






















Arase de terrassement


corps de remblai

回填顶面层 couche de forme

垫层 couche de remblai


remblai de contigu

台背回填 semelle


assise de dalot

涵洞基底 corps de dalot


mur d’entonnement

八字墙 mur de soutènement


chapeau de dalot



墩帽 fût de pile/culé

墩身 pieux









隧道 talus

护坡 viaduc

高架桥 Buse

管涵 échangeur


passage supérieur

跨线桥 bretelle

匝道 fût de pieu

桩身 dalle nervurée


dalle de support

支墩护板/支承板 mur en retour

后墙,侧墙 dalle à caissons


béton propreté

垫层混凝土(素混凝土)béton projeté

喷射混凝土 béton précontraint

预应力混凝土 béton de remplissage

填料混凝土 corps de buse

圆管涵涵身 remblai substitué


fondation du mur de soutènement 挡土墙基础 mur d’alignement


Entrée du mur d’entonnemen


sortie du mur d’entonnement 八字墙出口 mur d’entonnement d’entrée


mur d’entonnement de sortie


remblai substitué d’assise


traverse du pont 梁枕,垫石 appui élastique 弹性支座

essai de formulation d’étude du béton混凝土设计配合比试验

essai de convenance de formulation d’ étude du béton 混凝土设计配合比的验证试验

coulis d’injection 注浆

coulis de ciment par pression 水泥压浆 fossé de collection 集水坑/跌水井 puit de collection 集水井 appui élastique 弹性支座

support en duprène 氯丁橡胶支座 voûte renversée仰拱 voûte d’ensemble 套拱

voûte tout près de coin 拱角边 cage des armatures 钢筋笼 calotte 上台阶 strosse 中台阶 radier 下台阶

câbles halages钢绞线

soutènement préliminaire 初期支护

bétonnage secondaire 二次浇筑混凝土(二衬) boulonnage au pied de cintre 拱脚锁紧锚杆 mortier pour tige d’ancrage 锚杆沙浆 virole n,f 套管=tubage


granulométrie optimum 最佳级配

sol (calcaire, crayeux) 白垩土,钙质土,石灰质土 sol (calculeux, graveleux)砾质土 sol (embryonnaire, brut)生土

sol (rouge, latéritique)红土;红石灰土

sol (sans consistance, sans cohésion)疏松土 sol (tendre, sans consistance)软土 sol acide酸性土 sol alcalin碱性土

sol alluvionnaire冲积土

sol argileux黏土,黏质土 sol argilo sableux黏砂土 sol cellulaire细胞状土 sol cohérent黏性土 sol colluvial崩积土 sol complexe杂土 sol consolidé固结土

2 sol de débris rocheux岩屑土 sol dur硬[化]土 sol expansif膨胀土 sol fangeux沼地土 sol fertile肥土

sol fluide流沙;熔化土

sol formé de débris表层土,表皮土;土被 sol frais新土 sol gelé冻土

sol glaciaire冰川土 sol gonflant冻胀土 sol humifère腐殖土 sol juvénile新生土 sol lacustre湖积土 sol latéritique铝红土

sol maigre贫土,瘦土;瘠地 sol mameloné丘陵土 sol marneux泥灰土 sol marécageux沼泽土 sol meuble松土

sol morainique冰碛土 sol mouilleux湿土 sol mouvant颤沼 sol neutre中性土 sol organique有机土 sol perméable透水土壤 sol plastique塑性土 sol plâtreux石膏质土 sol podzolique灰化土 sol profond深层土

sol rocheux石质土,岩质土 sol sablonneux砂[质]土 sol salin含盐土

sol salin et alcalin盐碱地 sol sans cohésion砂性土 sol siliceux硅土

sol sous marin海底底质

sol spongieux弹性土,松软土 sol squelettique粗碛土 sol stratifié分层土 sol stérile贫瘠土壤

sol tourbeux泥炭土,泥沼质土 sol volcanique火山土 sol éluvial残积土

3 sol éolien风积土

sol(halomorphe, salin)盐碱土

sol bitumen m.沥青土 sol chaux m.石灰[稳定]土 sol ciment m.水泥土 sol cotton m.棉花土 sol marneux 泥灰土 Argile 粘土

sol graveleux 沙砾土

marne alluviale 冲积泥灰土 sables silteux 粉质沙 monolithe. m原状土 limoneuse 淤泥

marne gypseuse 石膏质泥灰

Tuff 材料

schiste页岩 roche岩石


gravillon 碎石


pierre 石头


quartelette 板岩片,小块石板

gravier volcanique 火山砾石

gravier argileux 粘土质砾石 marne sableuse 沙质泥灰岩 calcaire 石灰岩

basalte m 玄武岩

grès granitique 硬质砂岩

Gabbros 辉长岩;

rhyolithe 流纹岩;

tuff rhyolitique 流纹岩堆辅料

tout-venant 未过筛料


白 雪 公 主


Scene 1: It is a cold winter day. A baby, her name is snow white, she is very beautiful. Everybody loves her, the animals love her too. The queen loves her, but the queen dies.

Scene 2: A new queen comes. She is beautiful, but bad. Snow white is beautiful. En, no, I am beautiful. The magic mirror. Mirror, mirror, who is beautiful? Not you, snow white. No, no, no. kill snow white. Snow white is taken far away.

Scene 3: Help me, help me, please. Alright! Go, snow white. The animals take snow white to a little house. She goes inside. There’re seven little chairs. She is very hungry.

Scene 4: The seven dwarfs come home. Who sat here? Who ate this?

Who drank this? Who is sleeping here? Snow white is sleeping. Look, she is sleeping. She is beautiful. Shh, let her sleep.

Scene 5: Gugugu… It is morning. Hello, why are you here? What’s your name? she tells her story. What an evil queen! I’ll help you, me too, me too. Stay with us. Yes, yes!

Scene 6: She stays with the seven dwarfs. This is good. Oh, what a fun, what a fun, Let’s clean up. Bring the plates. Wash them, white them, put them away. Let’s go, snow white, be careful! The magic mirror, mirror, mirror, who is beautiful? Not, you. Snow white. What?! I’ll kill her. Snow white waits at home.

Scene 7: Apples, apples, buys some apples, buy some apples, they are delicious. She ate the poisonous apple. Hahahaha… now I am the most beautiful.

Scene 8: They come home again. What happened ? Wake up, wake up.

Mirror, mirror, now who is beautiful? You! hahahah… poor snow white, goodbye snow white .

Scene 9: Jia, the princess comes. Have dinner with us. Please help snow white. They take him to snow white. She is very beautiful. I want to marry her. But you can’t. she is dead.

Scene 10: He prays. The poisonous apple comes out. What happened? hello!everybody is happy. Marry me, snow white. Mirror, mirror, who is beautiful? Not you, snow white. No, no! peng! The mirror breaks. Goodbye, thank you. Thank you . They live happily ever after.


1. It is a (hot/cold /cool….. summer/winter/autumn) day. 这是一个…..的天气。

2. Her name is…..介绍他人的名字。Her name is lily. 她叫莉莉。 3. A (new queen) comes. 表示谁来了。我的朋友来了:my friend comes.

4. She is beautiful, but bad. 形容一个人长得很漂亮,但心灵很丑陋。

5. Help me, help me, please, please. 请求别人的帮助,求饶。 6. (She is) very hungry. 她非常地饥饿。小猫咪很饿了:The cat is very hungry.

7. (the seven dwarfs ) come home . ….回家了。爸爸妈妈回家了:daddy and mummy come home.

8. Who sat here? Who ate this? Who drank this? Who is sleeping here? 谁坐过这里?吃了这个? 睡在这里?

9. It is morning. 现在是早上了。现在是中午了:it is afternoon. 现在是晚上了:it is evening.

10.what an evil queen! 表示一个人很可恶。好可恶的大火狼:what an evil wolf!

11. Let’s clean up. Bring the plates. Wash them, white them, put

them away. 在家帮助妈妈打扫卫生时可以用哦!

12.Be careful ! 小心!当心!过马路时,做一些危险动作时妈妈可以跟小朋友说。

13. They are delicious ! 形容食物非常地美味。

14. What happened? 问别人发生什么事的时候可以用哦! 15. Wake up, wake up. 爸爸妈妈叫小朋友起床可以用哦! 16. Poor snow white, goodbye snow white. 可怜的公主,再见了! 一个可怜的人或宠物走时,我们可以对他说的话。

17. Not you. (Snow white.) 不是你,是白雪公主. 形容一件事情不是你做的,是另一个人做的可以用这个句型。

18. Have dinner with us. 叫别人跟我们一起吃饭时可以用哦! 19. He prays. 祷告时可以用哦!


1.Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken.


2.We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter.


3.We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.


4.Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.


5.We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.


6.We should be grateful for your trial order.


7.We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.


10.We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received.


11.We assure you of our best services at all times.


12.If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.


13.It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.


14.We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.


15.We shall be very glad to handle for you at very low commission charges.


16.We have always been able to supply these firms with their monthly

requirements without interruption.


17.We take this opportunity to re-emphasize that we shall, at all times, do everything possible to give you whatever information you desire.


18.We are always in a position to quote you the most advantageous prices for higher quality merchandise.


19.This places our dealers in a highly competitive position and also enable them to enjoy a maximum profit.





二. 如有顾客呼叫工作人员时:



如你不知道哪位顾客喊网管时,应该说:“请问,哪位叫网管?” 三. 如遇到自己正忙时:

员回:“请稍等一下,马上就来”; 四. 如果我们正在更新游戏,但是更新游戏时要很多时间时:


客:“你们这怎么我每次来都要更新游戏呀?浪费我很多的钱呀!” 员:“不好意思,您可以把这台机器更新好,下次来您就坐这台机,这样就不用更新了!”


员:“有,这们这的游戏盘是不还原的。” 客:“哦,好的!“

员:“请问还有什么可以帮您的吗?” 客:“没有啦!”

五. 顾客上网时换了几台机,但都是坏的,这时顾客肯定会有情绪“网管,你们这怎么这么多坏机呀?”


给客人服务时: 1. 要做到三点:先称呼、后打招呼、然后做到“请”字开头“谢”字结尾(微笑)。“请问有什么可以帮到您?” 2. 在给顾客处理问题时,身体稍向前倾,左手被于身后,站在顾客的右后测。 3. 当我们换鼠标或键盘,需要顾客让一下时,应该说:“先生/小姐,麻烦您让一下,我帮您换鼠标或键盘。” 4. 如客人要充卡: 4.1 员:先生/小姐、您给我XX元,钱正好,请问还需要些其它什么物品或饮料吗? 4.2 员:先生/小姐、您给我XX元。谢谢,请稍等。(到收银台买东西时也要和收银员说谢谢~双手递过物品) 4.3 5. 员:先生/小姐、卡已充好,谢谢!(应双手接送顾客钱和物)


六. 当遇到技术方面问题服务员不懂的情况下:

员:不好意思,请您稍等一下、我帮您叫网管过来。(谦虚) 七. 当有顾客站在上网客人后面观看时:

员:应拿个凳子,先生/小姐,您好、这里有凳子,“请坐”谢谢!(也要注意两人是否相识?不然会起反作用。) 八. 高峰期间有占位情况时:

员:先生/小姐,您好,不好意思请坐这个凳子好吗?谢谢!(备用凳子) 九. 看到有顾客东张西望时:

员:要主动为其服务;轻步跑过询问:先生/小姐您好,请问有什么可以帮到您的吗?、、、、、、 十. 如给客人用工作卡补钟时:

员:您好,您的时间已经到了,请问我现在是否可以把卡收回呢? 客人同意后放可拔卡。(时刻留意补上的时间。不能超了。。。) 十一. 看到客人贵重物品放在台面上:

员:先生/小姐,您好,请保管好您的贵重物品,手机不要放在台面上以免丢失。谢谢!(微笑) 十二. 当客人离开网吧时:


最主要的是要做到服务六要素:及时、准确、热情、周到、满意、有效。 十三. 平时与顾客见面要主动问好:“您好!”


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