











男:我宣布:比赛-- 合:现在开始。











Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s English debating competition. I’m the host ( ). First, it’s my great honour to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! Welcome you all!!

The debating topic of non-English major group is

___Men or women , who face greater pressure in modern life? ________________

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(陈颖诗 ), the second debater(杨嘉豪), the third debater ( 叶颖欣), the forth debater( 柯 勃). They are from 化学与环境工程学院 They hold the view that__In the modern world, women face greater pressure than men in life.________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 高原 ), the second debater( 刘烨婷 ), the third debater (张甄 ), the forth debater(吴晓玲 ). They are from 旅游与地理学院. They hold the view that____In the modern world, men face greater pressure than women in life____________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.The first part, give opening statement. Each team has 3 minutes to give their opening

statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear one ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up.Thank you, A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement,. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want. (Alright, back to the track. Let’s

welcome___________to make some comments. Thanks for remarking.)

可能会在这增设评委点评非专业组的环节 OK!Time’s up. Let’s begin the second group. The debating topic of English major group is___AIDS is a social issue, or a medical issue?____

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(余颖欣 ), the second debater( 林悦), the third debater (丁小龙), the forth debater( 钟怡 ). They are from class_1_ grade__3_. They hold the view that_______AIDS is a social issue, not a medical issue________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 伍结玲), the second debater(周华丽), the third debater ( 刘焕彬 ), the forth debater( 卢泳贝 ). They are from class_2_ grade_1__. They hold the view that__AIDS is a medical issue, not a social issue________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.team has 3 minutes to give their opening statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear a ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has 5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up. Thank you, . A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement, welcome. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want.

Alright, back to the track. Let’s welcome ____________ to make some comments Thanks for remarking.

It is high time to announce who is the winner. The winner ofnon-English major group is______________ .Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.

The winner of English major group is________________. Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.




一、 红歌串烧(LED背景为3-5张主题ppt切换)

二、 开场白

男:尊敬的各位领导、老师 女:现场的观众朋友们,大家 合:晚上好!男:欢迎大家参加今天的西南石油大学2010年度共青团三优表彰暨“唱响青春,红歌飞扬”2011青年学生红歌赛!女:我们是五月的花海,用青春拥抱时代;男:我们是初升的太阳,用生命点燃未来。女:在过去的2010学年里,我校各级共青团组织、全体团干部和广大团员青年在学校党委和上级团组织的领导下,求实创新,开拓进取,在团的组织建设、思想建设、校园文化建设、大学生综合素质拓展以及社会实践等方面取得了显著的成绩,开创了我校共青团工作的新局面。男:为了表彰先进、鼓励创先,校团委决定在全校范围内对在工作中涌现出的共青团先进集体和优秀个人进行表彰。女:伴着“五.四”青年节的脚步,今天,我校校团委联合石油工程学院,以红歌赛这场精美的文化盛宴来欢庆共青团三优表彰。女:而我们的红歌赛历时。。。。。(红歌赛历程、赛制)男:本次比赛也得到了学校领导、老师的大力关心和支持,今天亲临我们红歌会现场的评委有。。。。(评委老师名单)女:还有我们也荣幸地请到了以下嘉宾:。。。。(嘉宾名单)男:让我们对各位领导和各位老师的亲临指导表示最热烈的欢迎!女:下面,由我来宣布比赛的评分规则与得分构成:(评分规则详细内容)(切换至至主题背景ppt)

三、 团三优表彰



四、 1-3号选手分别上台演唱(LED背景为切合所演唱歌曲的背景视频) 谭:让我们再次以热烈的掌声献给刚刚获奖的同学们。


冯:刚刚一曲《绿叶对根的情意》真的是引发了不少游子对家乡的思念啊。 潭:诶,冯旭泽我问你,一提到你的家乡,你最先想到的是什么?


潭:那么我想接下来这位参赛选手所带来的曲目一定会让你在歌声中重游家乡。 冯:好的,那就让我们掌声有请本次比赛的2号选手,由经济管理学院选派的钟越云同学,为大家献上一首《乡音乡情》。


冯:在这90年的时间里,我们的祖国发生着日新月异、翻天覆地的创新和改革。 潭:在这样一个具有纪念意义的时间里,来自化学化工学院的3号选手,陈怡璇带来了她对党和祖国真挚的问候。下面就让我们一同欣赏她为我们带来的参赛曲目---《今天是你的生日》。

五、 传媒学院表演唱《红旗飘飘》(LED背景用何种效果?)


六、 颁发下午举办的“纪念建党90周年大型合唱”比赛奖项(背景切换) T:感谢传媒学院同学的精彩表演。下面这个环节我们要颁发的是今天下午举办的“纪念建党90周年合唱比赛”的相关奖项,相信各个院系的同学们已经期待很久了。





2、引出4-6号选手分别上台演唱(LED背景为切合所演唱歌曲的背景视频) 冯:潭昕,这个五一的假期有没有去哪里旅游啊。







八、 团三优表彰






2、引出7-10号选手上台演唱(LED背景为切合所演唱歌曲的背景视频) 冯:是谁日夜遥望着蓝天,是谁渴望永久的梦幻,

潭:我们团结一心拨响心海的琴弦, 我们剪下一缕阳光献给祖国母亲。冯:接下来有请7号选手,由石油工程学院选派的陈海蓉同学,献上她今天的参赛曲目《青藏高原》,哇!掌声有请。

潭:没有任何一种标志,能像鲜红的国旗那样凝聚了华夏子孙对祖国的热爱, 冯:也没有任何一种画笔,能像国旗那样把中华儿女对祖国的赞美写向永恒的苍天。 请欣赏8号选手由材料院学院选派的凌晨同学为我们带来的《红旗飘飘》。





十、 介绍大众评委


十一、 公布7-10号得分、大众评委投票





十二、 今晚我们还荣幸地请到了专业评委白云老师,而且更加荣幸的是,白云


十三、 哇!感谢白云老师的精彩演唱,下面我们有请几位特别嘉宾为今晚的几



比赛结果已经出来了,究竟花落谁家?获得最佳人气奖的是: 请XX 上台领奖,有请XX为获奖他颁奖。。。。。。。。。。铜奖、银奖、金奖


十四、 结束语




Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s English debating competition. I’m the host ( ). First, it’s my great honour to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! Welcome you all!!

The debating topic of non-English major group is

___Men or women , who face greater pressure in modern life? ________________

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(陈颖诗 ), the second debater(杨嘉豪), the third debater ( 叶颖欣), the forth debater( 柯 勃). They are from 化学与环境工程学院 They hold the view that__In the modern world, women face greater pressure than men in life.________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 高原 ), the second debater( 刘烨婷 ), the third debater (张甄 ), the forth debater(吴晓玲 ). They are from 旅游与地理学院. They hold the view that____In the modern world, men face greater pressure than women in life____________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.The first part, give opening statement. Each team has 3 minutes to give their opening

statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear one ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up.Thank you, A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement,. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want. (Alright, back to the track. Let’s

welcome___________to make some comments. Thanks for remarking.)

可能会在这增设评委点评非专业组的环节 OK!Time’s up. Let’s begin the second group. The debating topic of English major group is___AIDS is a social issue, or a medical issue?____

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(余颖欣 ), the second debater( 林悦), the third debater (丁小龙), the forth debater( 钟怡 ). They are from class_1_ grade__3_. They hold the view that_______AIDS is a social issue, not a medical issue________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 伍结玲), the second debater(周华丽), the third debater ( 刘焕彬 ), the forth debater( 卢泳贝 ). They are from class_2_ grade_1__. They hold the view that__AIDS is a medical issue, not a social issue________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.team has 3 minutes to give their opening statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear a ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has 5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up. Thank you, . A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement, welcome. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want.

Alright, back to the track. Let’s welcome ____________ to make some comments Thanks for remarking.

It is high time to announce who is the winner. The winner ofnon-English major group is______________ .Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.

The winner of English major group is________________. Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s English debating competition. I’m the host ( ). First, it’s my great honour to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! Welcome you all!!

The debating topic of non-English major group is

___Men or women , who face greater pressure in modern life? ________________

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(陈颖诗 ), the second debater(杨嘉豪), the third debater ( 叶颖欣), the forth debater( 柯 勃). They are from 化学与环境工程学院 They hold the view that__In the modern world, women face greater pressure than men in life.________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 高原 ), the second debater( 刘烨婷 ), the third debater (张甄 ), the forth debater(吴晓玲 ). They are from 旅游与地理学院. They hold the view that____In the modern world, men face greater pressure than women in life____________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.The first part, give opening statement. Each team has 3 minutes to give their opening

statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear one ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up.Thank you, A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement,. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want. (Alright, back to the track. Let’s

welcome___________to make some comments. Thanks for remarking.)

可能会在这增设评委点评非专业组的环节 OK!Time’s up. Let’s begin the second group. The debating topic of English major group is___AIDS is a social issue, or a medical issue?____

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(余颖欣 ), the second debater( 林悦), the third debater (丁小龙), the forth debater( 钟怡 ). They are from class_1_ grade__3_. They hold the view that_______AIDS is a social issue, not a medical issue________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 伍结玲), the second debater(周华丽), the third debater ( 刘焕彬 ), the forth debater( 卢泳贝 ). They are from class_2_ grade_1__. They hold the view that__AIDS is a medical issue, not a social issue________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.team has 3 minutes to give their opening statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear a ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has 5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up. Thank you, . A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement, welcome. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want.

Alright, back to the track. Let’s welcome ____________ to make some comments Thanks for remarking.

It is high time to announce who is the winner. The winner ofnon-English major group is______________ .Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.

The winner of English major group is________________. Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.
































