



《西游记》青少版章节概括 第一回美猴王出世:

东胜神洲傲来国海中的花果山山项上一仙石孕育出一石猴。石猴在所居涧水源头寻到名为“水帘洞”的石洞,被群猴拥戴为王。又过三五百年,石猴忽为人生无常,不得久寿而悲啼。根据一老猴指点,石猴经南赡训洲到西牛贺洲,上灵台方寸山,入斜月三星洞,拜见须菩提祖师,被收为徒,起名曰孙悟空。悟空从祖师学得长生之道、七十二般变化及“筋斗云”。一日,悟空受众人挑唆,变为松树,引起祖师不快,被逐出洞。 第二回龙宫借宝: 回到花果山,与占山妖魔厮斗取胜,带回被掳的众猴与物品。悟空使摄法将傲来国库馆里兵器搬进山中,操演群猴。山中妖、兽纷纷拜悟空为尊。悟空向龙王讨得重一万三千五百斤的如意金箍棒。在幽冥界勾掉猴属在生死簿上的姓名。龙王和阎王表奏玉帝,请伏妖猴。玉帝派太白金星赴花果山招安悟空。 第三回大闹天宫:

悟空被授以“弼马温”之官,他得知此官为末等职,回花果山。玉帝命托塔李天王与其子哪吒太子擒悟空。被悟空打败。金星再次招来悟空。玉帝命造齐天大圣府,让悟空居住。悟空管理蟠桃园,吃尽园中大桃。又赴瑶池,喝光仙酒;吃尽太上老君葫芦内的金丹。逃回花果山。玉帝令托塔天王率天兵去捉拿悟空。悟空打退了众天神。 第四回大战二郎神:

南海观音徒弟木叉助天王,被战败。观音又荐二郎神。二郎神与悟空大战,太上老君在天观战,丢下金刚套,击中悟空。众神押其回上界。玉帝传旨处死。太上老君将悟空置入炼丹炉烧炼,四十九天后,悟空出来,炼成一双火眼金睛。玉帝请来如来佛。孙悟空一路筋斗云,跳不出佛掌。如来将五指化为大山,压住悟空。 第五回拜师取经:

五百年后,唐僧带着两个仆人前往西天取经。一路上两个仆人都被妖怪吃掉,唐僧受到了太白金星的和猎人伯钦的帮助,走到五行山,收了孙悟空。向西走去,孙悟空将挡路的强盗都杀掉,遭到了唐僧的责备,孙悟空咽不下这口气,回花果山去了。唐僧在孙悟空在花果山期间,遇到化身老婆婆的观音,观音给唐僧一身衣服,让孙悟空穿上。孙悟空在东海龙宫接收龙王的劝说之后,回到了唐僧身边,穿上了衣服,戴上了金箍。 第六回黑风山除妖:

途径蛇盘山,马匹被鹰愁涧中之龙吞食。观音召出恶龙,将其变为白马赐给唐僧当座骑。行到观音禅院,老住持为谋占袈裟,欲纵火烧死唐僧师徒,悟空从天界借鉴是避火罩罩住唐僧,自己在一边鼓风,使火烧净禅院。黑风山的熊罴怪趁火偷走袈裟。悟空上山寻妖索要袈裟。悟空见一黑汉正与一道士和一白衣秀士商量开佛衣会事,遂打死白衣秀士蛇怪,与黑汉熊精相斗。悟空在洞外打死一小妖,得到请贴,变为老住持赴会。因被识破,只好请来观音。观音变为道士,劝熊怪服下悟空变的仙丹。悟空在肚内使熊怪痛不可忍。只好交回袈裟皈依佛门。 第七回收服猪八戒:

高老庄高太公因妖怪入赘其家请求降妖。悟空变为太公之女。迷惑妖怪。又现出原身。妖怪化作狂风而逃。悟空紧追。那怪入洞取出九齿钉耙一悟空大战,当听悟空说为保护唐僧取经过此,那丢下钉耙,跟悟空去拜见唐僧,被取名为猪八戒。 第八回悟净拜师:

唐僧一行人,离开了高老庄,在黄风岭收服了黄风怪。流沙河中妖怪径抢唐僧,八戒悟空去战,妖怪钻入水中,不肯上岸。悟空去见观音,观音让木叉与悟空同去。木叉叫出妖怪悟净。悟净以颈下骷髅结成法船,渡唐僧过河。 第九回偷吃人参果:

万寿山庄观中有树结人参果,吃后长后不老。观主镇元子都二童子以人参果款待唐僧误认人参果为婴儿而未敢食。悟空偷果三个,与八戒、沙僧分食。八戒嫌少,絮絮叨叨。二童子大骂唐僧。悟空难忍毁骂,将树弄倒。二童设计把唐僧师徒锁入正殿。师徒们夜间逃走。镇元子纵云赶上,以袍袖将唐僧一行尽笼而回。夜间师徒再次逃出。又被镇元子命将悟空下锅油炸,却被悟空以石狮变成自身将锅砸穿。悟空为医活果树,拜见观音,观音与悟空同来,复活果树。镇元子开人参果会,款待观音、诸仙与唐僧师徒,并与悟空结为兄弟。 第十回三打白骨精:

唐僧遣悟空去化斋饭。山中妖精,一变美女,二变老妇,三变老翁,迷惑唐僧,悟空打死妖精,唐僧大怒,逐走悟空。孙悟空又当起了“齐天大圣”。 第十一章白象国救公主:

唐僧在洞内见一妇人,自称是宝象国公主,十三年前被黄袍怪摄来。公主劝老妖释入唐僧。行到宝象,国唐僧向国王递上妇人所托书信。国王恳求八戒、沙僧降妖救女,二人应诺,往战黄袍怪,八戒难敌,钻入草丛躲藏。沙僧被黄袍怪擒入洞中。黄袍怪变为一美男子,前往宝象国探望岳丈国王,将唐僧变为猛虎。白龙马变为宫娥,举刀暗算黄袍怪,被打中后腿。八戒要回高老庄,白龙马劝他去找悟空。悟拒绝,八戒下山大骂,被众猴捉回。孙悟空救师心切,与八戒来到了波月洞,救了沙僧,悟空变为公主,用计将黄袍怪收服了。宝象国国王十分感谢唐僧师徒,几天后,几人向西走去。 第十二回平顶山窃宝:

悟空变作了一个道士,给精细鬼和伶俐虫表演“装天”,然后用一个假的葫芦换走了紫金葫芦和羊脂玉净瓶,然后两个妖王得知宝贝被骗走后决定去请干娘把幌金绳拿来,不料却被悟空给抢了过去。悟空与妖怪交战,用了幌金绳,不料妖怪却念了一个咒语,把悟空反捆了,并将三件法宝全给拿了回去,后来悟空两次变化,趁妖怪喝酒之际将紫金葫芦拿走并将银角大王装走,后来将金角大王也装入了葫芦之中,5件法宝都到手了,后来太上老君赶来,救出两怪,将宝贝带走。 第十三回乌鸡国救国王: 乌鸡国国王托梦给唐僧,自称三年前被一个道士推入御花园井中害死,道士变为国王篡位。国王交给唐僧一块玉珪。悟空将太子引入寺中,为太子言明其父王事,并哄骗八戒将国王尸身从井中捞出并背回宝林寺。又向太上老君索得一粒还魂丹,救活国王。假国王被揭穿,文殊现身,言明因缘,原来此怪是文殊菩萨坐骑青毛狮子。 第十四回收服红孩儿:

红孩儿听说吃唐僧肉可以长生不老,用狂风卷走唐僧,用计骗擒八戒。孙悟空战之不胜,请来观音菩萨,收服了红孩儿。后来他做了观音菩萨的善财童子,终成正果。 第十五回车迟国斗法:

车迟国国王兴道灭佛,国王命唐僧等与三大仙赌赛求雨。虎力先登坛弄法,召诸神和四海龙王,悟空使法力阻住,无雨降下。悟空登坛,暴雨倾盆。虎力与唐僧各在高台坐禅。虎力变出臭虫咬唐僧,悟空反击,使他跌下;赌猜柜中之物,赌砍头剖腹油锅洗澡等,悟空使计,三仙皆输。 第十六回智斗青牛怪:





孙悟空打杀强盗,被唐僧赶回花果山,六耳猕猴假冒悟空,打伤唐僧,抢走行李,沙僧从观音处找来悟空,真假猴王大战,观音、玉帝、唐僧、阎王等无法分辨,最后如来佛识破六耳猕猴,悟空一棍将他打死,师徒团聚。 第十九回三借芭蕉扇: 悟空想铁扇公主借芭蕉扇,铁扇公主因儿子红孩儿被观音收走而痛恨悟空,不肯借。悟空变成小虫钻进她腹内翻腾,却借了假扇。后请来请来李天王和天兵帮助,才借来真扇,过了火焰山。 第二十回金光寺寻宝:

祭赛国金光寺中,僧人们衣衫褴楼,满面愁容,向唐僧师徒诉说一场冤情:几年前一场血雨过后,寺中塔顶的舍利子佛宝无影无踪。僧人们被罚受苦,沉冤难雪。为查失宝之因,唐僧虔诚地持帚与悟空进塔扫祭。至塔顶,悟空擒住一小妖,得知佛宝被碧波潭万圣老龙王作法至谭底。悟空携八戒入潭,先礼后兵,与龙王之女乃圣公主及九头虫驸马交战。白龙马化作少年,入潭寻见乃圣公主,设计骗回佛宝,金光寺顶佛宝重放光芒。 第二十一回小雷音寺擒黄眉:



这天,唐僧师徒来到了朱紫国中,得知这朱紫国的国王得了重病,久治不愈。孙悟空揭下了榜文,说他能治好国王的病。国王大喜,马上传旨,请孙长老上殿。孙悟空来到皇宫,国王对孙悟空很是害怕。孙悟空却提出为国王“悬丝诊脉”。国王想试探一下悟空的本领,于是命人把三根银丝分别系在凳子腿上,金杯上和宫女的手腕上。只见他轻轻一捻,便说出这三种脉分别是木脉、金脉和阴脉。国王见孙悟空果然医术高明,连忙让他到近前看病。悟空通过“望、闻、问、切”,确诊了国王的病情,开了药方,又让八戒和沙僧取来东西,自己又亲自上天庭请龙王降了一些“无根之水”,终于炼好了丹药,给国王服下。果然药到病除,国王的病竟奇迹般地好了。后来悟空又降服了妖怪,救出皇后,治好了国王的病根。 第二十三回盘丝洞除妖:

师徒四人路经一山村,唐僧便独自化缘,随遇几女子便上前表明来意,相邀进住所7位女子一拥而上,把唐僧关进盘丝洞。悟空见师傅不归,从土地神得知唐僧可能以被抓去,师兄弟3人大闹盘丝洞,救回师父,火烧了盘丝洞。 第二十四回狮驼岭斗三魔:

狮驼岭为狮、象、鹰三魔王占据,要抓唐僧来吃.悟空变成小妖进洞打探,但不慎被鹏怪看破捆翻,装入宝瓶。瓶内相继出现烈火、蛇和火龙,他忙拔下观音赐给的救命毫毛变成钻子透瓶底钻出,被狮怪张嘴吞下。狮怪饮药酒欲毒死悟空。悟空饮酒后撒起酒疯,将狮怪折磨得死去活来。.三魔王抓住八戒逼问唐僧下落.悟空在狮魔腹中作怪,降服了狮魔,并以狮魔交换回被俘的八戒和师傅.三魔不守信用,又在狮驼关展摆开阵势,大战悟空、八戒,终于不敌,唐僧师徒全部被擒.烧火开锅要把他们蒸了来吃.悟空变铁棒铁铲之类为他们四人的模样,放于蒸笼中,脱身.救出唐僧等,却被魔头察觉,又将唐僧等人捉回。悟空拜请如来,如来令文殊、普贤二菩萨分别收伏自己骑青狮和白象。如来使鹏怪落在自己头上,现了原身。 第二十五回比丘国救儿童:

唐僧师徒四人去西天取经路过比丘国,发现国王被妖魔所缠,身染重病。昏庸的国王听信妖言,要用一千多个男孩的心肝做药引。为此传下圣旨,命百姓选送小儿,装入鹅笼,听候使用。为了搭救孩童,孙悟空深入王宫,识破“国丈”和国王宠爱的“美后”是白鹿和白面狐精变化,于是施展神威,降伏白鹿,打死狐精。二妖现了原形,国王羞惭难当,低头认错。一千多个小孩的性命得救了,全城百姓感恩戴德。 第二十六回三探无底洞:



深秋时节,师徒来到孟华县城,拜访了国王的宗室玉华王,因悟空、八戒和沙和尚长得象妖魔,吓坏了玉华王。玉华王的三个儿子在暴纱亭与他们进行比武,都被打败,于是玉华王的三个儿子拜他们当师父。拜师仪式上,他们三人叫铁匠照所用的兵器各打了一件,不料却被黄狮精偷回豹头山虎口洞,悟空、八戒和沙和尚分别扮作古怪刁钻、刁钻古怪和贩猪羊的,与七个妖精杀成一团,不料八戒、玉华王、唐僧先后被抓,悟空赶到东极妙岩官,请太乙救苦天尊降伏了妖精。 第二十八回观灯遇犀牛:

师徒入金平府城个慈云寺宿下,又随寺僧入城看灯。空中忽现妖怪所变的三尊佛身,将唐僧摄走。悟空斗不过三怪,对八戒、沙僧言说那三怪似是三头犀牛成精。八戒、沙僧相继被擒。悟空上天请来角木蛟、奎木狼与井木犴等四星降妖,三妖落荒而逃。直至西洋大海。龙太子拿了一犀,井星现出塬身,咬死一犀,众神又捉一犀。 第二十九回天竺国降玉兔:

玉兔精原是广寒宫捣药的玉兔,为报私仇下界,在毛颖山中兴妖作怪。她摄去天竺国公主,扮成假公主。知道唐僧要路经天竺国,想招其为丈夫,采取元阳,以得道成仙。孙悟空识破妖精,两人一场大战。孙悟空扔起金箍棒,打得妖怪化作清风,孙悟空紧追不舍,又打回地上,妖怪难敌悟空的金箍棒,遁入毛颖山。孙悟空追到山上,妖精无奈出洞迎战,太阴星君和嫦娥仙子赶到,把妖怪带回天宫。孙悟空救出了真公主。 第三十回西天取真经:



Unit16 what’s your middle name?

1:Teaching objectives 引导学生学习一般过去时,重点是规则变化动词的过去式,以及规则动词过去式的发音规则。 句型:Did he clean his teeth after breakfast? When did she clean her teeth? I finished the job last month. Did you finish the job last month? 2:Language focus: Middle names, impossible, all the time, unlock, discuss, talk about, plan, everywhere, key-ring, silly, silliness, for example, keep 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。要求:站到讲台上,把自己的名字写出来,通过中文名字来引出中名概念。问学生昨天干什么来引出过去式。

Warm Up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/) Saying: Hoist sail when the wind is fair. Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Where were Karen’s car keys? 然后学习生词和短语,重点单词:impossible, drive, silliness, 最后做详细讲解。语法重点:一般过去时,要求学生理解并记忆动词过去式。 Part3:

根据课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做P9的选择填空。做P6句型练习,句型为一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。然后两人对练对话,最后再做P8书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,规则动词过去式的发音规则是,以辅音结尾的一般读/t/,以浊辅音结尾的一般读/d/,t 或者d结尾的一般读/id/。讲课过程中把语音学习融入到课堂中去,这部分主要做个总结。

Unit17 A cuckoo in the nest 1:Teaching objectives 继续学习规则变化动词的过去式,语音重音以及规则变化的方式副词。

句型:They counted the money. Did they count the money late last night? Yes, they did. They counted the money quickly. 2:Language focus: Engineer, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, install, webcam,log on, patient, patiently, suddenly,chance, dart,hatch, excited, excitedly, easily, enormous, in a moment, show, be over 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting:首先问大家昨天做什么了,来复习十六单元,再以我的名字:燕子(swallow)来引入鸟的话题,比如喜鹊(magpie),麻雀(sparrow)鹰(eagle),问大家08奥运会在哪里举办的?答:NEST Warm Up: chick, chick, chick, I’m a little chick, sitting on the stick, with my brother Nick. A word per day: You are only young once. Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now? ),然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。 Part3: 根据课文问P13问题,要求学生回答,做P17选择填空。然后做P14句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做p16书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去,以及后面歌谣As I was going to St.Ives.

Unit18 Read the label! 1:Teaching objectives 重点学习不规则动词的过去式,学习爆破音。

句型:What did he do yesterday? He sat in the garden. He didn’t go to the cinema. Did you sit in the garden?

2:Language focus: 生词:anyway, discover, at the same time, one after another, honestly, stuff, chemistry以及不规则动词:bought, came, did, drove, ate, felt, flew, went, put, read, rode, saw, sold ,sat 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: 拿出一袋脆脆卷零食,学习Crispy Troll的读音,让学生对本课有基本的认识。 Warm up: Ted was having bread, happy in his bed. Mum came and said: no bread in the bed. Saying: Where there is interest, there is memory. Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题When did Vikki feel really sick?,然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P21问问题,要求学生回答,做p25选择填空。做P22句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P44书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.

Unit 19: A problem with squirrels 1:Teaching objectives 本章学习并练习更多不规则动词的过去式,学习其他时间/顺序标记语的状语,以及其它一些指代前面句子的主格/宾格形式。语音学习浊音和元音的长度。

句型: What did he do last night? He went to bed early and slept well. Did you go to bed early last night? What did you do last night? 2:Language focus: Squirrel, bird feeder(复合名词), squirrel-proof, nut, hang, outside, break into, cut down, price. 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting: Do you have any pets? 引出大家对于此话题的讨论,简要说下Polly的遭遇,再问Do you have the experience of changing the goods you buy? Warm up:学习/æ/的发音: - What’s that, Sam? -It’s a black bag.

-What’s under the bag? -Oh, it’s a fat cat.

Saying: A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What did Polly take back to the shop ?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P29问题,要求学生回答,做p33填空。做P30练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P32练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.歌曲,There were ten in the bed.

Unit20: An ordinary life 1:Teaching objectives 本单元第一次讲解由will构成的一般将来时,以及与be going to的区别(前者是表示不太确定的将要发生的事情,即简单的预测,后者是将来时,用于谈论计划或打算)

句型: I’m going to do some shopping tomorrow. You are going to do some shopping, aren’t you? I’ll see you in town. I promise. 2:Language focus: 生词:fashion shoot, successful, regular, wonderful, unsuccessful 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting: How about your daily-life? Imagine if you are a man of mark, what would your life like? 可以让大家思考一下平凡一天的生活,引入Nina的生活,再设想一下自己将来的打算,引入将来时的概念。 Warm up: 学习/ɑ:/ -Let’s go to a bar. -The Star Bar? -Aha, who’s that man with glasses? -He’s a clerk. -He works hard. -And he is smart. Saying: When one door shuts, another opens. Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Who will Nina meet one day?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P37题,要求学生回答,做p41填空。做P38 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P44书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 .

Unit 21: The Weather forecast 1:Teaching objectives 陈述句(Statements),一般疑问句及简短回答(Simple Questions and Short Reponses), 肯定陈述句和否定的反义疑问句(Tag Questions),特殊疑问句(Wh-question)

句型:They will /They’ll probably move house in a year’s time?—No, they won’t move house yet. When did they move house last?—They moved house last a year ago.

2:Language focus: 生词:forecast, announcer, go over to, the next few, wind, blow, bring in ,gradually, degree Celsius 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting: What’s the weather like today? 和天气有关的一些词:sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, shower,并让大家认识east, west, south, north. Warm up: 学习音标/ɔ/

Bob tied a knot. It looks like a knot, but it is not a knot. Don’t lose heart, Bob. Try to tie another knot. Saying: Make hay while the sun shines.(太阳出来时候晾晒草。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What will the weather be like next week?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P45题,要求学生回答,做p49填空。做P46 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P48书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit 22 I always behave myself! 1: Teaching objects: 继续学习上课主要内容,以及单词重音。

句型:Will there be a lecture this evening?—Yes, there will. /No, there won’t. There will be/There’ll be a lecture this evening. How long will it last?—It will last (for) one hour. It’ll last from five till/until six. It’ll start at five o’clock and last (for) an hour. When will the motor show open?—It’ll open on the15th and last (for ) two weeks. 2:Language focus: Behave yourself/myself, outsider, sound, reasonable, last, sharp, clear 3:Teaching procedure Part1: Greeting: What kind of activities does your school have? What would your school do on Children’s Day? Did you take part in any balls? Warm up:

What is the short door, on the first floor for? Open it and see what it’s for. Oh, it’s for a store!

Saying: While there is life, there is hope.(留得青山在不愁没柴烧。活着就有希望) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Who will take Lucy to the dance?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P53题,要求学生回答,做p57填空。做P54 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P56书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习(单词重音及其规则),同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 Part5: 重复学过的歌谣,并按照课文内容演练小话剧。

Unit23: Quite tall…and quite striking!

1: Teaching objects: 陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句

句型:How tall/high/wide/deep/long/heavy is that…? What’s the height/width/depth/length/weight of that…? It’s 320 metres. /It’s 15metres wide./It’s 30 metres deep. How far is it from here to the airport? It’s quite near (quite) a long way. It isn’t far. /It’s a long way. It’s…miles. 2:Language focus: striking,send, face, face, file, messenger, anyone, height, foot, later, centimeter, How far…? Have a look 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: How tall are you? Who is your favorite star? Why do you like her(him)? Do you know Yao Ming? He is my favorite basketball star. He is two metres twenty-six. Warm up: Look, look, look, there is a hook, from it hangs a book, about a good cook. Saying: Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.(世上有人与你同乐,无人与你分忧。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题How tall is Sandy?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P61题,要求学生回答,做p65填空。做P62句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P64书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 Part5: 重复学过的歌谣,并按照课文内容演练小话剧。

Unit: 24 A quiz 1: Teaching objects: 陈述句,the one与 the other的比较Bob is tall, but John is taller than him. 否定陈述句+肯定的反义疑问句:It isn’t obvious, is it? No,it isn’t. 句型:Bob is taller than John. Bob is the taller of the two. Dan is the tallest of the three. Dan’s the tallest boy in our class. 2:Language focus: try out, than, continent, population density, trick question, square mile, obviously, answer 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: A quiz: Which is the longest river in China?(Chang Jiang 6300)黄河(5464) The highest mountain is Mount Everest. (8844) Warm up: One , two. We are going to the zoo. There what shall we do? See the goose And monkeys too. A. Saying: Time and tide wait for no man.(时间不等人) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题How many people are there to the square mile in Australia?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P69题,要求学生回答,做p73填空。做P70句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P72书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit 25 Karen saves some money 1: Teaching objects: 陈述句:The one on the left is cheaper than the one on the right.

The one on the right isn’t as cheaper as the one on the left. 一般疑问句:Is the bicycle on the left the same as the one on the right?

It’s not quite the same. It’s a little cheaper.

Are they the same price?---No, they aren’t the same price. 特殊疑问句:Why does she prefer the microfiber one? 2:Language focus: Prefer, on the right, on the left, quality, linen, microfibre, tell the difference, as…as 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting:

There are clothes made by cotton, wool, nylon, dacron(的确良), chiffon(雪纺),which would you choose? Who choose clothes for you? Warm up: Pup is on the cup. The cup falls down. Where’s the Pup? Oh! He can’t get up. Saying: Every tub must stand on its own bottom.(桶要凭底立,人贵自立。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Which suit does Karen prefer?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P77题,要求学生回答,做p81填空。做P78句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P80书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit26: School reports 1: Teaching objects: 陈诉句(Statements)

Tim’s report was rather poor, and Ron’s report was very bad. It was worse than Flora’s. Ann’s report was very good. She came second in the exams.

Her report was better than Bob’s---but it wasn’t as good as Vikki’s. 问句(Simple Questions)

Was Lucy’s report better than Vikki’s?

Does Ron always come bottom in the exams? 特殊疑问句(Wh-question): What was her report like?

Where did she come in the exams? How did her report compare with Bob’s? 2:Language focus: Report, excellent, geography, everything, come top, come bottom in, enough 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: 进行简单的测试,引出每次,讨论学校考试。

Warm up: A girl wearing a skirt, Suddenly got hurt. Let’s give her some herbs.

Saying: Perseverance is the only road to succeed.(坚持不懈是获得成功的唯一道路。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问Who’s the best gymnast?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P85题,要求学生回答,做p89填空。做P86句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P88书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit27: Pocket money 1: Teaching objects: 表示数量的疑问句,数量的比较

句型与结构:I’ve got a little money/a few books. I’ve got more than you/less than you (have). He’s got the most/the least/the fewest (of all). 2:Language focus: Pocket money, lend, pound, actually, own, beginning, pay back, borrow. 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: Do you have any pocket money? How do you do with if? Warm up:

A: Welcome to our school! Let me show you around. B: Thank you. A: This is our computer room. B: How many computers are there in your school? B: About one hundred. A: What a nice school it is! B: Thank you! Please come again! Saying: Constant dropping wears away a stone.(滴水穿石,只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题When will Lucy pay Robert back?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P93题,要求学生回答,做p97填空。做P94句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P96书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Uni28: She doesn’t even exist!

1: Teaching objects: 句型与结构词:

She’s more intelligent than Tim. She’s less hard-working than Tim. She isn’t as hard-working as Tim. She’s the most intelligent student in the class. Robert’s book is the least interesting of them all.

2:Language focus: Even, exist, poster, ceiling, singer, favorite, crazy, computer game, care, detective, martial arts master, chess 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting: Do you have any posters in your bedroom? If you choose one’s poster, whose would you choose? Warm up: My name is May, I stay near a bay. I’m playing in the rain,

and enjoying the happy day. Saying: If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题For Robert , who is the cleverest, most beautiful girl in the world?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3: 根据课文P101题,要求学生回答,做p105填空。做P102句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P104书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit29: No one’s better than Paul!

1: Teaching objects: 句型与结构词:

Did Paul and Dan run fast the other day? Yes, they both ran fast, but Paul ran faster than Dan(did). Dan didn’t run as fast as Paul did.

Did he run faster than Dan?---Yes, he did. He definitely ran the fastest. Be加形容词

Paul is a very fast runner. ---He is, isn’t he?


Paul ran (much) faster than Dan (did).---He did, didn’t he? 2:Language focus: rival, long jump, high jump, personal 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting:Do you do any exercise? What kind of sports do you like? Do you remember the Olympic games held in Beijing last year? Which sport can you remember? 帆船Sailing,游泳swimming,花样游泳Synchronized Swimming,跳水diving, 水球water polo, Rhythmic gymnastics(艺术体操), weightlifting(举重),棒球baseball, archery(射箭), 摔跤Wrestling,柔道Judo,射击Shooting,拳击Boxing,足球Football,篮球basketball,乒乓球Table tennis,跆拳道Taekwondo,马术Equestrian,铁人三项Triathlon,现代五项Modern Pentathlon,击剑Fencing,蹦床Trampoline,排球Volleyball,沙滩排球Beach Volleyball,羽毛球Badminton,垒球Softball,自行车Cycling,网球Tennis,手球Handball,曲棍球Hockey,体操Artictic Gymnastics田径Athletics,皮划艇激流回旋Canoe,赛艇Rowing

Warm up: Look in the boat, It is a goat, With a coat, writing a note. My name is Mike, I’m flying a kite, on my white bike, that’s what I like. Saying: The eye is blind if the mind is absent.心不在焉,视而不见。 Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Where did Phil come in the long jump?再对课文做详细的讲解。 Part3:根据课文P109题,要求学生回答,做p113填空。做P112句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P112书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 Unit30: A giant squid 1: Teaching objects: 句型与结构词: How much are they? How much does it/do they cost? What’s the price of that/those…? They cost/They are £12.5 each. How much does he/she/it weigh? What’s the weight of…? He/ She/It weighs…kilos. 一般疑问句:

Do those postcards cost 80p each?

Yes, they do. They’re very expensive. Are these postcards 80p each?

Yes, they are. They’re very /quite cheap. 特殊疑问句: How much are those postcards? What’s the price of this CD?

2:Language focus: Giant squid, scientist, on show, eye, sucker, amazing, the rest of, ear, regularly 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting: Did you go to the museum before? Did you see any animals which make you unforgettable? 蜂鸟(wood nymph)是雨燕目蜂鸟科动物约600种的统称,是世界上已知最小的鸟类。 蜂鸟身体很小,能够通过快速拍打翅膀(每秒15次到80次,取决于蜂鸟的大小)而悬停在空中。蜂鸟因拍打翅膀的嗡嗡声(humming)而得名。蜂鸟是唯一可以向后飞行的鸟。蜂鸟也可以在空中悬停以及向左和向右飞行。

Warm up: There is a clown, who lives downtown; He’s often in a brown, Wearing a crown.

Saying: Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.(知识是座宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙。) Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题How long is the giant squid?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3:根据课文P117题,要求学生回答,做p121填空。做P118句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P120书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。



1a Lesson 1 Meet the family 认识一下我们全家吧!

J:JHello, my name’s William Jenkins. This is my family.

This is Karen. Karen is my wife. K: How do you do? J; This is Lucy. Lucy’s my daughter. L:

Hello! J:This is my son, Robert. R; Hi! J:And this is Paul. Paul’s my nephew. P:Hello! Nice to meet you!

1 Lesson 3 What is it?


Hey! this is good. Look, Lucy! What is this? It’s a wheel.

No, it isn’t. Look, it’s green! It’s a hat! OK, it’s a green hat. Now look. What’s this? It’s a flower. It’s a red flower. No, it isn’t. it’s a red umbrella. OK, what’s that? It’s grey. Is it a bird? Yes! it’s a grey bird. No, it’s a key! Right! It’s a silver key.2

Lesson 5 Who’s that?

那个人是谁? Who is that boy, Polly? Which boy, Annie? The boy on the silver bicycle. That’s Robert Jenkins. Who’s that man? Which man? The man with the black umbrella. That’s Mr. Jenkins. He’s Robert’s father.

Who’s that woman with the white umbrella? That’s Mrs. Jenkins. She’s Robert’s mother.

And who’s that girl on the red bicycle? That’s Lucy Jenkins. She’s Robert’s sister. Look at that young man.

Who is he? Which young man?

The young man in that old car. Oh, that’s Paul. Paul is Lucy’s cousin.

3 So, Paul is Robert’s cousin, too. That’s right.

Robert is Lucy’s brother. And Paul is their cousin. He’s a student.

4 Lesson 7 Robert isn’t well罗伯特感觉不舒服 Hello, Karen. How are you? I’m fine.

But Robert isn’t very well. Oh, I’m sorry!

What’s the matter with him? I’m not sure. He’s very hot. He isn’t well. Is he hungry? No, he isn’t hungry. Is he thirsty? Yes, he’s very thirsty. Poor Robert. I am sorry. What about the doctor? The doctor’s very busy. Yes, but Robert is ill. Perhaps not very ill. But you are right. Better safe than sorry.

5 Lesson 9 Meet the neighbors.

认识一下邻居们! Hello! My name’s Paul.

Hello Paul. My name’s Claire. I’m your new neighbor. Claire, that’s a nice name. What do you do, Claire? I’m a student. What about you? I’m a student too.

I’m at the sports academy. What about you? I’m an art student. I ’m at the art college. Come and meet Karen. She’s my aunt. She’s a writer. Karen, this is Claire. Claire’s our new neighbor. Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you. Come and meet the family.

This is William, my husband. This is Lucy and this Robert. How do you do, Claire. Hi, everybody. Thank you for the welcome.


Lesson 11 Gossip闲谈! Who’s that girl, Polly? Which girl, Annie? The girl over there. The tall girl with the Jenkins family. Oh, that’s Claire, our new neighbor. She’s an art student. She’s a very pretty girl. Yes, she’s cleaver too. She’s a nice girl. Where’s she from? Is she English? No, she isn’t. She’s American. She’s from Washington. Is her family here, too? Yes. Her father’s an accountant. And her mother’s a famous photographer. Look! That’s her mother over there. That woman in the expensive car? That’s right. She’s very pretty. Pretty? She’s beautiful. What about her husband? Is he handsome?

Wait and see!

7 Lesson 13 Where’s my pen? 我的铅笔在哪儿? Where’s my pen, Lucy? Which pen, Mum? The blue one. This one? Yes,that one.

It’s my favorite pen, Lucy! Sorry, Mum. And where’s my new ruler? The long one? The long silver one. It’s in my school bag, Mum. Oh, Lucy!

Give me my ruler, please. Here you are. I’m sorry, mum. It’s a very nice ruler. Yes, it is. Mum! Yes? Is this your pencil-case, too? No, it isn’t.

It’s your father’s old pencil-case.

That’s his favorite thing. Sorry, Mum!

It’s my favorite thing, too. Oh, well. Put it on his desk.

8 No harm done. Thanks, Mum.

Lesson 15 A bump in the night夜深人不静! William, wake up! Mm . What’s the matter?

Listen, there’s a noise in the living room. It’s a burglar! A burglar! Nonsense! You are right! There’s a noise in the kitchen, now. It is a burglar. Shh! There’s a torch here. Give me the torch, please. Here it is. Oh, William. Please be careful! Shh!

There is someone downstairs. Who’s there?Who is it? It’s me, Dad. I’m wide-awake, and I’m hungry. We’re all wide-awake now! Oh well, no harm done!

9 Lesson 17 Red, white and pink红的、白的和粉红的! Here are Paul’s pajamas. Look at them. They are bright red! But they are a bit dirty. Here are Dad’s shirts. They are pure white. But they are a bit dirty, too.

Put them in the washing machine.

What about your shirts? Yes, my shirts are dirty too, Put them in the washing machine. Karen! Where are my new shirts? They’re in the washing machine, with Paul’s pajamas and Robert’s shirts. Here you are.

Two lovely clean shirts. Those shirts aren’t white. They are pink. Yes, they are,

and they are very pretty!

10 Lesson 19 Jump in上车吧 Hurry up, Lucy. Here’s the bus. Wait a minute! My bag’s heavy. My bag’s heavy, too. Come on! Oh, no! the bus is full! Oh, dear!

Our school buses are all full. What’s in your bag? Books, of course.

My bag’s full of books, too.

Look, there’s Claire. Hello, Claire! Hello, Robot! Hello Lucy! What’s the matter Lucy? The buses are all full. And our bags are very heavy. Gee, they are heavy. What’s in them?

They are full of books and the buses are full of people. Never mind. Here’s my mom with the car. And the car’s empty. Jump in, and put your bags in , too.

11 Lesson 21 Very smart真神气

Look! These are our outfits for the school play. Oh, very smart! Look, William! Yes, you’re both very elegant. Thank you, Dad. That’s an interesting tie, Robert.Um, yes, thanks, Dad. It’s very colorful. Very unusual. Yes, um, it’s my favorite tie. Those are funny shoes, Robert. Are they a bit big for you? These shoes? No, Mum. They’re all right. They are right for the part. Where are my new shoes? They aren’t in my bedroom. Oh ,Robert! Hey, Robert! That’s my tie! Those are my new shoes! And those are my socks, too!

Lesson 23 Just like you 就像你一样 Clair? Yes, Daddy? Show me your new drawings, honey. Ok. These drawings are new.

They are all people at the sport academy. Hmm.

They are very good , Claire. Who is this tall man with the big muscles?

Oh, that’s Mrs. Ford.

He’s a teacher. He’s very strong. And who are these little men? That’s Gary, and that’s Tom. They are students. They are both small. But they are strong , too. They are gymnasts. And who is this boy here?

That’s Paul. He’s a student at the sport academy. He’s a handsome young man. Yes, he’s very nice.

13 Your drawings are good, Claire. Thank you, Daddy. Maybe they aren’t bad. No, honey. They are great. Just like you! Lesson 25 Late or early 晚了还是早了 Come on, Lucy. We’re late. OK,OK! What time is it? It’s eight o’clock.Hurry up! Hi, there, kids! Are you in a hurry? Yes, we are. We’re both late for school. Never mind. Jump in. Gee. Thanks, Mrs. Austen. You’re welcome. Call me Daisy, please. OK, kids. Let’s go! Wow, what a speed! What a car! Here you are. The school gates. You aren’t late now. What’s the matter, Lucy?

14 Look! The gates are shut! We’re both early now.

Lesson 27 one, two, three catch!



Give me that jar, please, Robert. Which jar, Mum? This one? No, not that one. The one on the table. The empty one. Here you are, Mum. Ready?one, two, three ,catch! No, Robert! Stop! What’s the matter ,Mum? I can’t catch it. Bring it here, please! Here you are, Mum. Thank you Robert.

Lesson 29 That’s not fair


Where are Paul and Gary? They are over there,

15 on the football field.

They’re with Tom and Mr. Ford. Great, we can play football with them. Hey, Paul!

Can we play football with you? That’s a good idea, Robert. Right. You’re the captain of one side, Robert. And Sam,

you’re the captain of the other side. I’m the referee.

Now how many player are there? 1,2,3,4,5,6,……13,so there are seven on my side, and six on Sam’s side. That’s no fair! Yes, it is.

Mr. Ford’s on your side. He’s very big and very strong. He can play very well. He’s like two players.



Meet the family!认识一下我们全家吧


1:Hello! — 标准的非正式问候语,用于问候初次见面的人、朋友和熟人。

My name is William Jenkins. William Jenkins在英文中,名在前,姓在后。所有名字(专有名词) 的首字母都要大写。

Is —(第三人称单数现在时)动词be的现在时第三人称单数形式。 2:this — 指示代词,用于指近处的人或物。

My wife — 第一人称物主形容词+名词

3:How do you do? — 正式、礼貌用语。用于问候初次见面的人。用how do you do来回答。

4:Lucy’s=Lucy is切记This is不能缩写。

5:My son, Robert. — 这个陈述句中有两个补语:My son和Robert这两个名词指的是同一个人,第二个名词说明了第一个名词的一些情况。二者是同位语。书写时,同位的名词之间要用逗号。 your—第二人物主形容词

6:Nice to meet you! — 固定短语,用于非正式的介绍,用于回答Hi! Unit2

What is it?它是什么?

课文注释: 1:What is it?— 当补语是人称代词(he,she,it)时,不能使用缩略形式。 2:It’s green. — (不是It’s a green)只有名词前需要加冠词。


No, it isn’t. — 我们倾向于使用缩略形式isn’t而不是is not。 It’s a (green) hat. — 形容词放在冠词和名词之间。 3:Now look! — now用法与Hey!相同,用于吸引人注意。

5:that — 单数指示代词,指代在时间和空间上有一定距离的事物。 grey/gray第一种拼写方法通常用于英式英语中;第二种拼写方法通常用于美式英语中,两种写法都正确。

6:Right ! — 感叹句,表示同意(=You are right)。

其它:what — 疑问代词,对表语进行提问,用于询问自己不知道的事物。

What colour — 疑问词,引导的特殊疑问句式用于询问颜色。

bicycle/bike — 意思是相同的,但拼写不一样。前者书面化一些,后者口语化一些。

colour / color — 意思一样,但拼写不同。前者英式,后者美式。

camera = photocamera this和that的用法及区别:



在回答this和that作主语的疑问句时,常用it 代替this和that。



在交际中,介绍某人时,用this或that,而不用it。回答在特殊疑问句中作主语指“人”的this或that时,答语仍用this或that,不用it。在电话用语中,“我”和“你”,不用I和you,而用this和that,此时的this,that可以用it代替。This is无缩略形式。 特殊疑问句:What is it/this/that? Whose is this pen?

What colour is your camera?





教学材料(教材及版本):《新概念英语青少版1 A》


1、学生对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致 问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。







根据《小学课程标准(实验)》的要求,《新概念英语青少版1 A》的课程内容进行教学。其课程内容包括(结合课程标准填写):

(一) 教材概况及学情分析










6.能听懂6个幽默小故事。 7.能听、做、演18个游戏。







(1)课后作业的目的是为了复习巩固已学内容可分口头、书面两种。作业量以中等学生用十五分钟左右可以完成为宜。面作业须全批全改。错的地方要求学生订正。批改要及时和规范。批改时应统一使用激励机制,可用星号、小红花、A B C不同等级。提倡面批并做好批改记录和讲评工作。



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