



1. 对英语阅读重要性的认识;

2. 个人开展英语阅读的情况(1-2点具体做法)及感悟;

3. 将来的打算。

参考词汇:play an important part; in the past; borrow books; at the beginning; something easy and interesting, in the future, form a good habit of; read everyday; be helpful for.




Good morning, everybody,

I’m pleased to be here to talk about my English reading. As we know, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




1. 对英语阅读重要性的认识;

2. 个人开展英语阅读的情况(1-2点具体做法)及感悟;

3. 将来的打算。

参考词汇:play an important part; in the past; borrow books; at the beginning; something easy and interesting, in the future, form a good habit of; read everyday; be helpful for.




Good morning, everybody,

I’m pleased to be here to talk about my English reading. As we know, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



A recent survey shows that in today’s society, Chinese young people’s life goals have become more diversified than before. When young people are asked what they will struggle for, more than half of the respondents choose to earn enough money to buy a house and a car for themselves. In addition to this practical goal, some people, about 44%, pick up their life goal as improving their life quality or to be rich while 23.9% of the respondents are simply satisfied to have a good job. As for how to achieve their life goals, most of them prefer struggling to realize their dreams. The survey shows that the society is making progress and people’s life goals have become more practical.

A recent investigation shows that nowadays the young in China have more diversified goals than ever before. More than half of the respondents aim at making more money to buy themselves a car and a house. 44% of them want to improve their living standard while 43.3% of them hope to become rich. Besides, about a quarter of them wish to get a good job in the future. To achieve their goals, 71.9% of these young people said that they would struggle to overcome difficulties on their ways to success.

Keeping optimistic

We can know from the passage if we are optimistic we can conquer different kinds of difficulties in life when we meet them, and we will succeed in the end.

In my study, I will get discourage when I fail in an exam. I think I’m hopeless and can’t go to my ideal university. Whenever I am in bad mood, my teachers, especially my homeroom teacher, encourages me to be optimistic by saying the proverb “Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.” They also tell me to study harder and give me good advice on my study. I’m grateful to them and agree with them. From now on, I’ll no longer feel frustrated when I fail in an exam. On the contrary, I will still keep optimistic and study harder because I know failure is the mother of success. As long as I don’t loose heart and work hard, I’m sure I’ll succeed in the end.第三周:基础写作:



Last Saturday afternoon, I went to Forest Park for a picnic with my roommates. Unfortunately we were caught in the rain on our way home and Li Hua got a dreadful headache. I took her temperature, finding that she was having a fever. So I took her to see the doctor right now and she was advised to be in bed for 3 days. Now I’d like to ask for two days’ sick leave for her, including Monday and Tuesday, and therefore she cannot take part in the badminton game on Tuesday


总结:The writer tried to tell us the importance of setting goals through a beaver’s story. After it built a house for the winter, it set another goal for the spring—to chew down a big tree and succeeded by working hard.

你认为制订目标很重要吗?The quest for success always begins with a target. Goal setting is the focus of will to move in a certain direction. Without goals, one will never know what he’s doing, neither will he try his best to do it.

你认为制订目标后怎样才能成功?There goes the saying, “Hard work leads to success.” If we want to achieveour goals, we must work hard. Also, we should stick to our goals and never give up when we are faced with setbacks. 举例:Last year I took part in an English speech contest. At the beginning I made up my mind to perform best though my English was not good enough. I tried every means and even stood in front of the mirror to practise again and again. Finally I succeeded and become one of the 10 students in the final competition.第四周:基础写作


Most of the students think that social practice is not important. In fact social practice is an important part of school education. After all the knowledge we obtain from books is limited. Participation in social practice does a lot of good to us. For example, We can apply what we’ve learned to practical problems, from which we can get more

experience and have more knowledge about our society. Thus we will take correct attitude towards our studies and work harder.


总结:From this passage,we know sometimes difficult conditions can really make a man strong, so parents should let their children eat bitter foods, do hard work and experience a hard life.

描述你的童年生活 I grew up in an ordinary family, which is notso well off. I could understand the hardshipsmy parents were bearing at that time.Therefore, I work very hard now in the hopeof entering the university and changing thesituation of my family and me.

你对童年生活的认识 我认为从某种意义上来说,艰苦的环境可以激发一个人的潜能,为他的成功铺平道路。I think that in a certain sense, difficult situations can stimulate a person’s potential and pave the way for him to succeed.

一个人在经历了磨难之后可以变得坚强,勇敢和忠实可靠。One can be strong, brave and faithful after all the hardships he has gone through.总而言之,我认为温室里的花朵经受不起风暴的洗礼,艰苦的生活对孩子来说是有好处的。All in all, I think that flowers from a greenhouse can never withstand a storm and that a hard life is good for children.



Dear Sir or Madam

I cannot wait to join in the social workers team in our neighborhood. Being optimistic, caring and responsible, I develop a passion for social work. Besides, I am so fluent in spoken English that I was once invited to teach a group of young kids English last summer. What’s more, I have no class on both Saturday and Sundays. If I’m lucky to get the position, It not only provides me a regular source of income by paying me 5 yuan by the hour but also does a lot to improve my skills in interpersonal relationships. It is certain that I will do what I can to bring joy and comfort to whomever I work for. I’m looking forward to your reply very soon.

Sincerely yours

Ling ming


Dear principal ,

I am writing in answer to the decision the school made several days ago .It reminds me of the British school where music plays a big part.

In Britain,pupils can study an instrument like the piano or violin or the guitar. They also play music together as a class and have fun, even take part in concerts and organize bands.

同学们对学校取消音乐课意见不一Therefore, no sooner had the school announced not to offer music lessons to Senior Two and Three students than we held a heated discussion about its advantages and disadvantages. So far, there has been no consensus on it.

你对此决定赞成或反对?Personally, I am among those who argue against the decision largely because music lesson provide us with an opportunity to relieve our heavy academic pressure and promote the mutual understanding between students.

(理由)以你自己或他人的感受来说明开设音乐课的利或弊。Actually, nothing please me than music lessons, for I am completely relaxed, not caring about study for a while. Also, I am ready to bear my heart to my classmates and feel close to each other. It is the charm of music that brings all of us a realization that there is still joy in our dull life. So it is better to continue music lessons


1. 为何与人合作:现代社会必备;可省时间和精力;更多互相学习的机会

2. 与谁合作:A与喜欢的人合作:心情愉快,同甘共苦B与不喜欢的人合作:学会容忍,学会挖


3. 你的看法:倾听别人意见,不把你的观点强加给别人,有礼貌地指出别人的错误

Good afternoon,everyone !the topic of my speech today is “being a good parner .”In this busy ,modern world ,if we want to complete our work more efficiently ,we must all learn to cooperate with others ,because not only can cooperation save us a lot of time and energy ,but also we can learn much each other .We`ll be lucky enough to find someone we like to cooperate with due to the fact that we can share our joy and sadness with him .however ,it can be difficult to cooperate with someone we dislike .In this case ,we`ll have to put up with some of his shortcomings and try to discover his advantages .In my opinion ,to be a good partner ,we should try to listen to others`opinions ,never force our ideas on others and if he makes mistakes ,try to point out in a polite way .Thank you for your listening !


概括短文要点Failure is a commom thing in life .But there are different attitudes towards failure .Whoever draws a lesson from every failure becomes experienced and succeeds .

失败并非坏事,但从失败中站起来并非易事So failure has a different effect on anyone who has a different attitude .As for me ,I like success .Meanwhile I don`t mind failure because it isn`t a bad matter ,and we cen stand up in the failure ,which isn`t indeed an easy matter .

失败对胜利者是必修课,重要的基本功As is known ,the defeat to a victor is actually an important basic skill and the required course .

你对失败的看法和态度 (1)In my opinion ,we should take a positive attitude towards failure .As a matter of fact ,I think failure can stimulate our potential and from it we can learn a lot ,with which we can achieve success .Just as the saying goes ,”Failure is the mother of success .”

(2)In my opinion ,we should take an active attitude towards failure ,because most of us experience the failure thongh few of us are so lucky as to succeed .Failure tells us such things as why we failed and what should we do to correct the mistakes .Failure also tells us how to approach our goals and ensures us failure is the mother of success .



1.概况:位于校园西南角,面积1000平方米 2.历史:20年的历史,2008年重建 3.特色:各种花卉、树木、药用植物 4.功能:美化校园、研究植物场所、休闲之地 5.其他:观赏至少许一小时

Located at the south-west corner of our school, the botanical garden is spread over an area of approximately 1000 square meters. The garden is over 20 years old and was rebuilt in 2008. as you walk through the garden, you can see various kinds of beautiful flowers, trees and herbs. If you’re planning to explore the garden, set aside at least one hour. The garden makes our schoool more beautiful and it’s a fantastic place for students to study and learn more about plants or simply to relax for a while.


(1) Should Schools Suspend Troublesone Students?

概括要点:校长的做法、想法、结果I recentl I recently read a news story about a school in Egland whose headmaster often suspends misbehaving students. The headmster believes that strong discipline improves hoth students’ behaviour and academic performance. His school’s exam results have greatly improved during his time in charge.

你是否支持该校长的做法,理由While I congratulate the headmaster on his success I do not agree with the methods he uses to achieve it. Suspending students should be the final type of punishment used for misbehaving students, not the first. Quickly removing such students from the school may be of some benefit to the remaining students but it doesn’t solve the problem of poor behaviour. It only shifts the problem from the school to the community. If these naughty students are not in school then they will only be making trouble out of school. Moreover, as the parents of many of these students are working, the students are unsupervised and thus are in danger of falling in with local criminals who will only encourage such bad behaviour and even teach them worse things.

假设你是校长,你会如何处理违纪学生?If I was in charge of his school I would place the naughty students in a class of their own, this way the other students could study in peace but the naughty studetns could remain under the supervision of the school and its teachers. The teachers in the naughty class would also have more time to focus on correcting the actions of these misbehaving students.

(2) Should Schools Suspend Troublesone Students?

I recently read a news story about a school in Egland whose headmaster often suspends misbehaving students. The headmster believes that strong discipline improves hoth students’ behaviour and academic performance. His school’s exam results have greatly improved during his time in charge.

I believe the headmaster is correct to take this action. If a few students are always behaving poorly in class then it will negatively affect other students’ learning. As a result, many innocent studetns will suffer and they will fail to achieve their full potential. If the naughty students are removed from the class then the others can learn in peace. Hopefully the misbehaving students will learn their lessons and when they return their behaviour will be better.

If I was in charge of a school I would also be very strict with students who don’t behave well. I would first warn and then suspend students who interrupt the learning of others or disrespect their teachers. But I would also visit the poor student’s home and discuss the problem with his paents so we could find a solution.


1.发芽的条件:水分充足,温度适宜,种子就开始发芽了 2.第一步:出现幼根,并朝下生长 3.第二步:幼苗出现,并朝上生长,直至变成绿色 4.第三步:主根、旁根、枝叶出现 5.第四步:数月后开花结果

Where there is enough water and the temperature is right, the bean seed begins to grow. In the first stage , a small root comes out and begins to grow downwards. Then a small shoot begins to grow upswards, getting longer and longer until it turns green. At the same time the root continues to grow downward, becoming the main root together with side roots developing around it while the shoot develops leaves all around. It takes only a few months before the plant flowers and bears fruit.


概括材料主要内容This passage mainly tells us…; The story is mainly about…

Increasing unemployment would the biggest challenge for China this year with great numbers of rural and urban workers laid off. The government has launched a stimulus package of 4 trillion yuan to stimulate the country’s economy.

现状:经济危机影响全球,就业机会少,工人工资低As it is known to all, nearly all countries in the world have been hit by the global economic crisis, leaving few job chances and lower wages and salaries for ordinary people.

建议:树立正确的择业观,降低预期工资,先就业再择业,自己创业,开公司,展示自己的才华Under this circumstance, university graduates should have a proper attitude towards their future jobs. It is my suggestion that they should lower their expectation of their future wages or salaries. It’s a good idea for them to take up a job before considering which job to take. To make good advantage of tehir knowledge, they may set up their own business so as to show off their own talent.



1. 对英语阅读重要性的认识;

2. 个人开展英语阅读的情况(1-2点具体做法)及感悟;

3. 将来的打算。

参考词汇:play an important part; in the past; borrow books; at the beginning; something easy and interesting, in the future, form a good habit of; read everyday; be helpful for.




Good morning, everybody,

I’m pleased to be here to talk about my English reading. As we know, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1. E-mail (电子邮件)

Dear Mr and Mrs Brown, I’m a Chinese boy. My name is Li Hong. I’m very happy to know that I’ll stay in your house for the English Summer Camp. I’d like to say something about myself so that you can know me well. I’m fifteen years old. I have a happy family with three people. I’m studying in No. 1 Middle School. We learn eight subjects. I’m interested in all of them. I like reading and playing the piano. I like English very much, but my English is not good enough. I think you can help me with my English. I hope to meet you soon.

Best Wishes, Li Hong

2. An announcement (口头通知)

Please be quiet, everyone! I’ve got something important to tell you. Since we are going to have a medical examination in the People’s Hospital on Monday morning, you can’t eat anything. Please gather at the gate of the hospital at eight. That’s all. Thanks.

3. NOTICE(通知)

There will be a meeting for all the monitors of our school in the small meeting-room, at 9:00 this morning. The teachers and the students of our school are going to see a film at 4:00 this afternoon. The classes this afternoon will begin at 1:00. be sure not to be late for school, please.

The Students Union

June 4

4. A diary (日记) March 8, Sunday Fine I was doing some shopping at ten o’clock this morning when one American couple came into the shop. They told the shop assistant that they wanted to buy a camera. But the assistant didn’t understand what they had said, and they didn’t understand what the assistant said either. They were all very worried. I went over and helped them. They bought a camera at last. They were very happy and thanked me again and again. I’m glad that I can talk with foreign friends in English.

5. 奥运会

Everyone knows that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. All Chinese people are proud of it. As a Chinese young man, I want to go to Beijing

1 to be a volunteer of the Games to service the visitors from all over the world. I think it is very excited because it will make foreign visitors to know the Chinese people and culture better. I will practice my spoken English hard. Because it will help me to communicate with the foreign visitors and service for them better. I believe that my dream will come true in 2008!

6. 自我推荐 Dear Chairman, I am a boy student from Class 1, Grade 3. I’d like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. I am well. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the street. On the bus, I always give my seat to women with babies. Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park. If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends. Besides, I can do more for others. I’ll be glad if I’m received, I am waiting for your answer.

Yours, Wang Lin

7. The Changes in My Hometown (家乡变化)

In the past, my hometown was very small. People lived a poor life. The house were old and small. Pollution was very serious, and there was rubbish everywhere. The traffic was not convenient, so few visitors came here. Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. The environment has become more beautiful. The mountains have turned greener, the rivers clearer and the sky bluer. There are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. People live a better life. Their houses are large and bright. Many people have their own cars. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our city. I’m sure my hometown will become better and better in the future.

8. 悔过书

Thank my friend, Mike, for telling me not to play computer games. I have realized it’s bad for me to go to bed so late for playing games. As a result, I had to sleep in class. I couldn’t listen to the teacher carefully. I regretted it very much. From now on, I want to change it. I want to start a new life. I want to study hard, I have made up my mind to listen carefully in class and finish my homework on time. I can get much knowledge on the Internet. I will play basketball with my friends in my spare time. I think I can do that and I will be a good student.


9. 失物招领

Found A school bag was found on the playground yesterday afternoon. It is black and orange, with a lot of things in it. Anyone who lost it please go to Class 1, Grade 9. I’m Zhang Daming.

10. My Pleasant Trip (旅游)

One day when I was in Grade 7, I went to Jiangxinyu Island with my friends by boat. First we climbed the hill, then we flew kites. At noon we sat on the grass having a picnic. The weather was pretty fine that day. In the afternoon we met several soldiers who were only a little older than us. So we could play games together and they also told us interesting stories. We laughed and laughed happily. What a pleasant trip! I will never forget it.

11.人物介绍 Dear Alex, How’s it going? I’d like to tell you something about Hong Zhanhui, a great Chinese boy. He was born in a poor family. During the 24 years, he looked after his brother, adopted sister and his sick father. Because when he was a child his mother left the poor family. He took his sister to go to the college. The life he lived was difficult. But he studied hard and after school he did part-time work. He never asked someone for help. It’s very moving. I think everyone must learn from him!

Yours, Zhang Lin 12.英语学习

Everybody has different ideas about learning English, but I think learning English should become our habit. I love English and I have been studying English for four years. I have two foreign pen pals. We write to each other in English. They often tell me much interesting news about their countries. I enjoy telling the stories to my friends at school. I think English gives me lots of fun. And the more I learn English, the more confident I am. In my school, I am the monitor of English. I’m other students’ god example. I’m often praised by me teacher. English helps me succeed in studying. English has been a part of my life.


Water is very important to humans. It is used in homes, in farming and so on. We know that much water has been polluted. Some factories are pouring waste

3 water. For example, they often forget to turn off the taps. If we don’t have enough water. Land will be dry and crops will die. We can’t live without water, so we should try our best and encourage everyone to protect water resources. We must save water and stop polluting it. We not only protect the water but also find ways to reuse it. If we don’t do this, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop.

14. My Mother

My mother is very kind and easygoing. She helps me a lot. She takes good care of my daily life. For example, every morning, she wakes me up and cooks breakfast for me. When I’m in trouble, she always encourages me to face my difficulties and cheers me up. I still remember that once I argued with my best friend and was upset. My mother talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With her help, I became a top student in my class. I’m very thankful for all that she has done for me. I believe she will be proud of me in the near future.


一、 充分准备,打好基础。


二、 认真审题,明确要求


三、 遣词造句、表达规范

用词要恰当,不可逐句把提示翻译成英语。写作时,应尽量选用你最熟悉、最有把握的词和句型来表达思想。如果有些单词不会些,有些句型不会表达,可以设法绕开,用熟悉的同义词、同义短语或同义句来代替。要学会善于运用适当的关联词,如and, or, but, so,because, since等,以使行文逻辑紧密,自然流畅。

四、 认真撰写,卷面整洁

如果考试时间允许,书面表达一定要先写草稿。在抄写入答题卷前,要先进行检查修改。首先检查所写内容是否切题;之后检查主题是否明确,表达方式是否恰当;最后检查所用时态、语态、人称是否符合要求,前后是否一致。 英语作文卷面要求:
