


Marking system


No marks for ideas/facts

You do not need to be intelligent or correcyt

Intelligent answers do not get high scoresstupid answers donot get low scores)

We emphasis more on the way you speaking English


What do you do to get a higher score?

Long answers =higher fluency score 6+

Part one questions –at least 20seconds for each question

Partthree at least 40seconds to one minute

Part two at least 1‘30 (if <1;30 then fluency down to 5 score)

Never stop yourself in part two ,wait the examiner to tell you to stop)

Keep talking quickly=== lower score 5 in fluency

Results in repetition ==fluency 4

Short pauses/ hesitations for ideas+details will increase your fluency score!

Natural conversation style = fluency 7

It is inforaml conversation ,not a speech competition

You must stay on topic(for all questions)

Willing to talk on any topic=fluency 7

Only able to talke on very familiar topics =fluency 4

Actually I donot know anything about this ,,but let me try to answer---(ability to talk on an unfamiliar topic= fluency and vocabulary 7)

Never tell examiner that you are familiar with some toipc.Lying always helps your fluency score Linking words are very important for a fluencyscore 6-7)

A variety of linking words

Some less-common linking words =7

So, but ,because,however, in addition. In cintrast .although. on the other hand, in some ways .as well as this .this means ,especially. In particular,more inportantly. What I mean is

Typical native speaker linking expressions

But /however/although

Contrast linking words

―mind you‖=but

I play quite a lot of sport in summer,mind you I donot really do much sport in winter.


Iam not so keen on watching TV,still I guess sometimes watch the news on TV


Train travel is quite slow yet I suppose trains are getting faster nowadays

;like for instance=for example(这个在英国年代久远,已经不常用了,基本都用前者代替)

Thoughat the end of the sentence

I like Korean food . I donot like japanese food though.

Examples of redundant expressions

Redudant words/phasees will increase your fluency score( you must use these for a fluency 7-8) You know well actually . what I mean is that and like in some ways

And like reallyin some ways

I guess like

I suppose

I mean like


The examiner is listening to evert word you use

When you answer questions you must use some vocabulary that is directly related to the topic例如art

Do you like art


Vocabulary 7 some use of paraphrase where necessary

Two times in your test ,explain somethig

Grammer score in speaking

Grammar scores are directly influenced by sentence lengthverb thnses grammar mistakes There are certain questons which are secret grammar questions

These questions are used to test on e area of your grammar

Would you like to change your subject?

Would you like to move to another city?

The purpose of these questions 是看你是否理解虚拟语气,考的是语态,不是你回答的内容。这样的问题必须用虚拟语气回答

Yes I would like to move to --- because if -----

No, I would not like to --- because ---

If+past tense structures + would

I guess that if I had the chance .optioon I would like to -------/I would not mind+verb+ing

Would you like to be in a film?

Would you like to be a professional photographer?

Always asy yes I would like to ---

If you try to answer no to any of these questions the grammar becomes too difficult

Past tense questions

In part one topics

When/How did you learn to use a computer?

How long have you been learning english?

What subkects did you like at school whern you were younger.

In part two topics.

A place you visited

Somenthing you did

Use a mix of tenses in one sentence to begin

About 5 years ago,I went to ---

Actually at that time I was living in --- with ---

Use past tense in your answer,not just a time

I was about --- at that time, I was studying in high schllo.-----I had never seen a computer before -----

Past expression for all past question and topics

It was way back when I was living in

It was ages ago---

I did this quite a while ago

Write ―past‖on card

Part three speaking

2 of the standard three questions are grammar-focused

Donot mark your ideas and facts

Giving marks on explain exploring and developing answers

Part 3 comparsion questions

Compare –nowadays with – in the past

Are restaurants nowadays the same as restaurants 50 years ago in your country?

Nowadays; wide range of food highlevel of servicesome very expensive

50years ago;limited menus , low level of service ;cheap

Use ‗‘use to be 注意发音的连读。

Prediction questions

What will reataurants be like in the future?

Everyone gives the wrong answer

这是suggestive question,应该用suggestive grammerfiture grammer

It might/ possible/ probably?

The examinar do not know the answer so he wonot check the answer, he do not care what the fact or ideas you talk about.Find easy ideas to talk about

Reasons/why questions

Why are supermarkets so popular

Do not use ;convenient 在英语国家中这个词一般用在一个场景,a situation

Explain why you think it is :fang bian‖without using the word convenient

1) wide variety of goods(famous/highquality/low price)

2) confortable/ambient environment (facilities/entertainment area for children)

3) offer promotions (buy one get one 买一送一。Customer loyalty card 积分卡 free gifts

answer;of course, there are probably a few clear explanations for this .obviously the key factor would most likely be( reason1),At the same ,another fundamental cause would possibly be due to the fact that (reason2),and something else which might have an effect could be that(reason3)


Changing volumn stress important words .slow down ,6scorces must show variation in examples variation in speed and tone




I guess I could begin by saying something about (填第一个问题)amd I think I would have to choose---

Going on to my next point which is (填第二个问题)。

I really need to add that ----

And now with reference to(填第三个问题),the point I want to make here is that -----

And so finally then , if I have time, in answer to the question of (最后一个问题)。Really I should mention that --------


What I need to emphasize here is that

What I ought to stree hehrr is that

And what I have to mention here is that

I would like to explain that –

Youi really have to understand that

What I would like to make clear is that -----



Deccribe an animal that can be found in your country

You should say

What type of animal it is

Where it can be found

Whether you have seen it

What other people think of this animal

So I guess I could begin by saying something about What type of animal it is .

amd I think I would have to choose—panda ,actually ther are two types of panda ,the lesser or red panda and the commonli know giant panda which is the national symbol of china

Going on to my next point which is Where it can be found ,and what I ought to stree here is that because it isan endangered species it lives mostly in protected nature reserves in Western China ,although it is also posssible to see them in zoos around the world.

And now with reference to Whether i have seen it the point I want to make here is that I vistied the panda sanctuary in chengdu 2 year ago while I was travelling in sichuan province.

And so finally then , if I have time, in answer to the question of What other people think of this animal., Really I should mention that most chinese people feel some senese of patriotise towards the giant panda because it is recongnized globally the archetypal chinese animal.


来源:无忧雅思网2005-12-22 9:46:00


看来,11月的烤鸭真的很少,19号的雅思成绩今天出来了。总分7 (听力 8 ,阅读7.5 作文 6 口语7)感谢无忧雅思网上那么多烤鸭们无私的帮助和奉献,受益良多。现在把我在复习雅思过程中经验和一点小技巧与大家分享,也希望能对还没考试的考友有所帮助。



第一阶段主要是听力分项和阅读分项练习阶段,因为太长时间没有接触到听力,所以捡起来很困难。我主要做了倪慧洁的雅思高分听力,非常好,难度介于考试与稍高之间。每篇听力我都听三遍,第一遍按考试走,第二遍默听,主要是听错的和没太听清楚的,第三遍,对照原文,听前两遍都没听出来的,关键的是听发音比较奇怪的,好比澳洲英语。这本书此类内容不少。一般听一个整篇要用一上午,后来就没有时间再这么听了,但确实非常管用。一开始听时 14 ,40 都挺不准,一套题

一般也就28,9个,当时都没信心了。接着做剑桥就一下子对31,2个再也没怎么下去过,好的时候35,6也有。阅读我用的是阅读真经,文章不错,但题目完全不敢恭维。和雅思考试出题思路完全不一样,尤其是TFNG 题。我都很后悔当初花那么多时间去改错,如果我身边再有朋友考试,我一定不让他做。

第二阶段我就开始套题了。我主要就做了剑桥234(留了4的 第二篇最后一周作,据说这是剑4最难的一套)中间还做过两套聚焦雅思,不过我总觉得和剑桥出题感觉不同,加上我错的也比剑桥多,我就放弃不做了。可能我个人太注意感觉了吧,我觉得培养一个做题的流畅的感觉很重要,我一开始做 剑2 阅读还做过25,6个的时候,还有点钻牛角尖,总觉得自己错的有道理。后来经高人指点,注意从答案思考问题,后来就一直保持在31个以上。考试的时候做的模模糊糊的,结果成绩也还好。因为实在没有自己觉得感觉对的其他题,我也就没题可作,我花大量时间分析错题,一般一套阅读题也要一个下午,还要点出哪些是不应该错的反而错了,也要做标记。我觉得非常收益。大家不妨试试,磨刀不误砍柴工嘛。这段时间的错误在于作文练得太少,我本来作文就是最弱的一环,在加上平日自己模考试没有思路就不愿写,很纵容自己。结果成绩不高,大家还是多练得好,而且最好按考试时间走,写完了可以再精改的。


尤其注意不会的单词,我自己还整理了一份机井的自己不会的单词。(说句题外话,因为考试有幸考到了我背得题,一下子有点兴奋,结果听漏了一个空,考出来后悔死了,大家注意阿)另外我还是每天听一段听力,应为如果考到测试版,纯背就死定了。作文模版句我是在chinadaily 的专栏作家文章中找的,根据经济体育分了类,这是自己的模版,所以不用担心跟别人重。我还记得一句我标了个万能的,我考试的时候就用的这个:there is a sign hanging above the gate of(theme og the writing),It simpliy messages that ..... 挺好的,大家有时间可以找一下,另外,我在考试中特别注意没写 the first and most important reason is

that,,,,furthermore 之类的关联词,写的时候感觉特好,结果倒不是很理想,不知道考官会不会觉得我没有清晰的条理性。

还有几个我在作题中的发现的小小技巧,可能有的大家也早知道了,不敢保证完全对,但目前为止我用的还可以。一个是matching题中如果出现 you may use one word more than once ,那肯定有两个小题选同一个答案,考试中一定要审好题,节省时间,也不用怕因为选了两个一样的答案就觉得自己错了,就是这样,我考试中就遇到了,另一点就是当判断题中出现不认识的单词时,实在没办法就写F,以前报班是老师好像说改写T的,但我分析了剑桥的三本题,都是F。第三点是判断题,关于 not necessarily 是绝对否定,我知道语法上说不同,但我分别在不同的两种题中看到它代表这种含义。举个例子,忘了是剑桥2,3有一篇关于Role的题 文章中是 is it bad.... ? Not necessarily 题目是 it is good... 答案就是T,这道题我找了很长时间也没找到准确的位置,后来又做到一篇,才判断了我的想法。






2016年9月24 ----25两天,我有幸参加了在河南林州举办的“第八届全国阅读教学模式解读 ,林州八小主题学习群文阅读教学研讨会”活动,聆听了来自全国各地的知名青年教师为大家带来的一堂堂与众不同的群文阅读展示课,以及专家对群文阅读的报告总结,让我这个在语文教学中摸索学习的求知者受益匪浅。






1、 导读:老师提出比较阅读的问题,可以用表格的方式,呈现比较阅读的内容。以问题为导向,让学生带着问题去阅读、思考。

2、 自读:学生根据导读的问题批注式阅读,默默读书,静静思考。教师巡视,适时点拨。

3、 互说:在小组内交流学习心得,讨论文章的异同之处。

4、 展说:各小组派出代表发言,展示分享读后心得。

5、 评说:师生一起对交流的意见、总结、进行评价。 这样一个流程下来,确确实实做到了新课标所要求的学生是学习的主体。根据学生身心发展和语文学习的特点,爱护学生的好奇心、求知欲,鼓励自主阅读、自由表达,充分激发他们的问题意识和进取精神,关注个体差异和不同的学习需求,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方法。





8:30——10:00 听力



10:30——12:00 阅读



1. 多积累常见词汇(如大学英语


2. 在练习中有意识地分析句子结构,学会快速抓主要信息,忽略附加信息。

3. 多读英文报刊杂志,培养快速阅读、获取大意的能力。特别是China Daily, 21century 等

4. 多了解阅读常见话题的背景知识和相关词汇。

5. 在题型上,一定要全面均衡发展,最好不要有所谓优劣势题型过渡之分。主要抓搭配题, 判断题和summary 填空题

6. 多利用空余时间做泛读练习——国家地理,Economist,Science等。主要复习实验报告,科学发展史,野生动物和环境保护等文章。

7. 真正的阅读技巧是管理时间

2:00——4:00 写作










Many people believe that we have developed into a throw-away society。

Traditionally, the approach is to punish criminals by placing them in prison to pay for what they have done (what 引导宾语从句,作为介词for 的宾语)


状语从句花样很多,只要求大家复习两种:if 引导的条件状语从句,和while 引导的让步状语从句


If a student wants to learn about job-specific information, they don’t need to sit in a classroom to get it

当然很多学生可能会问到,if 引导的虚拟语气很难掌握,其实如果并不想冲刺7分或7.5分的同学都可以不用掌握,即使需要拿到这样的分数,用虚拟的情况都比较少,所以考生可不必在此花费大太的功夫


While the economic development has made our life more comfortable, it has also polarized the society in the distribution of wealth

While traditional buildings might look mice from the outside, they are often not very user-friendly



1、who 引导,修饰“人”

Those who„. „„的人„„

Students who„„ „„的学生„„

Children who„„ „„的孩子„„

Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few。

Student without teachers will surely be lost; but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not really learning

Children who enter school at an early age are generally more conficent and independent than children who stay at home with their parents

2、that 引导,修饰物

Likewise, economics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be stable and move forward

The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes

How to handle criminals is a problem that all courtiers and societies face

Advertisement is an effective marketing tool that almost every company uses。



If fuel prices go up, either fewer people will drive or people will drive less, which makes sense for reducing pollution

Demand for various commodities creates a huge market for the local and international businesses, which in turn increases demand for the labor market

Governments should develop and launch a good traffic control system, which can monitor and facilitate traffic flows on major roads for better and safer usage, reducing the chances of accidents。



1、whether 引导的主语从句

Whether mobile phones bring more harm than good to us has caused a heated debate

Whether the increase of fuel price can solve the world’s environmental problem is a controversial issue。

Whether universities should provide students with practical skills or academic knowledge is a controversial issue。

2、先行词it 开始的主语从句

It is obvious that we are living in an information age

It is obvious that investing in education is investing in one’s future

It is obvious that human activities have the greatest impact on environment

3、What 引导的主语从句+not„but。。


What governments should do is to create policies to encourage low carbon development

What most companies and workforces need are not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas

What the poor countries need most is not money, but advanced technologies and talents in some key areas

4、同位语从句:同位语从句实际上是that 前面那个名词的解释或具体内容

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that our kids are spending more time watching TV。(第一段第一句用到)

I agree with the view that not only governments but every single citizen should do one’s part to fix this problem。( 第一段最后一句用到)

The fact that we have different languages demonstrates that we have different cultures。



This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are able to impose changes。




其实现在雅思考试在美国认可度大幅上升,“雅思考试的认可度上升体现在几个方面 第一,认可学校数量上升,目前已经有6000所机构和学校认可雅思;





美国大学排名前50的美国大学无论是本科还是研究生对雅思成绩要求还是比较高的,美国留学雅思一般至少要达到7分以上的成绩。如果申请前50名大学的商学院和法学院,以及传媒类专业的研究生,至少需要达到雅思7.5 分。申请普通的美国大学本科至少也要达到雅思6.0分以上,研究生至少6.5分以上。


