



Jane’s Thoughts About Why She did so in the Sports Meet

Our class got great achievements in the school sports meet, winning the second place out of the whole grade and No.1 in the tug-of-war match. The whole class, even the whole school was greatly impressed with the unique way I cheered my class on, which they say contributed a lot to(促使) our success. Here are my thoughts about it:

As you advance in life, you have more roles to play and more responsibilities to assume(承担). The reasons why I shouted and swung(挥舞) my tracksuit in the air as wildly as possible while cheering our class in the tug-of-war competition were: for one thing, I wanted to light up the students’ passion with mine as I always consider passion a necessary guarantee(保证) for any possible success; for another, I was supposed to be like that on that occasion. While others might think me foreign(strange) to the usual way I am, I consider it my responsibility and the only choice to be that way right there and right then. What I intended the students to know was that people need to be dimensional(多维) when performing different obligations(职责) or playing different roles. The message I’d like to get across (传达) to them was: if you want to do something well, you must go all out for it, even at a certain cost sometimes. As for the pressure I put on the other teachers and the criticism they got from their students for attributing their failure in the tug-of-war match to (归因于)their teachers’ not waving their tracksuits, it’s sheer amusement for me. As a matter of fact, different teachers had different ways of cheering their students, forming one after another special and amusing scenes on the sports ground, which surely added to the lively atmosphere of the sports meet. They contributed not in the least less than I did!

It’s really a wonder for our class, one among those with more advantages in the academic areas over the athletic ones to have won the tug-of-war match which calls for not only unity but also strength and stamina(耐力). It was with the great determination to win and the strength of unity that we won the match. Congratulations and I really feel proud of our class! At the same time, I also believe the students can do more wonders in other aspects in the days to come. Come on!!!

高二最后一届运动会的文章 Never Again ----To the last Sports Meet


It was all over. We scattered, with the setting sun stretching my shadow into a long shape. This dismal scene added to my sense of frustration and depression. Not having expected the sports meet would end in such a way, I felt lost. During the assembly, I talked and talked, not noticing what was going on up the platform (sorry Jane, disobeying the rules once). Then we dismissed, and I wandered in my lowest pace, through the crowds, along the streets, and past several bus stations, realizing it will never happen again that we sit in order in the sun (sometimes clouds), cheering in chorus for the ones on the track, and that never again will we see Jane waving her white sports suit in the tug-of-war except in photos and videos. Though middle school life still continues, our sports meet has come to an end.

On Wednesday night at the bus station, I met with a senior three student I knew. “Your last sports meet?” she smiled. “Yeah.” “How do you feel? Sandstorm?” It was my turn to smile. It seemed that the “sandstorm” in the Southern Stadium has left a deep impression on her, but for me, it was far more than that, especially this last time.

Class three still came out first this time, and I never mind whether they have cheated or not, because I must confess they are talented indeed. But we…I don’t think we failed, for we took part actively and have never tried to win by hook or by crook, (千方百计,不择手段) which is what sports spirit is all about. We participated and persisted, and that was enough. I don’t want to blame the loss on someone’s foul play or others’ operations under the table; the result was from ourselves. I can’t say it was destined(注定的), but I must say it has ended. Still, I’ll remember the times when Jane went to cheer on for our “brother class”----class four----in their tug-of-war. I couldn’t help but feel touched when we girls cheered on for an unknown Senior One boy, Pan (the name reminds me of Peter Pan), during the 800—meter race, for he was so outstanding in long distance running that we already had the temptation to do so in the last sports meet. I regret very much that, due to various reasons, I didn’t enter for this last sports meet, but it was OK, as this has given chance to others who had never taken part to show themselves. (However)Whatever the results were, participation is the most valued. Our cheers for those who caught up with others to rise from the last to the last but two were so exciting that it seemed as if those ones had become the champions. It’s honor and dignity, (not) rather than results, that matters, and honor doesn’t simply come from ranks. I must thank my class for the reason that our excellence in the tug-of-war has given me a golden memory which will never fade. The tug-of-war isn’t just a match between weight and strength; it is more like a competition of unity between teams instead of between individuals, so it stands more for a class’ character. Though we lost the final without rhyme or reason, I can proudly say that we are united as a class. The sunset plated(镀上) every object with a golden layer. The bus was crowded with people. The junior students talked cheerfully. And I felt upset. The cap narrowed my sight, but it also hid my expression. I knew all will never happen again: the sandstorm in the stadium, the burning sun overhead, the heavy rain without warning, the cheers and crowds, the excitement and disappointment...all has gone with the sports meet of middle school age and become a memory deep in mind. It’s all over now. Such experience will never return again.


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举办第九届全民运动会,是今年政府工作的一项重要内容,对贯彻落实《体育法》和“全民健身计划”及“奥运争光计划”,提高我市体育事业整体水平,促进全市经济建设和各项社会事业的发展具有重要意义。各级、各部门单位都要高度重视,把办好本届运动会作为一项全局性的大事来抓,高水平、高质量完成各项工作任务。[找材料到好范文 wenmi114.com--网上服务最好的文秘资料站点]







芳 草 斜 阳
















青年,野马狂飙,纵横驰骋,借天地之灵气,揽三山五岳于怀中,旷达恣肆,锋芒毕露。风雨来袭,东奔西突,折戟沉沙,壮志难酬。 人到中年,如日中天,光彩夺目,如星灿烂,熠熠生辉。心智成熟,厚积薄发,厚德载物。尽人伦之责,养老育幼,不辞辛劳;尽职业之责,学高为师,身正为范;尽师友之责,诚实为人,诚信处事;尽国家之责,哺育幼苗,成就栋梁。然为生计奔波,为斗米折腰,使我不得开心颜。

夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。美好中略带忧伤。百年修炼,终成正果。仗剑以观天下,舍我其谁?人生轮回不过百年,沧海之一粟,时光之一瞬。肉体不存,精神岂能焉附?廉颇老矣,尚能饭否?老骥伏枥,志在千里。松涛阵阵,古朴之风韵;月光皎皎,通灵之浪漫;桃李芬芳,心血之馈赠。来去匆匆,捧一抔厚土将身体掩埋,把想说的留给后来者 。


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