



题目:Eine Reise mit dem Zug 要求:用德文写出一篇长度为80-90个单词的短文,描述某乘火车旅行的过程,以及在途中的见闻或经历。


题目:Ein Brief an einen deutschen Freund 要求:用德文写出一篇长度为80-90个单词的短文,信中介绍自己在大学的学习和生活情况。


题目:Mein Hobby 要求:用德文写出一篇长度为80-90个单词的短文。请描述你的主要业余爱好及其对你学习或生活的影响。


题目:Mein Lebenslauf 要求:用德文写出一篇长度为80-90个单词的短文。请写出你的简历,不得以表格的方式表述。 1999年

题目:Mein bester Freund/Meine beste Freundin 要求:用德文写出一篇长度为80-90个单词的短文。本文介绍你朋友的情况,以及朋友与你的关系。


题目:Mein Deutschlehrer 要求:用德文写出一篇长度为80-90个单词的短文, 文中应介绍你的德语老师的一般情况,以及他(她)的教学工作和他(她)给你的特殊印象。


Thema: Mein Traumberuf Anforderungen: Schreiben Sie zum Thema „Mein Traumberuf“ einen Aufsatz von 80-90 Wörtern. Der Aufsatz beinhaltet: 1. Was ist Ihr Traumberuf? 2. Warum wählen Sie diesen Beruf? 3. Wie wollen Sie Ihren Wunsch verwirklichen? 2002年

Thema: Mein Vaterland ---China Anforderungen: Schreiben Sie zum Thema „Mein Vaterland ---China“ einen Aufsatz von 80-90 Wörtern. Der Aufsatz beinhaltet: 1. Die Landschaft, 2. die Menschen Chinas und 3. die Veränderungen Chinas in den letzten Jahren. 2003年6月

Thema: Mein Zimmer im Studentenheim Anforderungen: Schreiben Sie zum Thema „Mein Zimmer im Studentenheim“ einen Aufsatz von 80-90 Wörtern. Der Aufsatz beinhaltet: 1. Allgemeine Angaben über Ihr Zimmer im Studentenheim; 2. Ihre täglichen Tätigkeiten im Zimmer; 3. Ihre Eindrücke von dem Zimmer.


Thema: Mein Computer Anforderungen: Schreiben Sie zum Thema „Mein Computer“ einen Aufsatz von 80-90 Wörtern. Der Aufsatz beinhaltet: 1. Wie haben Sie mit dem Computer angefangen? 2. Wozu brauchen Sie den Computer? 3. Vor- und Nachteile des Computers. 2004年 Thema: Meine Erfahrung beim Deutschlernen Anforderungen: Schreiben Sie zum Thema „Mein Erfahrung beim Deutschlernen“ einen Aufsatz von 80-90 Wörtern. Der Aufsatz beinhaltet: 1. Wann und wo haben Sie mit dem Deutschlernen angefangen? 2. Wie haben Sie Deutsch gelernt? 3. Welche Schwierigkeiten hatten Sie und wie haben Sie sie überwunden? 2005年

Thema: Bewerbung um eine Arbeitsstelle Anforderungen: Schreiben Sie zum Thema „Bewerbung um eine Arbeitsstelle“ einen Brief von 80-90 Wörtern. Der Brief beinhaltet: 1. Kurze Vorstellung von sich selbst. 2. Für welche Stelle interessieren Sie sich? 3. Begründen Sie Ihre Auswahl. 2006 年

Thema: Das Buch, das mir am besten gefällt Anforderungen: Schreiben Sie zum Thema „Das Buch, das mir am besten gefällt“ einen Aufsatz von 80-90 Wörtern. Der Aufsatz beinhaltet: 1. Wann haben Sie das Buch gelesen? 2. Worum geht es in diesem Buch inhaltlich? 3. Warum gefällt Ihnen das Buch? 2007 年



1)This is to inform you that …此次写信是通知你…

2)I hasten to writer to tell you/ I write in haste to tell you/ I am in a hurry to tell you / I’d like to inform you that…我即刻/我写信是想告诉你…

3)I’m writing at the suggestion of…我是在……的建议下写这封信的。

4)I am glad I have the pleasure / honor to tell / inform you that …我很高兴地/有幸告诉/通知你…

5)I am very much delighted/ pleased to inform you that…我很高兴通知你…

6)I beg respectfully to take the opportunity to inform you that…我冒昧地请求借此机会通知你…

7)I wish to notify you / announce to you /advise you that…我希望通告/通知/告诉你…


1)Thank you very much for your prompt reply dated Oct.1, the contents of which have been duly noted.十分感谢你10月1日及时的回复,一切知悉。

2)Your letter of the 10th inst , enclosing a catalogue has come to hand/ has been received with thanks.你本月10日的来信以及随信所附的目录已收到,非常感谢。

3)I received your reply of the 22nd inst. and have duly noted its contents.我已收到你本月22日的来信,一切尽知。

4)I am much obliged for your prompt reply to my…and I now beg to…我很感谢你对我……的及时回信,现在我请求……

5)I was pleased to received your letter which arrived this morning.今天早上收到你的来信,我很高兴。

6)I feel indebted for the kind note which you sent me on…我很感激你于……给我的短笺。 7)On receipt of your letter of the 17th ,I …接到你17日的来函,我……

8)Word cannot express my delight on finding your letter of yesterday on my desk this morning.语言无法表达我今天早上在办公桌看到你昨日来信时的喜悦心情。


1)Hoping to hear from you soon.希望能很快收到你的回信。

2)Anticipating /Awaiting a favorable reply /the favor of your reply by return post /mail.(较多用于请求信中)期盼/ 希望能有一个满意的答复/望赐复。

3)Anxiously awaiting an early and favorable reply.急切地等待你及时而满意的答复。 4)Trusting we may hear from you soon.希望我们能很快收到你的来信。

5)Hoping you will excuse me for making this request /will excuse the liberty I take.希望你原谅我的请求/ 冒昧。

6)Hoping to have a letter from you soon and to hear that you and your family are all well.希望很快收到你的回信并得知你和你的家人一切安好的消息。

7)Hoping that this meet with your favorable consideration.希望能得到你的关照。 8)Hoping that you will kindly call me within the next few days.望你能在这几天内给我电话。 9)Your favorable consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciated.关于此事,若蒙您的支持,我们将不胜感激。

10)Trusting that you will give this matter

your immediate attention /I will be favored with an early reply.希望你会立即考虑此事/ 我会得到及时的答复

4、祝福语 1)Wishing you every success.祝一切顺利

2) With kind/best regards to…向……致意/致以问候 3) With best wishes for your happiness祝你快乐

4) With best regards and wishing you all success向你致意并祝你一切顺利

5) Warmest regards/All the bestregards/Best regards向你致以最热烈/最诚挚的问候

 6)Hoping you enjoy good health 祝你身体健康

五、表达请求的常用语 1.表达需要

1)I would like…(sth.)我要……(某物) 2)I would like to…我想……(做某事) 2.请对方帮助

1)Will you do me a favor by…? 你能帮我个忙……吗?

2)Will you be good/kind enough to…? 你能帮助……吗?

3) Would you be so kind as to…?

请你……,可以吗? 4) May I ask you a favor? 能请你帮个忙吗?

5) Could/May I possibly ask you to…? 我可以请你……吗?

6)Do you mind if I ask you…? 如果我请你……,你介意吗?

7)You will do me a great favor if you… 如果你……,那就帮了我大忙了。

8)I would appreciate/be very grateful/be much obliged if you will/would… 如果你……,我将非常感激。

9)Your timely assistance will be greatly appreciated . 对于你及时的帮助,我(们)将不胜感激。

10)I shall consider it a great favor/help if you would be kind/good enough to…如你能好心……,那对我帮助就太大了。


1)I am very/extremely sorry to trouble/bother



2)I am afraid that it will inconvenience you.


3)I fear that it will cause you lots of inconvenience.

我担心这会给你带来很多不便。 感谢信

1. 为某事感谢某人

1)Thank you very much for…/Many thanks for your…非常感谢你…… 2)Oceans of thanks. 万分感激。      3)This is to thank you for…为……特别向您表示感谢。 4)…is highly appreciated.非常感谢。 5)I am most obliged to you for your…


6)Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to…


7)Thank you for taking time and trouble to…


8)I’d like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to you for…


9)I trust that you may be able to assist me and thank you for your help in the past.我希望您会帮助我,并感谢您在过去对我的帮助。

10)Thanking you for the attention you have so courteously given to the matter.感谢您对此事给予如此殷切的关心。


1)It was good/considerate/thoughtful of you to… 您……真是太好了/太体贴了/ 考虑太周到。 2)You were so kind to … 您……真是太好了。

3)Thank you for your hospitality / consideration on this matter.感谢您的盛情款待/关怀。


1)Thanking you (in advance) for your cooperation on this matter.(预先)感谢您在此事上的合作。

2)Thanking you in anticipation and with kind regards.提前向您表示感谢,并向您致以良好的祝愿。





4、因未及时满足顾客要求而道歉 道歉信常用语


1)I apologize for missing….很遗憾我错过了…… 2)I regret for not being able to…很遗憾我没能……

3) Sorry for not answering promptly.很抱歉没有及时回复/ 回答。 4)I’m regretful for…对……我十分抱歉。 5)Sorry that I failed to…对不起我没能……

6)Sorry I couldn’t attend…对不起我没能参加/出席……

7)Regretting that I cannot give you a more favorable reply.很抱歉我不能给你一个更好的答复。


1)Sorry for causing all this inconvenience . I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused. Regretting the trouble I am causing you.


八、求职信 求职信常用语


1)I wish to apply for the post of…advertised in …本人欲申请刊登在……上的……一职。

2) I was interested to see your advertisement in…,and wish to apply for the post.对贵公司刊登在……上的广告本人很感兴趣,并有意应聘该职位。

3)In response to your advertisement in…,I wish to apply for this post.看到贵公司刊登在……上的广告,我特就该职位提出申请。

4)With reference to your advertisement in…,I wish to introduce myself as a prospective candidate.应贵公司刊登在……上的广告,本人意欲申请作为该职位的候选人。

5)I was interested by your advertisement in … and would like to be considered for this post.


6)I am interested in applying for the…position recently advertised in…对最近刊登在……上的……职位招聘广告,我很感兴趣,特此应聘。

7)I understand from…that there is an opening in your company for…我从……处得知贵公司有个……职位空缺。

8)…told me that you have a vacancy for…



I am writing to enquire whether you have a vacancy for me in your organization.



1)I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you .我期待着阁下的回复和接见。 2)I hope you will consider my application

favorably and grant me an interview.希望阁下能考虑我的申请,并给我一个面试的机会。


Nowadays more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost.

It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study. With the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too. Consequently, pursuing overseas study became a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rush-economic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their children’s overseas study.




Suggested answer

15 March 2006 Dear Sirs, I wish to draw your attention to the reduction in the standard of food provided by the school’s canteen. I very much appreciate the well-prepared food which used to be available in the canteen. However, in the early of March the number of dishes was dramatically reduced, and there was a marked deterioration in quality. I have tried the canteen periodically since then and have always been served overcooked, lukewarw food. The sharp decline in the number of students using the canteen suggests to me that my criticisms are generally held. I would be very grateful if you could explain to me why this decline in standard has occurred, and whether the school intends to take steps to rectify the situation.(121 words)

Yours incerely, Zhang Ning

二、你的好朋友王宏(Wang Hong)邀请你和另外几位同学参加在他家里举行的生日聚会。但你在赴会的途中遇上塞车,迟到了半个小时。你的同学高岩(Gao Yan)批评了你几句,你就和他吵了起来。结果,大家不欢而散。回到家里后,你觉得十分内疚,决定以电子邮件的形式给王宏写一封道歉信。信中告诉王宏你与高岩吵架的间接原因,你对此事深感抱歉,请王宏原谅,并表示,你会从此事中吸取教训,今后要尽量避免类似事情的发生。

Dear Wang Hong, Thank you for your invitation to your birthbay party, and I feel quite sorry for my quarrel with Gao Yan, which spoiled your party. So after arriving at home, I felt it necessary to write you a letter to express my apology. I’m to blame to have set out quite late and I should have thought of the terrible traffic jam. Moreover, I should give a patient explanation for my being late. Even now I still feel unhappy because I failed in two exams and now I am busy preparing for the make-up exams when I return to my college. I’ll draw a lesson from this quarrel to prevent the similar incidents from happening again and keep good friendship with our higher school fellows. If possible, I’ll organize a dancing party to make up the quarrel with Gao Yan.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Png

三、2010年广州将举办亚运会。你从报纸上得知广州亚运会组织委员会(Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee)将招募志愿者(recruit volunteers)。请你以个人名义给组委会写一封申请信,说明你希望当一位志愿者。信中必须包括:

(1)你申请的理由; (2)具备的条件;



March 23, 2008 Dear Sir / Madam, I’ve learnt from Guangzhou Daily that the Organizing Committee is calling on volunteers to send their applications for the Asian Games in Guangzhou in the year 2010. As a college student and citizen of Guangzhou, I believe that I have the responsibility to work for the Games. I like sports, have a very good command of English and I am skilled at communication. I’m sure I am highly qualified for the job. I hope there will be some training in English for sports, etiquettes and Chinese culture. I will try my best to do my work well. I look forward to the news of being accepted.



(1) There is a heated debate over __________. (2) It is commonly accepted that __________.

(3) In contrast, others __________.

(4) Those who hold the first opinion suggest __________. (5) In their view, __________. (6) However, others think __________. (7) They argue that __________.

(8) Considering one after another, I stand on the side of __________. (9) First of all, __________. (10) Furthermore, __________. (11) Thirdly, __________. (12) Therefore, __________.

对比选择型模板 2


(1) Different people will offer quite different ideas __________. (2) Many people assert __________. (3) However, others believe __________.

(4) Some may proclaim __________. (5) They maintain such an idea because __________.

(6) In contrast, the objectors think __________. (7) They argue that __________.
