



This is the first animated movie I’ve seen for 2016. And I must say that Zootopia has really set the bar high in terms of overall quality. As of this writing it still has a 99% score on Rotten Tomatoes. 这是我2016年观看的第一部动画电影。我必须得承认,《疯狂动物城》的质量比动画电影界的平均水平高出了不是一星半点。我写成这篇文章的时候,这部片子在烂番茄上还保持着99%的超高新鲜度。

There is a lot of animated movies this year that circles around animals like Kung Fu Panda, Finding Dory, ICE AGE 5, Norm of the North and Angry Birds but I think no animated film is grabbing adult themes, like racism and cultural prejudice, by the horns like Zootopia.

Zootopia sets itself apart is by attacking prejudice head-on. Rather than preaching or putting on kid gloves, Zootopia attempts to examine the “why” of prejudice rather than the surface elements. Through it’s clever, endearing characters, hilarious jokes, and honest sentiment, Zootopia comes away as a film that’s not only a joy to watch, but also one with a message that couldn’t feel more relevant right now. — Matt Goldberg Managing Editor of Collider.com 2016年,以动物为主角的动画电影将会扎堆上映,其中不乏《功夫熊猫3》、《海底总动员2》、《冰川时代5》、《北极移民》和《愤怒的小鸟》这样的大作。但在我看来,没有一部动画电影能像《疯狂动物城》一样,如此直白而深刻地阐释了种族主义和文化偏见这类属于成年人的议题。

“《疯狂动物城》的特别之处在于,它直截了当地表达了对偏见和歧视的对抗。它没有讲大道理、没有含蓄晦涩地回避问题、更没有肤浅地对待问题,而是深入地剖析了偏见与歧视现象的根源。《疯狂动物城》将机敏可爱的角色、风趣幽默的笑话和真情实感结合在一起,使影片不仅成为了一部合家欢动画大作,更传递了和我们现在的生活息息相关的道理。” ——马特·戈德堡,Collider.com 编辑主任

Zootopia sets up a world where animals evolved to a civilisation where predators and prey have learned to co-exist and create a thriving society.

《疯狂动物城》的世界观如下:动物们之间形成了一个文明社会,原本的捕食者和原本的猎物在这里学会了和谐共存,进而创建了一座美好繁荣的城市。 The movie is a buddy cop film where the two main characters, Officer Judy Hopps (the first rabbit to become a cop) and Nick Wilde (a sly street hustler)have to solve the mystery of 14 missing animals. Through their mystery adventure they meet a lot of different characters and learn things about each other and about themselves. 整部电影讲述了一个警探搭档的故事。朱蒂·霍普斯警官(第一只成为警察的兔子)和尼克·王尔德(狐狸,狡猾的街头骗子)合作侦破一起14只动物的离奇失踪案。他们在探案途中结识了许多不同的动物,同时逐渐了解了对方,更加深了对自己的认识。

Just some interesting points of observation: 以下是一些有意思的评论:

I personally found how they created the world of Zootopia amazing. I think that our local city planners could learn a thing or two about creating an inclusive city by watching this film.


Voice Casting of the movie was great. I especially liked Idris Elba doing the voice of Chief Bogo and Shakira as Gazelle


The movie is highly accurate to reflect the current times like how a politician is using fear to pit most of the mammals against Zootopia’s minority population of predators. 这部电影在反映现实社会上做得特别出色,尤其是片子里一个政客利用恐惧心理煽动城里大多数的哺乳动物对抗占少数的捕食者那部分。

In an interview with Jason Bateman, the original lead protagonist was the fox Nick Wilde but Disney eventually made the changed and showed the story through the eyes of Bunny Officer Judy Hopps. 在与杰森·贝特曼的一次采访中我们得知,迪士尼原定让狐狸尼克当主角,但最终故事的主角换成了兔子警官朱蒂。整个故事也是从她的视角展开叙述的。 Overall Zootopia was light, funny, has a nice message about working to achieve your dreams and has a catchy pop song to go with it. But the magic is how they tied in cultural diversity and our need to recognise our own prejudices and correct it. In this day and age there should already be less hate and hopefully both children and adults learn this lesson.
