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Secretary-General’s Message on United Nations Day 秘书长联合国日致辞 24 October 2013 2013年10月24日 Dear friends, 亲爱的朋友们,

United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress. 联合国日使我们有机会认识到这一重要的组织为和平与共同进步所做出的巨大贡献。 It is a time to reflect on what more we can do to realize our vision for a better world. 此时应该反思的是,我们还能够为实现更美好世界的愿景再做些什么。 The fighting in Syria is our biggest security challenge. 叙利亚境内的战斗是我们面临的最大安全挑战。

Millions of people depend on UN humanitarian personnel for life-saving assistance. 数以百万计的民众依赖联合国人道主义工作人员提供拯救生命的援助。

UN experts are working hand-in-hand with the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to destroy Syria’s stockpiles. 联合国专家正与获得诺贝尔奖的禁止化学武器组织携手努力,争取销毁叙利亚的化武储存。

And we are pushing for a diplomatic solution to end suffering that has gone on far too long. 我们正在推动一项外交解决方案,以结束一场历时太久的痛苦。

Our most urgent development challenge is to make sustainability a reality. 最紧迫的发展挑战莫过于实现可持续性。

The Millennium Development Goals have cut poverty in half. 千年发展目标已经将贫穷减少了一半。

Now we must maintain the momentum, craft an equally inspiring post-2015 development agenda and reach an agreement on climate change. 我们现在必须保持这一势头,制订出同样激励人心的2015年后发展议程,并就气候变化问题达成协议。

This year again, we saw the United Nations come together on armed conflict, human rights, the environment and many other issues. 今年,联合国再度凝聚力量,应对武装冲突、人权、环境及许多其他问题。

We continue to show what collective action can do. We can do even more. 我们继续向世人展示集体行动能够取得的成果。而我们甚至可更有作为。 In a world that is more connected, we must be more united. 在这更加相互联接的世界中,我们必须更加团结。

On United Nations Day, let us pledge to live up to our founding ideals and work together for peace, development and human rights. 值此联合国日,我们立誓实现我们的创始理想,为和平、发展和人权而共同努力。



Pulling Together in Testing Times: Securing a Better Future for All 放到一起来考核:为全人类创造一个更好的未来 (UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon) 联合国秘书长潘基文 Mr. President, 总统先生

Distinguished Heads of State and Government, 市长们

Distinguished Delegates, 各位代表

Ladies and Gentlemen, 女士们,先生们

Welcome to New York in this beautiful autumn season. And welcome to the opening of 欢迎来到纽约,在这个美丽的秋天。来到这个开幕式,为第65次联大一般性辩论举行的

this 65th general debate. Mr. President, congratulations. I look forward to working closely with you in the year 总统先生,祝贺你。我期盼与你一起工作,在下一年,战胜所有我们将面对的困难 ahead, across the full range of challenges facing our community of nations. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 阁下们,女士们,先生们。

We, the peoples of the United Nations, are bound by certain sacred duties and 我们,作为联合国的成员,被特定的责任和义务联系到一起。

obligations. To care for the welfare of others. To resolve conflicts peacefully. To act in the 去造福他人,和平的解决纷争。

world with empathy and understanding. To practice tolerance and mutual respect as a 要带着同情与理解去行动, 要宽容和互相尊重,成为公民法则的基石。

bedrock principle of civilization. Today, we are being tested. Social inequalities are growing, among nations and within. 今天,测试来了。社会不公在增多,存在于在国家之间和国家内部。 Everywhere, people live in fear of losing jobs and incomes. Too many are caught in 任何地方,人们都害怕失业。很多人都在困境中,

conflict, women and children are bearing the brunt. And we see a new politics at 女人和孩子居多。有一个新政治在工作上,两级分化的政治。 work—a politics of polarization. We hear the language of hate, false divisions between “them” and “us,,,those who 我们听到仇恨的语言,人为地区分“他们”与“我们”,那些人固执“己见”,insist on “their way” or “no way.”否则就认为没有出路。

Amid such uncertainty, so much confusion of purpose, we naturally seek a moral 我们在如此不确定,分不清目标的情况下,自然需要寻找一个道德

compass. At the United Nations, we find the proper path in community, global cause, fair 指南针。在联合国,我们在集体中找到正确的道路,全球的共同事业,公平的决定 decisions, mutual responsibility for a destiny we share. 为我们休戚与共的命运相互承担责任。

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,女士们,先生们,

This is the soul of global governance, the theme of this General Assembly. A collective stand, principled and pragmatic, against forces that would divide us. And that is why the United Nations remains the indispensable global institution for the 21st-century. As we gather today, in solidarity, let us recognize: This is a season for pulling together, for consolidating progress, for putting our shoulder to the wheel and delivering results. Real results, for people most in need, as only the United Nations can do.这是全球治理的灵魂,本届大会的主题。采取讲求原则、注重实效的集体立场,反对分裂势力。这就是为什么联合国仍然是21世纪不可缺少的全球性机构的原因。当我们今天会聚一堂团结在一起,让我们认识到:这是一个团结的季节,是巩固进步的季节,也是用我们的肩膀推动车轮并取得成果的季节。为最需要帮助的人们,实现真正的成果,只有联合国才能做到。

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,各位阁下,尊敬的各位代表,

Together, over the past three years, we embraced an ambitious agenda,framed by three over-arching ideas for our time. A more prosperous world, free of the deepest poverty. A cleaner, greener and more sustainable world for our children. A safer world, free of nuclear weapons. Those are the great challenges of our era. They are not dreams. They are opportunities, within our power to grasp. Together, we have made progress.过去三年来,我们致力于一项宏大的议程,由我们这个时代三个至关重要的信念框架起来的。一个更繁荣的,无赤贫的世界。一个更清洁、更环保、更可持续的造福子孙的世界。一个更安全的,无核武器的世界。这些是我们这个时代的三大挑战。这些不是梦想。这些是机会,我们有力量可以抓住的。.我们共同努力,已取得了进展。

We will press ahead---with fresh thinking, fresh approaches, a strong sense of leadership and political will. The Millennium Development Goals Summit showed our collective determination. World leaders came together with concrete national plans to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. They agreed on a responsible and mutually accountable partnership, a partnership that will better the lives of billions of people within our generation我们将奋勇向前对教育、体面工作、保健、小户农业、基础设施和绿色能源进行明智的投资;让妇女走上前台至关重要。

That is why, at the Summit, I welcomed the endorsement of our Global Strategy for Women and Children’s Health. Backed by billions of dollars in new commitments, from governments, business, NGOs and philanthropic organizations, this was a tangible expression of global solidarity.这就是为什么在首脑会议上我欢迎认可《妇女与儿童保健全球战略》的原因。这一战略有数十亿美元新承诺的的支持,来自于政府、企业、非政府组织和慈善组织,是全球团结的具体表现。

That is also why, last week, I named a dynamic new head of UN Women. In Michelle Bachelet, the former President of Chile, we found a global leader who can inspire millions of women and girls around the world. We must support her to the utmost. Because, by empowering women, we empower societies.这也是为什么,上星期我任命了一位充满活力的新联合国妇女新领袖。在米歇尔·巴舍莱,智利前总统身上,我们看到了一个全球领袖能够激励世界各地千千万万妇女和女孩的。我们尽力必须支持她。因为增强妇女的力量,也就是增强社会的力量。 Ladies and Gentlemen,女士们,先生们

Three years ago, we called climate change the “defining challenge” of our era, and so it remains. Clearly, the road toward a comprehensive, binding agreement, in Cancun and beyond will not be easy. And yet, we have made progress, and we can make more.三年前,我们将气候变化称为我们这个时代“特有的挑战”,这一挑战依然存在。显然,通往达成一项全面,有约束力的协议的道路,要在坎昆及以后,并不会是平坦。但是,我们已经取得了进展,而且可以取得更多的进展。

This is a year to build on important areas of agreement—on financing for adaptation and mitigation, on technology transfer, on capacity-building and preventing deforestation. In the longer-term, we face the “50-50-50 challenge.” By 2050, the world’s population will grow by 50 percent.今年是在重要领域加强共识的一年非常重要问题,他们对全人类产生影响。让我们记住,在这艰难的时期记住,:我们正在经受考验。让我们记住:很多人为实现我们的理想献出了生命。让我们记住:世界仍然期待联合国提供道义和政治领导。 The great goals are within reach. We can achieve them by looking forward, pulling together, uniting our strength as a community of nations, in the name of the larger good. 这些宏伟目标是可以实现的。我们能够实现这些目标。只要我们为了更广泛的利益,放眼未来,共同努力,团结国际社会的力量,就可以实现。

Thank you very much, and I count on your leadership and commitment. Thank you. 非常感谢大家,我为大家杰出的领导和努力表示感谢。
















Secretary-General’s Message on World Water Day


New York, 22 March 2013

2013年3月21日 纽约

Water holds the key to sustainable development.We need it for health, food security and economic progress.Yet, each year brings new pressures.One in three people already lives in a country with moderate to high water stress, and by 2030 nearly half the global population could be facing water scarcity, with demand outstripping supply by 40 per cent.Competition is growing among farmers and herders; industry and agriculture; town and country; upstream and downstream; and across borders.Climate change and the needs of populations growing in size and prosperity mean we must work together to protect and manage this fragile, finite resource.水是可持续发展的关键所在。我们的健康、粮食安全和经济发展都需要水。然而,每年都面临新的压力。三分之一的人民已经生活在中度到高度缺水的国家,全球近一半的人口到2030年可能面临水资源匮乏,需求量将比供应量高出40%。农民和牧民、工业和农业、城镇和乡村、上游和下游以及各国之间对水资源的争夺日趋激烈。气候变化、不断扩大的人民需求以及富裕繁荣要求我们必须共同致力于保护和管理这一脆弱和有限的资源。

This is the International Year of Water Cooperation, and World Water Day 2013

is dedicated to highlighting the joint efforts necessary to ensuring a fair share for people and planet.The United Nations system, through UN-Water and its 30 UN members and 25 international partners, is fostering collaboration from the global level to the grassroots.For example, the UN Development Programme’s Shared Waters Partnership is supporting political agreement on shared waters, such as in the Nile Basin.UNESCO is supporting the equitable management of transboundary water resources to avoid conflict, while the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes will soon be available to all UN Member States.I urge countries outside the UNECE region to join the Convention and further develop it.


Agriculture is by far the largest user of freshwater, and there is growing urgency to reconcile its demands with the needs of domestic and industrial uses, especially energy production.Climate change also presents a growing threat to agricultural productivity and food security.My Zero Hunger Challenge promotes sustainable agriculture by sharing best practices and harnessing the

most appropriate technologies so small farmers and industrial giants alike can get more crop per drop.


No message on water should pass without mentioning sanitation.While the Millennium Development Goal target for providing access to improved water sources has been reached, we are woefully short on sanitation.Some 2.5 billion people lack access to the dignity and health afforded by access to a toilet and protection from untreated waste.We count the cost in lives— 4,500 young children a day – and economic productivity.Yet we know that every dollar spent on sanitation can bring a five-fold return.That is why the Deputy Secretary-General has this week launched a global call to action to accelerate work towards the MDG on sanitation.Investment in sanitation is a down-payment on a sustainable future.

关于水资源的致辞必须提到环境卫生问题。虽然千年发展目标中关于提供改良水源的具体目标已经实现,但环境卫生方面仍然存在巨大差距。约25亿人无法通过使用厕所获得尊严和健康,也无法在未经处理的废物面前得到保护。我们可以盘点生命成本——每天有4 500名幼儿死亡——以及经济生产率成本。然而,我们知道用于环境卫生的每一美元可带来五倍回报。因此,副秘书长本周已发起一项全球呼吁,要求采取行动以加快实现环境卫生领域的千年发展目标。环境卫生投资是建设可持续未来的首期付款。

There are little more than 1,000 days left before the MDG deadline, but with renewed effort we can finish the job started at the beginning of the Millennium.But 2015 is not a finishing line, merely a milestone in a long and challenging journey.As we develop the post-2015 development agenda, our aim is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, and to create an equitable world of opportunity for all.To do that, we need to give equal consideration to the environmental dimension of sustainable development.We cannot prosper without clean, plentiful freshwater.On this World Water Day, I appeal for heightened cooperation.Water is a common resource.Let us use it more intelligently and waste less so all get a fair share.

距离千年发展目标的最后期限只剩1 000多天的时间,但只要再接再厉,我们就能够完成千年发展目标推出时启动的工作。但2015年并非终点线,只不过是漫长而艰巨旅程中的一个里程碑。在制定2015年后的发展议程时,我们的目标是消除极端贫穷和饥饿,创造人人享有机会的公平世界。为此,我们需要对可持续发展的环境层面给予同等考虑。离开清洁和充足的淡水,我们无法实现繁荣。值此世界水日,我呼吁加强合作。水是一种公共资源。为了人人获得公平份额,让我们更明智地利用水资源并减少浪费。

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