


第 一 课 时



二、教学重点:句型I am…及I like…

三、教学难点:I am…与I like…的发音。



今天咱们教室里来了好几位客人,咱们应该怎么做?(引导学生鼓掌,并对听课老师说 “Good morning!”。


想不想让客人知道自己的名字?怎么说?(有学生可能会说出 “My name is…”,给予肯定)今天我们来学习另一种介绍自己名字的说法。


1、边板书句型I am边领读,并找学生逐个读,进行

正音。然后引导学生在I am的后面加上自己的名字进行自我介绍。



结合学生的实际教学I am seven. I am eight.找学生单独进行年龄的介绍。


3、师问一女生:***,you’re a boy, yes or no?引导学生进行正确的描述:I’m a girl.

板书、教读I am a girl. 和I am a boy. 并找学生起来对自己进行正确的性别描述。


4、 出示洋娃娃,问: What’s this?引导生答:It’s a doll.

师边重复说 “I like dolls.”边板书,引导学生理解句意。然后


师:你还like什么?(引导学生对句型I like…结合以前学过


5、师:今天Miss Jiang还为大家带来了一个朋友,咱们把她


师:Lilly 就要过生日了。她几岁了?(板画蛋糕及生日蜡烛,



I am Lilly. I am seven. I am a girl. I like dolls.

6、师:这节课大家表现得好极了。Miss Jiang要唱支歌给大

家做为奖励。(师对照板书唱Part 4歌曲)



(四)小结:齐对Lilly 说 “Happy birthday!”并唱生日快乐


合理利用时间复习雅思是充分利用备考资源的基础。以下是来自官方的一些备考建议,供各位考生参考。 制定计划







与英语相关的大多数事情都能帮助你提升语言能力—阅读文章和观看电视节目也可以和做语法练习题一样有效。 明确地知道考试考什么,考试中考生需要做什么非常重要。做试题能够帮助考生培养题感,适应考试强度,但官方不建议考生把备考的所有时间都花在做题上。


重审做过的习题,总结错误类型。检查是否理解了错误产生的原因,是否找到了改进的措施。 找到所需材料










●登陆意向国家的旅游网站—这些网站通常会有一些介绍类视频,这类视频能够很好地帮助考生提升听力。 ●许多图书馆和博物馆都有网站视频,能够帮助考生练习听力。




在雅思阅读当中,考生将读到与学术相关的事实陈述类或讨论类的文章,所以在复习备考过程中,考生可以在知名报纸、杂志和期刊中找到大量相关学术话题的文章进行阅读,如自然、人文、经济、时事和社会等话题。 ● 确保阅读材料的题材丰富。在网络上和纸质版印刷物上考生都能找到丰富的阅读材料。

● 找到阅读的乐趣,保持规律的阅读。读一些考生自己可能感兴趣的材料,如小说、体育报道或是杂志上的小测试。这些内容也许不具备雅思考试阅读材料的特征,但是能帮助考生有效积累英语语言的相关知识。

● 坚持写阅读日记—每天写几句话记录所读到的内容。这个方法能帮助考生学习新的词汇和表达方式,有助于雅思写作练习的准备。

● 和同伴讨论阅读的内容—建立读书俱乐部,定期举行聚会,讨论书中的内容。

● 尝试不要遇到生词就马上查词典,除非词义的理解影响了整个句子的理解。等全篇读完后,再回头去查那些非重要的词汇。


● 进阶读物

● 已经读过母语版的读物,尝试读它们的英文原版

● 考生自己国家或曾去过的旅游景点的英文介绍

● 报纸文章

● 音乐、电影或书籍的评论


● 国外原版教科书

● 考生所感兴趣的话题的百科词条

● 以介绍学术词汇为主要内容的语言学习资料


在雅思学术写作中,考生需要描述和解释一个图表或其他图片内容(Task 1),然后就一个话题写一篇短文阐述自己的观点(Task 2)。




●练习自己检查文章,保证用词造句地道准确,特别关注那些常犯的错误,如主谓不一致,介词和冠词的错用等。 雅思口语复习








●确保能够轻松完成这些事情- 自我介绍,表达同意与否的意见,请别人重复解释他们的观点,给出支持或反对某个观点或决策的论据,进行假设,谈论自己的经验,证明某个观点—这些都是雅思口语常考内容。





下面为大家整理了剑桥雅思真题1下载TEST3听力中Section3听力原文的详细内容,其中包含了雅思听力考试Section3的音频部分,同学们可在做剑桥雅思真题1下载TEST3听力(Section3)后,再听原文兑答案,另外,雅思听力原文中给出了答案的相关提示 ,供同学们进行下载练习。


T = Tutor

M = Mark

S = Susan

T: OK, everybody, good morning! It’s Mark’s turn to talk to us today so

Mark, I’ll ask you to get straight down to business.

M: Right!

T: Now following on from what we were discussing last week in Susan’s tutorial

on approaches to marketing, you were going to give us a quick run down on

a new strategy for pricing which is now being used by many large companies Q24

known as “revenue management” „ before we go on to your actual tutorial paper on Sales Targets. Is that correct?

M: Yeah, OK, well „

T: So what exactly is revenue management?

M: Well, it’s a way of managing your pricing by treating things like airline

tickets and hotel rooms rather more as if they were perishable goods.

S: Yeah, I just tried to book a ticket yesterday for Perth and would you believe

there are three different prices for the flight?

M: Right! And what was the rationale for that?


S: Well „ the travel agent said it depended on when you book and the length

of the stay, like it’s cheap if you stay away for a Saturday night, presumably

because this isn’t business travel and even cheaper if you buy a ticket where Q25



you can’t get a refund if you have to cancel; in that case the ticket costs about half the price. You wouldn’t think it would make that much

difference, would you?

M: Well it does, and that’s basically because the airlines are now treating their

seats like a commodity. You see — if you want a seat today, then you pay far

more for it than if you want it in three weeks’ time.

S: That seems rather unfair.

M: Well „ not really „ when you think about it, that’s just common sense isn t Q26


S: I suppose so.

T: What this actually means is that in the same row of seats on the same flight

you could have three people who have all paid a different price for their


S: And is this just happening in Australia?

M: No, no it’s the same all over the world. Airlines are able to “market” a seat as

a perishable product, with different values at different stages of its life.

S: Well like mangoes or apples at the market.

M: Yeah, it’s exactly like that. The fact is that the companies are not actually

interested in selling you a cheap flight! They’re interested in selling the seats Q27

and flying aeroplanes that are full.

T: Mark why do you think revenue management has come about?

M: Well, as far as I can see there are two basic reasons: firstly because the law

has been changed to allow the companies to do this. You see in the past they Q28


didn’t have the right to keep changing the prices of the tickets, and secondly

we now have very powerful computer programs to do the calculations and so Q29

the prices can be changed at a moment’s notice.

S: So you mean ten minutes could be critical when you’re buying a plane ticket?

M: Absolutely!

T: That’s right!

M: And I understand we have almost reached the stage where these computer

programs that the airlines are using will eventually be available to consumers

to find the best deals for their travel plans from their home computer Q30

S: Heavens! What a thought! So the travel agent could easily become a thing of

the past if you could book your airline tickets from home. Are there any

other industries using this system, or is it restricted to the airline business?

M: Many of the big hotel groups are doing it now. That’s why the price of a bed Q31

in a hotel can also vary so much „ depending on when and where you book


T: It’s all a bit of a gamble really.

M: Yes, and hire car companies are also using revenue management to set their Q32

tariffs, because they are also dealing with a “commodity” if you like „ so the

cost of hiring a car will depend on demand.

T: Well, thank you, Mark, for that overview „ that was well researched. Now



南都讯 完成英语和西班牙语的双专业学习,综合成绩连续三年全级第一,连续三年获得国家奖学金、校一等奖学金,曾任中山大学珠海校区学生会主席,入选“中山大学人物”,同时被世界名校牛津大学和剑桥大学录取„„因为一份评选中国大学生的事迹材料,配上其长相甜美的照片,中山大学翻译学院2010级本科生陈靖文成了微博上的红人,网友们热情为她投票,誉之为





一、连续三年获国家奖学金,本科时就已发表多篇高质量的学术论文;工作能力突出——— 现任中山大学珠海校区团工委兼职副书记,曾任中山大学学生会副主席,珠海校区主席;热衷公益事业———累积志愿服务达到1032小时,连获社会实践公益活动大奖,被国际义工协会破例列为会员,曾赴柬埔寨贫苦山庄支教;更为值得一提的是,她目前同时被牛津大学、剑桥大学录取为研究生、副博士,在今年九月将赴其中一所学校学习深造。














Important words: Subject,Art,Music, Maths, Chinese, English, Science, History, Geography, without, pass, twice, route, step, best, friend, secret, lot, different, stuck, sad, problem, rich, poor Important sentences: What classes do you have? Can you go to each class without passing any class twice? How far is your route in steps? On which side is the Music room? Which class is nearest to the Music class? What is a best friend? What’s your favourite subject? Music is my favourite subject? I like Maths Materials for teaching 制作一张大的课程表,用英语标注课程名称 若干张英语字母

自制一个大张的课程表 青蛙玩具或图片

几位朋友的照片或图片 各种科目的课本 Part1 上课时,教师拿出学生现在用的课本对他们说:“Look, this is Chinese. This is English. This is Art. This is Music.”教师边拿出课本边带着大家一起说这些表示不同科目的词。学习之后,教师可以将词贴在黑板上,并让小组的同学相互提醒大家读这些单词。在此基础上,教师可以让学生进行单词比赛,如每个小组选出一个人,到别的小组进行“考试”。让学生说出某单词的读音及拼写,比如:“What’s the English for ‘Yinyueke’? How do you spell the word ‘music’?”最后,小组记总分。复习单词后,教师可以用本单元的问题这样问学生:“What classes do you have? Can you name them? What classes does this school have? Can you go to each class without passing an class twice?”教师用手指指一下路线,然后说:“Now you can trace the route and find out your own route. Remember, your can’t pass the class twice.”学生完成之后,教师提醒大家说:“Now please work in pairs and check your answers. Are they OK?”接着,教师让大家相互问问题:“Which class is nearest to the Music class?”教师给出示范:“The Art class is nearest to the Music class.”教师举例之后,让学生两人一组进行问答,共同完成该项目。最后教师可以在学生练习的基础上再进行检查。 Part2 第二部分是问卷调查。学生通过问问题了解出学生最喜欢的科目是什么。每个学生至少要问六位同学,并把他们的名字写上。问问题时,教师要鼓励学生把所有的项目都问到,有利于学生学习和巩固新单词。为了使大家相互了解所问的结果,教师可以问大家:“Which class is your favourite class? Please tell us.”学生可以汇报自己询问的结果,比如:“Five pupils in my group like the Art class. Four pupils like the Science class.”根据学生的反馈,教师可以做些适当的评论,如:“Many of us like the English class. I am very happy. English is very useful. I hope you can learning. Not many pupils like Chinese. But I think Chinese is very useful, because we are Chinese and we should know our own language.”等等,评论不必太多,语音也不要太复杂。 Part3 第三部分是让学生根据所给的内容在图表上做出标记。教师可以首先问大家一个问题:“What do mice eat?”正确的回答是:“Mice eat whatever we eat. They eat food, fat, oil that have been spilled and left on counters, floors, appliances and tables. They eat grains, like cereal, oats, rice and vegetables, like potatoes and carrots that are in cardboard boxes and plastic bags. They eat pet food in boxes or bags and they eat any garbage that is not in a can with a tight lid.”教师稍微介绍一些信息后,就鼓励学生阅读第三部分的要求,并按照要求完成该题的任务。学生应在该图表上补充信息,画出九个米团子、七个蛋糕和五根香肠的位置。画好图后,教师根据图上的信息问学生:“How many pieces of cheese did the mice eat? How mant cookies did they eat? How many pieces of meat did they eat?” 学生回答问题后,教师可以问:“Do you like to keep a mouse as your pet?”如果学生不能用英语回答此问题,也可以说一两句汉语。教师也可以让大家举手,看有多少人喜欢养老鼠。 Part4 第四部分是游戏部分。这一次的游戏有一定的难度,需要每个学生开动脑筋,共同完成一个任务。首先,教师让每一个人抽取一张字母卡片,然后让该学生用此字幕说出三个单词,并将三个单词编成一句话。每个学生最好能将自己编的话写在一张纸条上后贴在黑板上,然后全组的同学再用这些话编一个小故事。由于是第一次进行这样的活动,学生可能不知道如何做,因此,教师最好带着学生一步一步地做。比如:“Please take a letter and use this letter to make three words.”等这一部分做完了,教师再说:“Now please put all the sentences together. Let’s see whether we can make up a story.”教师的要求不必太高,只要意思清晰就可以了。最后看哪个组最好。 Part5 第五部分是写出自己的课程表,并在课程表上圈出最喜欢的课程。首先,教师拿出自己自制的大张课程表,让大家熟悉这些课程的名称,然后教师说:“Look here, this was my timetable. When I was young, in the elementary school, I had this timetable. Please have a look. Do you know which subject is my favourite subject?”教师让学生猜,最后再告诉学生自己最喜欢的课程,并在上面画一个圈,给大家做一个示范。接着,教师说:“Now please write your own timetable on this page. Then circle your favourite subject.”等大家写出自己学校的课程表之后,教师问几个学生:“What’s your favourite subject?”最后,教师再让学生做两人一组的练习或离开座位去问别的同学。 Part6 第六部分是听力、阅读及回答问题的练习。由于文章比较短小,教师最好让学生多听几遍,特别是让学生多读几遍。如果有可能,教师采取各种形式(比赛读、小组读、个人读、男女生分开读等)课文之后,教师让大家相互问一个问题“Who is your best friend?”然后再让该学生介绍一下自己的好朋友。介绍的内容可以简单一些。比如:“Zhang Hua is my best friend. He often helps me with my English. I often help him with his Maths. We often play computer games together. Sometime we go to play football and see a film.”为了保证效果,教师可以在黑板上写出一些短语,让学生根据这些短语的思路来说自己的朋友。比如:age?tall?handsome?pretty?like what? Favourite sport? Do what things together? Part7 第七部分是看图说话。教师可以先引导大家看这些图的内容。比如,教师就每张图提出几个问题让大家回答:


ⅠTeaching aims and demands



3,是学生能初步掌握本单元中出现的几个单词的短语 ⅡExpressions in communication 1,Good morning!/Morning! 2,Say hello to Teddy Bear! 3,Hello!Hi!

ⅢKey words and expressions

Hello,moring,Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear ⅣMaterials for teaching

Some pictures about animals or toys Lesson1

Step1 Self-introudutions

Ok.From now on,I will be your English teacher.I am___。Please read after me! Step 2 Say requests

(具体要求具体制定) Step 3 Something about beginning the class

How are you today ? → I am fine, thank you, how are you or and you>

注:点名时说:I am here. Step 4 Teach orders

(1) Clap your hands, one two three

Stamp your feet, one two three

(2) Are you ready?

Go! Go !Go! (3) Nod your head,

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Shake your head,

No! No! No!

Step 5

Giving names Step 6


Drawing some pictures about the three tines of the day to teach (Good morning!/Morning! Good afternoon! Hello! Hi!Good evening!) At last using the names to practice the greetings. Step 7 Homework

抄写自己的名字每个三排每排五个,用英语和父母打招呼。 Lesson2

Step1 Review the greetings Step 2 mew words

Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear

Step 3 mew sentences

Say hello to Teddy Bear

Step 4 let us chant and sing

Listen to the tape and chang or sing after the tape,using the pictures to remember the chant. Step 5



Unit8 Play and score ⅠTeaching aims and demands 1,使学生进一步巩固和复习前面所学的字母


3,进行一次有关字母的综合复习 ⅡExpressions in communication 1, Aa is for apple 2, What is behind the clouds? 3, The rabbit is behind the cloulds Ⅲ Expressions in communication Umbrella vest window watermelon Lesson 1

Step1 Greetings Step 2 Leading out this unit of using the questions Boys and Girls, when you come to our school, what present have you got?(伞)You know this in Chinese ,but who can tell me how to say this in English? So, today let us learn unit 8 play and score. Step 3 new letters( Uu Vv Ww) 1,Now listen carefully, let us see who can catch the sound of the word quicky, T say the letter slowy and write the big letteron the blackboard. At last teaching how to say and how to write. 2,Now let us see this letter. It is the letter Vv. T using different sound to say the letter. 3, Look I have got one more letter for you today. This is the letter W. Listen W ,then teaching how to say and write? Steop 4 new words Umbrella vest window watermelon

Using the letters to leading out the words Step 5 writing

Writing the letters in book. Step 6 draw and colour 运用引导的语气说:“U is for 、、、、,Yes, umbrella. Ok, who can draw an umbrella on the blackboard? W is for、、、、Yes, window. Who want to have a try and draw a window on the blankboard? V is for、、、、,Yes, vest. Who want to have a try and draw a vest on the blankboard? Please look at part 6,draw and colour. Step 7 Homework 每个字母三排每排五个等。 Lesson2 Step1 Review the letters and words Step2 Listen point and say This is a game. T let the Ss to become two teams, Team one say the letters or the wors one by one. Team two say the letters from w to a. Let us see which team is the winner., Then, we can play the match with two students as a group. At last, listehn to the tape and point the letter. Step3 new sentences 1,Aa is for apple First, T leading to the Ss to read the letters and the words together, then match. Two Ss as a group, according to the letters to say the words. Two teams make the match, to see which team is the best.

2, What is behind the clouds? The rabbit is behind the cloulds

Look at part 3 let us guess .From left to right. Let us see what is behind the clouds? First, T ask from the left to right. Ss answer .At last, T can ask T1 ask T2 or T2 ask T1.Then ask them to write the words in their books. Step 4 Game (1)T say A ,Ss say B. And so on Step 5 Homework (自定) Lesson3 Step1 Review Step 2 sing
