



请假条的英文翻译 format [ ] 1 middle headline excuse. the 2 leave the object name. the 3 leave reason. the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words. 6 for signature. the 7 leave time. the format template: taking a leave of absence x x x: i was ... ... reason, on the ... ... things leave ... ... time, please approve. sincerely yours salut

英语请假条的格式 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假 (leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。 2.一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。 3.请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。


假如你是王立。昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民们摘苹果,不幸(unluckily)从梯子上摔下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天(ask for leave for two days)。(2002新疆乌鲁木齐中考题) 【参考范文】 sep.28 dear miss gao, im sorry i can’t go to school today. i helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. unluckily, i fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt. the doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. so i ask for leave for two days. your student wang li 【范例2】请事假: dear ms.riddle, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from your oral english class this wednesday morning. yesterday evening i got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small firm in suburbs of this city . he needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most reliable person, so he wants me to have a try. personally , i regard this as a golden opportunity to put what i have learned in your class into practice, but i need your permission of absence . if you think i may go and help him get over the difficulty, i am confident that i ll do a good job and both of us will grateful. earnestly yours,



周莹霞 november 12, 2015 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,也是高考要求掌握的写作话题之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假 (leave of absence)。请假条用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。

一、写作指南: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名,在高考中,时间、称呼和签名一般会给出。全文一般分为三段。 2.请假条是一种简单的书信文体, 其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是简化的书信,要有合适的开头和结尾句,同时具备一般书信的人称和时态等特点。 3.请假条要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂,口语化。


1.i’m writing to you to ask a sick leave.我在给你写信请病假。 2.i ask you for sick leave of three days.我请3天病假。 3.i’m sorry that i can’t go to school today, so i want to ask for two days of sick leave. 很抱歉今天我无法上学了,所以我想请两天病假。 4.i wonder if you could give me your permission.你是否同意我请假呢。 5.i hope you can approve my leave. 望准假! 6.your kind permission will be greatly appreciated.承蒙惠准,感激不尽。 7.i’ll go back to school as soon as i am well enough. and i’ll do my best to make up for the missing lessons during my absence 我病一好了就会尽快回校。并且我会尽我所能去补上所缺的课程。 8.sick leave 病假 a casual /absence leave 事假 9.i am very/really/terribly/extremely sorry to tell you that i cannot attend your english classes today. 很抱歉我今天不能上您的英语课。 10.i have to go to see the doctor. 我得看医生。 11.i want to ask for four days’leave from tuesday to friday. 我想请假4天,时间是从周二到周五。 12.i enclose a doctor’s certificate. 我附上了医生证明。(注意:有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上这句)


提出请假 + 阐述请假事由(并致歉) + 希望获准






(一) sep.28 dear mr. peter, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on april 4th,this wednesday.(提出请假及时间) thanks. i will call you at 1:30 p.m. or you can call me at any time.(等候答复)(many thanks. im looking forward to your kind answer.)(希望获准) earnestly yours, li hua

(二) dear mr li i beg to apply for two days’ leave of absence from the 7th to 8th of this week. i’m sorry to tell you that because i was seriously ill--suffering severe headache, i want to return/go home to see the doctor. as regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, i will do my best to make them up as soon as i get back from leave. to support my application, here i herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate. ? i should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. yours respectfully, li hua


假定你是李华, 按如下提示给ms. riddle 写一张事假条。 内容要点:昨晚你接到你表哥的电话,他现在正在城郊经营着一家小公司。现在他需要一个英语口语翻译两天了,但是还是无法找到最可信赖的人,所以找你帮忙。你给老师写了请假条,要求请假本周星期三上午的英语口语课。


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 dear ms. riddle,








_______________________________________________________________________________ earnestly yours, li hua 【参考范文】 dear ms.riddle, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from your oral english class this wednesday morning. yesterday evening i got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small firm in suburbs of this city. he needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most reliable person, so he wants me to have a try. personally, i regard this as a golden opportunity to put what i have learned in your class into practice, but i need your permission of absence. if you think i may go and help him get over the difficulty, i am confident that i’ll do a good job and both of us will be grateful. thanks. your kind permission will be greatly appreciated. earnestly yours,

li hua篇四:怎么写英文请假条




to:某某(假条是递给谁的) from:某某(请假人) date:某年某月某日(写假条的日期而不是请假的日期) subject:标题(写上请假字样) 参考例文

to: james zhao, manager from: kaven han, assistant date: march 27th, 2006 subject: note for sick leave dear mr. james zhao, i would like to know if i could ask for a sick leave for one day on march 29th. i just caught a cold, then i hope i can go to hospital that day. and i will try my best to finish my work on march 28th. many thanks. im looking forward to your kind answer. 请假条(written request for leave)是常用应用文之一,用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。

英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.写法和汉语请假条相同,一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和署名。 2.请假条是一种简单的书信文体,一般写在纸上,不用信封。 3.要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。


假如你是王磊。昨天你和同学们踢球,不幸伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向卢老师请假两天(ask for leave for two days)。

【参考范文】 sept.20 dear miss lu, im sorry i cant go to school today. i played football with my classmates yesterday. unluckily, i fell off and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt. the doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. so i ask for leave for two days. many thanks. im looking forward to your kind answer. wang lei 【点评】这是一份采用书信格式写的请假条。日期是september 20。日期写在正文的右上角。由于请假条的内容大多是当天、近几日因病或因事请假,所以不必写年份。 称呼是dear miss lu,写在左上角。请假条因是向老师或上级请示,一般以dear...,或my dear...,开头。有时可在dear之后,用上mr.或miss等的称呼加上姓氏。有一点要注意,各种称呼后面一般都用逗号。

正文谈了一件事:i fell off and hurt my leg,but i wasnt badly hurt. i cant 署名为wang lei。署名写在右下角,署名上面一行可写上yours, your student等字样。


请假条(Asking for Sick Leave or Business Leave)






(1) 日期

日期通常应在正文右上角,因请假条涉及到的是最近时间内的事情,故可直接用几月,几日或星期几来表示,如 April 10 或 10 April 或 Thursday.

(2) 称呼

称呼常用常规信中的称呼语,如 Dear…, Mr. …, Professor …, Dr. … 等. (3) 正文


(4) 结束语的署名

结束语常用 yours faithfully 或 yours sincerely 或 yours truly 等。

2. 常用句型

(1) 起首用语


I’d like to apply for three days leave of absence, starting from …, and finishing on … I am writing to ask for sick leave of … days, starting from … to … I’m sorry I can’t attend the meeting because/as… Owing to … / As … , I shall be unable to …

(2) 结尾常用语

请假条中结尾用语常用来表示感谢、请予批准等。常用句型如下: I should be very obliged / grateful if you grant me the leave. I hope you will grant me the leave. Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. I’ll certainly do my best to make up … once / as soon as …

Now I enclose a Doctor’s Certificate / a medical certificate from / issued by the doctor. Now I enclose the telegraph from my father.



April 25 Dear Mr. Frick,

As my brother is moving to Canada tomorrow, I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application for one day’s leave tomorrow.

Yours respectfully, Robin Ford


(English 2nd Year, Class B)

April 26, 2016 (To Department office) Ms. Smith,

Owing to a severe headache, I shall be unable to attend classes today. I enclose a medical certificate from the doctor.

Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance.

Yours respectfully, Li Ming


(1)以 Mary 的名义向 Professor John 写一张因病无法上课的请假条(注明缺漏的课日后补上)。

要求:不少于30 词


要求:60 词左右。

April 26, 2016 Dear Professor John,

I’m sorry I can’t come to your lecture today as I am running a fever. I should be very much obliged if you shall grant me the leave. I’ll do my best to make up the lessons as soon as I’m recovered.

Yours respectfully, Mary

April 12, 2016 Dear Manager,

I’d like to apply for three days leave, starting from the 13th to the 15th, in order to return to my hometown to see my father, who is seriously ill these days.

I should be very much obliged if you grant me the leave. As to the duties to be missed during my absence, I shall do my best to make them up as soon as I get back.

Here I enclose a telegraph from my mother.

Yours faithfully, Wang Fang


篇一:请假的各种英文说法 1.请假的一般说法:我想请几天假


i’d like to have three days off. 我想请三天假。


can i take next tuesday off? i will miss two days next week. would it be possible if i take next friday off? how do i request time off for a one-week vacation? 2.请病假的各种事由:我不太舒服。


i’m not feeling well. 我不太舒服。


i’m feeling a bit under weather. i think i came down with something. i feel sick. i have a bad cold. i have a fever. i have a stomachache. i have a splitting headache. i have a sore throat. i have a bad toothache. i can’t stop coughing. 3.请事假的各种事由:我有点私事要处理。


i have some personal business that i need to take care of. 我有点私事要处理。


i got some family issues that i need to take a day off. i have a doctor’s appointment. i have to go to my son’s school tomorrow. i need to attend a wedding next friday. i need tomorrow off to attend a funeral. 4.请人代班的说法:周五的班,你能替我吗?


could you cover for me on friday? 周五的班,你能替我吗?


can you finish it instead of me? would it be possible if i switched my tuesday shift for your friday shift?篇二:请假条的英文翻译 请假条的英文翻译 format [ ] 1 middle headline excuse. the 2 leave the object name. the 3 leave reason. the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words. 6 for signature. the 7 leave time. the format template: taking a leave of absence x x x: i was ... ... reason, on the ... ... things leave ... ... time, please approve. sincerely yours salute x x x x x month x day content ( format )1 title. in 2 called. the 3 reason for leave. the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words. 6 for signature. the 7 leave time. ( examples for reference ) please leave a the xx training center: because of our staff of the general assembly held on the evening of january 10th, no person shall absent in late january 10th, so i cannot back to school to attend the training. we take, ken hope approval!sincerely yours salute xx bank haizhu branch sales department liu xx in january 8, xx english classnote format english diary writing should pay attention to three points: in 1 english diary writing and chinese for the same, it generally consists of four parts, namely the time, call, text and signature.2 in general, can be found a note is a si-mp-le writing style. for a general written on pa-pe-r, no envelope. the format of writing and correspondence has many similarities, the correspondence is greatly simplified. 2 distinguished leadership: because i * * * * reason, will not be able to * * * * *, please lead to give care. sincerely yours ceremony leave: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * day surname name leave things forfor the number of days from the month day hour day month / date to the transfer of work views approval of the leadership in second copies: leave type leave family leave sick leave maternity leave marriage leave bereavement leave to run a business holiday beginning on days when the holiday time month day hourleave for department manager signature signed by the general manager2 content ( format ) 1 title. in 2 called. the 3 reason for leave.the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words. 6 for signature. the 7 leave time. ( examples for reference ) please leave a the xx training center: because of our staff of the general assembly held on the evening of january 10th, no person shall absent, so i can not return to training late in january 10th. we take, ken hope approval!sincerely yours salute! xx bank haizhu branch sales department liu xx in january 8th 2xxx taking a leave of absence : due to it can not participate in activity, we take, hope approval. sincerely yours篇三:英语请假条 英语请假条

周莹霞 november 12, 2015 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,也是高考要求掌握的写作话题之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假 (leave of absence)。请假条用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。


1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名,在高考中,时间、称呼和签名一般会给出。全文一般分为三段。

2.请假条是一种简单的书信文体, 其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是简化的书信,要有合适的开头和结尾句,同时具备一般书信的人称和时态等特点。 3.请假条要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂,口语化。


1.i’m writing to you to ask a sick leave.我在给你写信请病假。 2.i ask you for sick leave of three days.我请3天病假。

3.i’m sorry that i can’t go to school today, so i want to ask for two days of sick leave. 很抱歉今天我无法上学了,所以我想请两天病假。

4.i wonder if you could give me your permission.你是否同意我请假呢。 5.i hope you can approve my leave. 望准假!

6.your kind permission will be greatly appreciated.承蒙惠准,感激不尽。

7.i’ll go back to school as soon as i am well enough. and i’ll do my best to make up for the missing lessons during my absence 我病一好了就会尽快回校。并且我会尽我所能去补上所缺的课程。 8.sick leave 病假 a casual /absence leave 事假

9.i am very/really/terribly/extremely sorry to tell you that i cannot attend your english classes today. 很抱歉我今天不能上您的英语课。 10.i have to go to see the doctor. 我得看医生。

11.i want to ask for four days’leave from tuesday to friday. 我想请假4天,时间是从周二到周五。

12.i enclose a doctor’s certificate. 我附上了医生证明。(注意:有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上这句)


提出请假 + 阐述请假事由(并致歉) + 希望获准 请假条全文一般分为三段。





(一) sep.28 dear mr. peter, thanks. i will call you at 1:30 p.m. or you can call me at any time.(等候答复)(many thanks. im looking forward to your kind answer.)(希望获准) earnestly yours, li hua

(二) dear mr li i beg to apply for two days’ leave of absence from the 7th to 8th of this week. i’m sorry to tell you that because i was seriously ill--suffering severe headache, i want to return/go home to see the doctor. as regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, i will do my best to make them up as soon as i get back from leave. to support my application, here i herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate. ? i should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. yours respectfully, li hua


假定你是李华, 按如下提示给ms. riddle 写一张事假条。

内容要点:昨晚你接到你表哥的电话,他现在正在城郊经营着一家小公司。现在他需要一个英语口语翻译两天了,但是还是无法找到最可信赖的人,所以找你帮忙。你给老师写了请假条,要求请假本周星期三上午的英语口语课。 注意:1.词数100左右。

2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 dear ms. riddle,

_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ earnestly yours,li hua 【参考范文】

dear ms.riddle, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from your oral english class this wednesday morning. yesterday evening i got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small firm in suburbs of this city. he needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most reliable person, so he wants me to have a try. personally, i regard this as a golden opportunity to put what i have learned in your class into practice, but i need your permission of absence. if you think i may go and help him get over the difficulty, i am confident that i’ll do a good job and both of us will be grateful. thanks. your kind permission will be greatly appreciated. earnestly yours, li hua























一、Great changes in my hometown

More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life . Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful . 一,在我二十多年以前家乡的巨大变化,我的家乡只是一个小的,老,穷镇。大多数的人是农民。很少有工厂。人们没有足够的食物吃,穿旧衣服。他们有一个艰苦的生活。发生了很大变化,在过去的二十年的地方。人们已经发现了一种赚钱的方式很多。现在有许多高大的建筑物。他们非常漂亮。道路宽阔,干净。市民可乘搭巴士或自己开车去上班。很多人都有手机和个人电脑。人民的生活条件改善了很多。政府的努力下。我的家乡变得越来越美丽。

二、Save the earth

How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world . It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matter where we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy . We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields. We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best to protect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better . 二,如何拯救地球,保护环境已成为世界上最大的问题之一。这是我们的责任保护我们的环境。无论我们住在哪里,我们应该做些什么来使我们的街道干净整洁。我们可以收集废纸和其他废弃物回收的东西。我们应该种更多的树,我们应该防止浪费浇筑到河流,湖泊和水等领域的工厂。我们不应该到处乱扔垃圾和随地吐痰在公共场所。我们不能选择在公共草地上的花朵或步骤。如果每个人都尽最大努力保护环境,世界将变得更加美丽,我们的生活会越来越好。

三、Improve our environment

Good environment can make people feel happy. To improve the environment means to qualify our life . What should we do to improve our environment ? We should plant more trees . And we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers , lakes and fields . Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into a dustbin . Don’t spit in public places . Don’t draw on public walls . It’s our duty to keep our earth clean and tidy . 三,改善环境良好的环境可以使人们感到高兴。为了改善环境的手段来限定我们的生活。我们应该做些什么来改善我们的环境呢?我们应该种更多的树。我们应该避免浪费浇筑到河流,湖泊和水等领域的工厂。每当我们看到地上有垃圾,我们应该把它捡起来,扔到垃圾桶了。不要随地吐痰,在公共场所。不要利用公共墙。这是我们的责任我们的地球保持干净整洁。

五、Make our world more beautiful !

Protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to humans . It’s our duty to take care of the nature around us . Animals and plants are our best friends ., and we should share the world with them . We shouldn’t kill wild animals , and we must protect forests because they are animals’ home . We must plant more trees and grass , they can make the world greener . The more beautiful the world is, the happier lives we will have . Let’s do our best to make the world beautiful.


六、Keep our school clean

We are studying in this school. It is our duty to keep it clean and tidy. It is not good to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the class. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there. Don’t draw pictures on the wall, they influence the look of our school . We should keep the classroom clean and tidy. And we should do some cleaning often. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure our school will be more beautiful . 六,保持清洁,我们学校在这所学校学习。这是我们的责任保持干净整洁。这是不好随地吐痰在公共场所,如在图书馆中的类。我们不应该在这里和那里留下垃圾。不要画在墙上的照片,它们影响了我们学校看看。我们应保持教室整洁。我们应该经常做一些清理。如果每个人都尽最大努力向我们学校做一些有益的,我敢肯定,我们的学校会更漂亮。

八、How to learn English well

As we know , English has become an international language. It is more popular than any other language in China . English is widely spoken in the world and it is the most useful language around the world . But how to learn it well ?

The best way is to use it all the time . If we can talk in English , think in English we can learn it well . At school , we should learn to hear , speak, read and write carefully . We should spend enough time in practicing English . If we keep on working hard at English , we will be able to be good at it one day . 八,如何学好英语好,因为我们知道,英语已经成为一种国际语言。这是在中国比任何其他语言的流行。英语为通用语言的世界,它是全世界最有用的语言。但如何学习它呢?最好的方法就是使用它所有的时间。如果我们能说英语,用英语思考,我们可以学习得很好。在学校,我们应该学会听,说,读,写清楚。我们应该花足够的时间在练习英语。如果我们继续在努力学习英语,我们将能够在这么精彩的一天。

九、How I learn English

Hello, everyone. It is my honor to talk with all of you about how to learn English well . I like English very much . I always preview and master the main idea of the lesson before class. In class , I listen carefully , speak loudly and write carefully and take notes if necessary . After class , I do my homework carefully . I watch English movies and listen to English songs . I have booked an English newspaper . It’s Times English Post , I can learn a lot from it . I am not afraid of remembering the new words because I master many good methods . I hope you work hard at English and make progress every day . That’s all . 九,如何学好英语大家好。这是我的荣幸与大家谈谈如何学好英语。本人非常喜欢英语。我总是预览和掌握这一课上课前的主要思想。在课堂上,我仔细听,仔细地大声说话,写笔记,并采取必要。下课后,我仔细地做功课。我看英文电影,听英文歌曲。我已预订一英文报纸。这是时代英语的帖子,我可以从中学到很多。我不记新单词,因为我掌握许多好的方法害怕。我希望你们努力学习英语,天天向上。这样就好了。

十二、I want to be an inventor

TVs, telephone, fridges, cars, planes, computers and many other things are important inventions. They have greatly changed our life. Many people have their ideas and wishes. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them. I want to be an inventor in the future, Inventions can bring fun and happiness to our life and make our daily life more convenient. Our life will become better and better. Now I am student. I will try my best to work hard at my lessons to make my dream come true. 十二,我想成为一名发明家电视,电话,冰箱,汽车,飞机,电脑和其他许多东西是重要的发明。这些极大地改变了我们的生活。许多人都有自己的想法和愿望。他们要为世界创造一些新的东西。我是其中之一。我想成为一个在未来的发明家,发明能带来乐趣和幸福,我们的生活,让我们的生活更加方便。我们的生活会越来越好。现在我是一名学生。我会尽我所能,在我工作的经验教训努力使我的梦想成真。

十三、I want to be a tour guide

I want to be a tour guide because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games. There will be many people to come to China from all over the world. Most of them don’t know Chinese. They want to visit many interesting places in China. I can be one of the guides. I can make much money, too. How happy I will be! So from now on , I must study hard. I am going to learn English every day. I will try my best to make it come true. 十三,我想成为一名导游,我想成为一名导游,因为北京将主办2008年奥运会。会有很多人从世界各地到中国。他们大多不懂中文。他们希望访问中国的许多有趣的地方。我可以的导游之一。我可以挣很多钱了。我会多么幸福!因此,从现在开始,我必须努力学习。我要每天学习英语。我会尽我所能,让美梦成真。

十四、I like the Internet

The Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. It’s very useful. I often search the Internet for some information. I can read the latest news, do some shopping, and get all kinds of information from it. I can also download the information that I need and I can send e-mails and make telephone calls to my friends on the internet. The most important thing is that I am able to study all my lessons on the Internet.

The Internet makes my life more interesting and colorful and it has a wide effect on my study and daily life. I like the internet very much. How about you / Will you have a try ? 十四,我喜欢互联网,互联网正在发挥在我们的日常生活的重要组成部分。这是非常有用的。我经常搜索一些信息互联网。我可以阅读最新新闻,做一些购物,并从中获取各种信息。我还可以下载的信息,我需要,我可以发送电子邮件和打电话给我的朋友在互联网上。最重要的是,我能够研究在互联网上我所有的经验教训。互联网使我的生活变得更有趣,色彩丰富,它有一个对我的学习和生活影响广泛。本人非常喜欢上网。你怎么样/你试试?

十、Introduce yourself

My name is Li Lei . I was born in Fuzhou on December 15 ,2000 . I’m studying at Yucai Middle School. I learn Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry, politics, and so on. I like English best. My favorite sport is football. My hobbies are drawing and computer. I’m very happy to live in a happy family. There are 3 people in my family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. We love each other very much . 二十,自我介绍我的名字是李蕾。我出生在福州12月15日,2000年。我就读于育才中学。我学习中文,数学,英语,物理,化学,政治,等等。我最喜欢英语。我最喜欢的运动是足球。我的爱好是绘画和电脑。我很高兴能生活在一个幸福的家庭。有3个在我的家人。我的父亲是一名医生。我的母亲是一位教师。我们非常相爱。

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