







3.扩大知识面,开阔视野。要想真正地学好英语,离不开对英语国家文化知识和背景的了解。观看英文电影是让学生了解文化和背景的重要途径。如:学生可以通过《走遍美国》中Thanksgiving Day的内容了解西方感恩节的由来和习俗;可以通过《公主日记》中皇室成员晚宴的情节了解西方餐桌礼仪。文化和背景知识了解多了,知识面也就扩大了,视野也随之开阔了,学习也会由被动接受变成主动学习。























Having seen this movie, I have learned a lot. First, some encouraging sentences were said by the teacher,Keating, for example,Carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extraordinary. Carpe diem is from Latin, which means seize the day. The reason why he said it was to encourage his beloved students to live a good and meaningful life for the tome being. Keating was the teacher who was absolutely different from the others in Welton Academy, the “best prep school in America”. In my eyes, he was just like the light lightening the road of his students to their future. At the same time, Keating’s passion for poetry inspired some of his students to set up a secret club. He said:“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering — these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love — these are what we stay alive for.”

What is more, Keating brought a new idea where students can be accepted as an individuals. He asked students to march differently, just according their own willing, and he opened the boys’ to their numb acceptance of conformity , and get them think about the endless possibilities in the later life. And there was a scene in the movie, Todd was a shy boy, and he could not demonstrate himself in the class. With his encouragement, Todd became less frightened and more at ease expressing himself in front of his classmates. And meanwhile, he gradually spoke out immediately what he has in his mind without being afraid of becoming others’ laughing stock. It was not only Todd’s success, but also was Keating’s.

Second impressed a lot was Todd’s story. His parents sent him a study board as the birthday gift, the same birthday gift as last year. His parents wanted to use the gift to remind him that he should always study hard to improve himself and not put up with their expectations. They never know Todd did not like the gift at all, which drove him in a depression because he thought his parents never cared about him. He was terribly burdened by his parents’ expectations. And with the Neil’s encouragement, he threw the study board, which indicated that he would get rid of those so-called burden and truly be himself.

In the end, what touched me most was the Neil’s death. Neil was mad at acting because he thought it could allow him to express himself openly and sincerely , to experience a kind of different life. While his father did not allow him to take acting as a career. And later, he felt he totally lost the control of his own life. He was forced to leave Welton and to give up his beloved acting career. And he had to take up one course he did not show interest in. And, he committed suicide. Was his father to be blame? Was the academy to be blame? May be yes, may be no.


The show

After watched the movie, my feeling is very large .For happiness, we all have the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of happiness. In the film, the hero very poor, still did not give up the pursuit of happiness, that is worthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, we want to go to the pursuit of happiness. Is not only our personal happiness, but also people is happiness, happiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building powerful motherland, so, we should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of happiness.


2. 《后天》





7. 《甘地传》

8. 《超时空接触》

9. 《共谱恋曲》

10. 《杀死比尔》

11. 《正午》

12. 《心灵捕手》

13. 《荒野生存》

14. 《垂直极限》






























Having seen this movie, I have learned a lot. First, some encouraging sentences were said by the teacher,Keating, for example,Carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extraordinary. Carpe diem is from Latin, which means seize the day. The reason why he said it was to encourage his beloved students to live a good and meaningful life for the tome being. Keating was the teacher who was absolutely different from the others in Welton Academy, the “best prep school in America”. In my eyes, he was just like the light lightening the road of his students to their future. At the same time, Keating’s passion for poetry inspired some of his students to set up a secret club. He said:“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering — these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love — these are what we stay alive for.”

What is more, Keating brought a new idea where students can be accepted as an individuals. He asked students to march differently, just according their own willing, and he opened the boys’ to their numb acceptance of conformity , and get them think about the endless possibilities in the later life. And there was a scene in the movie, Todd was a shy boy, and he could not demonstrate himself in the class. With his encouragement, Todd became less frightened and more at ease expressing himself in front of his classmates. And meanwhile, he gradually spoke out immediately what he has in his mind without being afraid of becoming others’ laughing stock. It was not only Todd’s success, but also was Keating’s.

Second impressed a lot was Todd’s story. His parents sent him a study board as the birthday gift, the same birthday gift as last year. His parents wanted to use the gift to remind him that he should always study hard to improve himself and not put up with their expectations. They never know Todd did not like the gift at all, which drove him in a depression because he thought his parents never cared about him. He was terribly burdened by his parents’ expectations. And with the Neil’s encouragement, he threw the study board, which indicated that he would get rid of those so-called burden and truly be himself.

In the end, what touched me most was the Neil’s death. Neil was mad at acting because he thought it could allow him to express himself openly and sincerely , to experience a kind of different life. While his father did not allow him to take acting as a career. And later, he felt he totally lost the control of his own life. He was forced to leave Welton and to give up his beloved acting career. And he had to take up one course he did not show interest in. And, he committed suicide. Was his father to be blame? Was the academy to be blame? May be yes, may be no.
