁见智,大家报考前一定要对这所学校多做研究,它强在那里,弱在哪里,喜欢听到什么。比如歌大的金融很强,一味地说你如何想做banker就没有新意了。最后一点就是绝对不要超过字数。





再次感谢Chase dream, for making my dream come true. 大家加油,都一定会被录取的!!



MA in Bilingual/Bicultural Studies (Academic Track) Academic Track not leading to certification MA in Bilingual/Bicultural - Studies 33 Points (Minimum) For students interested in the role of bilingualism and biculturalism in or outside of schools, but who are not interested in teacher certification. Note: Required courses may not be substituted. E

Required Courses Fall I

A&HB 4021 Foundations of Bilingual/Bicultural Education (3 points)  A&HB 4801-04 Language Workshops in Bilingual Education (1 point) 

Spring I

A&HB 4024 Linguistic Foundations of Bilingual/Bicultural Education (3 points)  A&HB 4075 Cross-Cultural Communication and Classroom Ecology (3 points)  Fall II

A&HB 4150 Teacher Inquiry: Bilingual Education (1-3 points)  A&HB 4323 Practicum in Bilingual Institutions (3-4 points) 

Policy elective courses (recommended)

           A&HB 4199 Current topics in bilingualism & bilingual education (3 points) A&HB 5024 Bilingual/multilingual ed: International perspectives (3 points) C&T 4032 Gender, difference and curriculum (2 points) EDPP 5042 Urban politics and education (3 points) EDPP 5045 Race, ethnicity and U.S. educational policy (3 points) EDPS 4000 Education and public policy (3 points) ITSF 4025 Languages, Societies and Schools (3 points) ITSF 4013 Literacy & Development (2-3 points) ITSF 4199 Issues in Anthropology & Education (3 points) ITSF 5199 Issues & Topics in International Education (3 points) MSTU 4005 Equity, ethical and social issues in educational technology (3 points) Research elective courses (recommended)

                 A&HL 4003 School of linguistic analysis (3 points) A&HL 4104 Discourse analysis (3 points) A&HL 4106 Text and textuality (3 points) A&HL 5008 Interlanguage analysis (3 points) EDPS 5020 Survey research methods (3 points) EDPS 5022 Sociology of educational systems (3 points) HBSK 5085 Observing and assessing preschool children (3 points) HUDM 4050 Introduction to measurement (3 points) HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical inference (3 points) HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3 points) HUDM 5123 Linear models and experimental design (3 points) ITSF 4015 Introduction to computers, language, and literacy (3 points) ITSF 4060 Latinos in urban schools (3 points) ITSF 5000 Methods of inquiry: ethnography & participant observation (3 points) ITSF 5016 Ethnography of education (3 points) ITSF 5519 Research in language and literacy I (3 points) ITSF 5520 Research in language and literacy II (3 points) Teaching elective courses (recommended)          A&HB 4020 Foundations of Bilingual Special Education (3 points) A&HB 4028 Teaching Literacy in Bilingual Settings (3 points) A&HB 4121 Bilingual/bicultural curriculum design (3 points) A&HB 4133 Curriculum & Methods for Bilingual Ed: Science (1-3 points) A&HB 4134 Curriculum & Methods for Bilingual Ed: Math (1-3 points) A&HB 5123 Guidance techniques for bil/bic child & family (3 points) A&HL 4076 TESOL Methodologies for K-6 (3 points) C&T 4052 Designing curriculum and instruction (2 points) ORLD 4051 How adults learn (3 points)

Pedagogy of Social Imagination in Language Learning and Teaching (PSILLT) Project The PSILLT project is a federally funded project aimed to support teacher candidates in gaining experience working with bilingual learners. It involves participating in planning meetings with a Professor to develop the curriculum for children in an after-school program and teaching primary grade students, mostly during the Spring of Year 1. Stream A students will receive an invitation to participate in the project and the BBE faculty will choose a maximum of 10 Spanish/English bilingual students and 10 Chinese/English bilingual students to participate. While it is designed for Stream A students, those in other tracks can volunteer and participate. For more information: psillt.pressible.org/about-psillt

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