


Time flies! I’ve changed a lot. Let me tell you about some of my


First, I’m taller than last year. My mother is glad to see this. I used to be quiet, but now I’m outgoing. I have made some friends, and they make my life happier. I used to like eating snacks, but now I know they aren’t good for my health. I didn’t like doing sports before, but now I enjoy running. It’s cool! The most important thing is that I study harder than before. I used to hate doing homework, but now I find a lot of fun in doing homework. That’s so good for me.

So you see, I have changed a lot. Change is a good thing. I hope I can become better and better in the future. 2)污染和保护:(从我们周围有许多污染着手,描写一些污染及危害,从而发出保护我们环境的号召。)

Pollution and Protection

There are many kinds of pollution around us .They are bad for our health in many ways.

We produce much litter every day, it makes our environment dirty . Many factories pour waste water into river, They creat water pollution. It will cause the fish to be dead. Noise pollution can not only make people deaf but also cause high blood pressure. They are all bad for us.

As students, we should protect our environment and to be greener people. We ought to plant more trees. We had better walk to school. We should throw rubbish into the dustbin. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there. We shouldn’t walk on grass or pick flowers. We shouldn’t spit in public. We shouldn’t cut down trees.

In short, we should try to make less pollution and do everything we can to protect our environment.

3)谈谈从如何保护好环境,应从哪些方面做起写一篇短文.How to be a greener person

It’s important for us to have good environment .Would you like to be a

greener person? If so, what should we do to improve our environment?

We should plant more trees and flowers around us. We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air. We ought to use both sides of paper and reuse the plastic bags. Don’t throw litter about . Don’t spit in public. Don’t walk on grass or pick flowers.It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. 4)拯救地球 (因为人们1.乱砍树林 2.乱扔垃圾 3.不加处理排放废物。 导致:1.土地沙化2.河水变脏 3.空气质量变差 4.全球气温变高。你的合理化建议。)

Saving the Earth

As time goes by, man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere. Factories pour waste water into the rivers. This has caused many problems. For example, the land changes into sand; the river is dirty; the air is not clean any more; the temperature of the earth is rising, and she is calling for help. What shall we do to save her? I think we should plant more trees, put the rubbish into dustbins and so on. In a word, We have only one earth, We should do everything we can to protect it.

5)介绍一位在初中三年的学习生活中街角的好朋友。内容包括:1.他乐于助人,性格外向兴趣广泛。2.成绩优秀经常帮助我。3. 我准备送她一个…..表示感谢。 4 我对他的祝福和希望。

We are graduating from school soon. I miss so many good friends, especially my best friend----Li Lei.

Li Lei is a top student. He is outgoing and hard-working. He has a lot of interests and is always ready to help others. We get on well with each other so we often discuss our study together and he can always find out new ways too help me work out problems. I’m so proud of him.











(二) “提示式”。即除了题目和要求外还有提示语或引语。如中考作文试题 : 春雨蒙蒙万物苏醒大地写满诗意夏雨初歇池蛙欢唱纸船处处飘荡秋雨点点敲打残荷声声落进心里冬雨无声苍白大地渴望张开眼睛。




要求:①文体自选②不少于600字写成诗歌不少于20行③文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 1.展示文题

生活中总有值得我们铭记的日子,正是‚这一天‛让我们的生命更加丰富。‚这一天‛,可能是从清晨到日暮都那么不同寻常,也可能是某一个时刻让‚这一天‛变得不同凡响。 请以‚记住这一天‛为题,写一篇600字左右的记叙文。 2.合作交流 3.教师点拨:


(2)审读题目: ‚记住这一天‛:‚ 记住‛:让人铭记,值得铭记。‚这一天‛显能是不平常的一天,对自己有重大意义,深刻印象的‚这一天‛,也许是自己的成长过程中难忘的?也许是家庭的变化的?也许是社会的发展的?无论是一天的活动,还是某一时刻的事都可入题。写出为什么值得记住,以至如何记住都属扣题。重要是从貌似普通和平凡的日子里,从一件寻常的事情中,看出‚不同凡响‛的意义来。


4.范文赏读:真实、生动、细腻、感人。读了文章后让人有一种流泪的冲动。只觉得有种情感在汩汩地往外冒!是的,是被作者的情感打动了。这种情感来自作者对母亲的深情,来自深刻的切入肌肤的体验,来自细腻的描绘。没有矫情,没有虚饰,有的只是真切的强烈的情感共鸣。特色:情真感实,内容丰富。 5.病文诊断: 【误区点击】本文虽然篇幅不大,却包含了丰富的内容,不过,该文最后被判为三类文,其主要原因在于,题目是‚记住这一天‛,但是考生写了许多‚这一天‛,给人游离题目之感,不能很好地表达中心思想。


1 树立信心确定一个切合实际的奋斗目标

美国哲学家爱默生曾说过, “自信是导向成功的第一要诀。”在备战中考时, 要使每位学生都要树立坚强的自信心, 自信能最大限度地发挥聪明才智, 自信能产生战胜困难的勇气和力量。

其次, 确定切合实际的奋斗目标, 切合实际的奋斗目标是不断地挑战自我, 战胜自我的动力, 而战胜自我之时, 正是学生的进步之日。

2 自主的学习方式及适合的学习方法

自主学习是一种高品质的学习, 它要求能够明确学习目的, 正确认识自己的学习行为具有刻苦钻研的精神, 能够合理安排自己的学习活动, 并能自我监控, 自我完善。自主学习是复习阶段科学而合理的学习方式, 不可有过分依靠的心理, 另外还要主动向老师及学习好的同学请教, 同时要找到一种适合自己的学习方法, 好的学习方法能够带来事半功倍的学习效果。

3 养成良好的学习习惯

3.1 做好复习计划

每位学子应该结合自身的情况, 安排些时间来进行单独复习, 解决自己个性的问题。每个人的薄弱环节是不同的, 有的同学薄弱环节是单词, 有的薄弱环节是写作。因此, 要针对自己的薄弱环节进行复习, 哪怕每天安排半个小时, 解决自己的薄弱环节, 对于自己的整体提高是很有帮助的。认真分析自己的学习, 复习中的问题, 抓好主要矛盾, 抓住重点, 突破难点。

3.2 熟悉中考题型, 掌握解题技巧

我们知道, 中考的题型基本上是固定的, 任何一种题型存在, 就会有与之相适应的解题方法。这些方法或技巧都是人们在大量的做题实践中得出宝贵经验和难得的体会及建议, 所以大家一定要认真研究, 加以借鉴, 熟练掌握这些技巧、方法, 并落实在解题中。掌握解题技巧, 不但能使学生节省时间, 提高效率, 而且还能减少失误。

3.3 用好“错题本”, 注意温故而知新

进入复习阶段后, 难免要陷入“题海”中, 实际上, 反反复复做得每套题, 大多同出一辙, 差别不大, 关键在于做了题后, 要学会归纳、比较、分析、总结。建议每个学生能有一个“错题本”, 把每套题中做错的题都要记录下来, 最好能分类记录, 分析总结, 找出一类题的解题方法。这样便于比较和复习。“错题本”可以说能够有重点, 有针对性的查缺补漏。

3.4 上课专心听讲

复习阶段, 老师课堂上的讲解起着“穿针引线”、“画龙点睛”的作用, 因此, 课堂上一定要认真听讲, 不要因为“会”而走神, 不要因为“熟悉”而不听, 要通过提高课堂的利用率来减轻课下的学习负担, 提高学习质量。另外, 上课时, 遇到听不懂的问题, 要先记下来, 可以课下再研究, 这样可以保证听课的连续性, 而不要死钻牛角尖, 造成一步掉队, 步步跟不上的惨败局面, 同时要积极参与课堂内的全部学习活动, 不当旁观者, 要积极思考教师提出的每一个问题, 要认真进行听、说、读、写的练习。

3.5 认真完成作业

在复习期间, 有的同学认为看书, 看资料就行了, 没有必要做题, 还有的同学自以为已经学懂了, 作业可以不做或少做, 这样对自己的真实情况就缺乏验证和了解, 考试时会一败涂地, 所以复习时也要认真完成作业。

3.6 常进行尝试回忆

尝试回忆就是课后独立地把老师上课的内容回想一遍, 就像在大脑中过电影一样。对回忆不上来的课堂内容, 要及时看书, 查资料。如果能回忆起来的课堂内容很少, 就应当及时查找原因, 改进听课方法, 同时还要定期将各种知识体系、解题思路及技巧在脑海里梳理过滤一边。有的同学也抓课后复习, 可是复习的方法却像看小说似的把书从头到尾读一遍, 读书时一看就明白, 但一放下书本就什么也想不起来。如果离开书就不能独立地把所学的知识回忆出来, 就很难做到独立地应用这些知识。

3.7 整理复习笔记

复习笔记不是课堂笔记, 更不是老师的板书, 也不是课本的再版, 它是在预习、听课、看书基础上的归纳整理。复习笔记要能反映知识的系统, 重点把词汇、语法等的联系和区别反映出来, 做到一看复习笔记就可以从整体和全局上把握某一个专题知识, 换句话说, 就是把知识网展现出来。

复习笔记既是自己心血劳动的结晶, 又是知识的精华, 一定要保存好, 以便随时取用, 这比“贮存”在头脑中更可靠。经过多次使用, 直到熟记为止。从这个意义上讲, 要复习笔记正是为了最终不要复习笔记。

总之, 初三英语复习紧张而忙碌, 要树立自信, 养成良好的学习习惯, 形成“享受学习”的意识, 不断反思, 在有限的珍贵的时间里, 有兴趣、灵活、高效的学习。

摘要:中考英语复习阶段是英语教学中的重中之重, 帮助学生搞好复习自然显得尤为重要, 树立自信是学生前进的动力, 自主学习和适合的方法是主动获得知识, 提高自我学习能力和终身学习的基础, 养成良好的学习习惯能使学生终身受益, 且会收到事半功倍的学习效果。



[1] 新课程初中复习指导[M].河北教育出版社, 2008.


1. Did you have a good summer holiday? 2. My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 3. Where have you been? 4. there were so many people that I couldn’t find a proper place to take photos. 5. there goes the bell. 6. I haven’t seen him for a long time. 7. You have taken part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays, haven’t you? 8. What a wonderful experience! 9. Could you tell me something about Chinese teenagers in the past? 10. Can you describe it in detail? 11. Parents couldn’t afford an education for their children. 12. They worked day and night and never had enough food to eat. 13. The government gives support to poor families, so children can get a good education. 14. A big family were crowded in a small house. 15. People kept in touch with their friends and relatives far away mainly by letter or telegram. 16. Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. 17. I think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future. 18. I have just called you, but you weren’t in. 19. I’ve never been there before, but I don’t want to go there any more. 20. Because there were too many people. We got lost and couldn’t find each other. 21. Have you found him yet? 22. He has probably gone home. 23. -I really hate to go to such a place. –So do I. 24. It seems that their living conditions were not very good. 25. Great changes have taken place in China in recent years. 26. -No one likes “Little Emperors”.

–Neither do my parents. 27. They are very strict with me.

28. It says the world has a population of 6.5


29. It is increasing by 80 million every year. 30. China has the largest population. 31. What’s the population of the U.S.A.? 32. There is less living space for each family. 33. It’s difficult for lots of people to find jobs. 34. We are short of energy and water.

35. Most cities are more crowded than before. 36. The traffic is much heavier.

37. So far, our government has taken many

measures to control the population.

38. The population problem is still serious in

China. We still have a long way to go.

39. I can’t go shopping in big stores unless I travel

for a couple of hours.

40. Sometimes it is hard to see my friends because

they live so far away.

41. You will get used to it very soon if you come. 42. It’s a wonderful place to live. 43. You must come for a visit.

44. Once they find people in need, they decide on

suitable ways to help them.

45. Can the homeless people get enough food and

medical treatment?

46. The program also provides them with houses. 47. It trains them so that they can find jobs again. 48. The world has changed for the better. 49. The flowers and grass have gone.

50. There are several chemical factories pouring

waste water into the stream.

51. How long have you been like this?

52. The chemical factory produces terrible gas.

The bad air makes my chest hurt.

53. The makes too much noise and I can’t sleep

well at night.

54. I’m always in a bad mood because I can’t stand

the environment here.

55. Anyway, I hope the government will solve this

problem soon.

56. Air pollution is harmful to people’s health. 57. People who work and live in noisy conditions go deaf easily.

58. It not only disturbs others but also does great

harm to people’s hearing.

59. Many countries are trying to solve all sorts of

environmental problems, including noise pollution.

60. I can cause sore eyes and breath problems. 61. It makes our environment dirty.

62. Soil pollution causes unhealthy food. 63. Noise pollution can make people deaf.

64. It makes people feel terrible and is especially

bad for the eyes.

65. With less pollution, our planet will become

greener and our health will be better.

66. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there. 67. Don’t walk on grass or pick flowers.

68. Everyone should care for wild animals and

plant more trees.

69. We should do everything we can to protect the


70. People have cut down too many trees, As a

result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert.

71. Tress can stop the wind from blowing the earth


72. A lot of water can be saved by forests.

73. They can also prevent the water from washing

the earth away.

74. Can you tell us what you are doing there?

75. We should use both sides of the paper and

reuse plastic bags.

76. I think recycling can not only protect the

environment but also save money.

77. We encourage students to collect waste paper

and soft drink can.

78. We sort them so that they can be recycled. 79. Everyone is supposed to do so.

80. You ought to turn off the lights when you leave

a room.

81. You’d better walk or ride a bike instead of

taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance.

82. Take a cloth bag when you go shopping .Don’t

use plastic bags. 83. Easier said than done.

84. Actions speak louder than words. 85. Come an have a look!

86. I will be able to see more cartoon charavters. 87. I hope I can go there one day. 88. Are you ready for your trip? 89. I can’t wait to fly there!

90. You’ll have a good chance to practice English


91. English is spoken as the main language in


92. It is also widely used throughout the world


93. I’m a little afraid.

94. Try your best and work much harder from now


95. Why are you packing your bags? 96. Is Spanish similar to English?

97. Is it possible for you to have any trouble? 98. If necessary, I’ll ask an interpreter for help. 99. English is the most widely used.

100. The United States has the largest number of

English speakers.

101. It is also learned as a foreign language.

102. The English language is becoming more and

more important.

103. In the nineteenth century, Great Britain

became a powerful country.

104. The American computer and Internet industry

has taken the leading position in the world. 105. Many of them have done well in English and

have made great progress in speaking it. 106. Students are required to learn English.

107. The study of English is regarded as a very

important industry in China.

108. Sorry, I can’t follow you. Can you speak more

slowly, please?

109. Is Australian English the same as British


110. English is spoken differently in different

English-speaking countries.

111. I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow. 112. They are on their way to the airport.

113. Michael sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised. 114. The foreigner is asking for a ride. 115. Look at his gesture! 116. Could you please give me ride to the airport? 117. We’re going to the same place, Get in, please. 118. I hope I won’t have much difficulty communicating. 119. Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me. 120. I’m leaving. Bye! 121. How nice to see you back! Did you have a good trip? 122. Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.? 123. Sometimes I got into trouble. 124. They spoke too quickly for me and there were many different accents. 125. I couldn’t have long conversations with the people there. 126. I dare not speak English in public. 127. I’m really afraid of the final exam. 128. I know it’s very important to learn English well. 129. It’s too difficult for me to remember new words. 130. I’ve worked hard at it for a whole week, but it seems that I haven’t made any progress. 131. I don’t know what to do. At times I feel like giving up. 132. I beg your pardon? 133. could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 134. I was also weak in English. 135. I always copy new words on pieces of paper, stick them on the walls. 136. could you please tell me how to improve my reading ability? 137. do more reading. Try to guess the meanings of new words, and get the main idea of article. 138. I’m afraid of making mistakes. 139. Don’t be shy. Think about your answer, take a deep breath and smile, and then answer the question. 140. Smiling is always helpful. 141. I’ll have a try.

142. I’m very glad to share our group’s opinions

with you.

143. He previewed the day’s lesson before class,

took notes in class and reviewed them after class.

144. Read a passage. Then try to retell it yourself. 145. It’s an honor to talk with all of you here.

146. We shouldn’t translate every word when we

are reading.

147. We should speak English with foreigners as

often as possible.

148. Remember to choose the ones that suit you


149. I’m sure that you will make great progress as

long as you stick to them.

150. China is the third nation to send a person into


151. All of you must be very proud.

152. That proves that China has made great

progress in its space industry.

153. I hope I can travel to the moon one day.

154. I think you can achieve your dream in the


155. Spaceships are mainly controlled by


156. Astronauts use computers to control the speed

and direction of spaceships, even the temperature.

157. I know only a little about computer technology.

So I advise you to study hard to make computers serve us better.

158. There is no doubt that computers are very

useful in technology and business.

159. Computers have improved our lives, but they

have brought problems.

160. If we work on computers too long, we may get

headaches or sore eyes.

161. If we play computer games too much, we

won’t have enough time to study or exercise. 162. Not everything we read on the Internet is true

or good for us.

163. Computers help us at work and at home, but

they must be used properly. 164. Do you want to learn how to send and receive

discovered in the future.

an e-mail?

193. Let’ work hard to make our dreams come true. 165. If you want to, please follow these directions. 194. This film is based on a science fiction story. 166. Turn on your computer and connect to the

195. The earth is a planet and it goes around the



167. You can see a picture of an envelope on the

196. Some spaceships have gone beyond the solar



168. Click on that, and a box will appear on your

_________________ END ___________________


169. I’m not allowed to play computer games.

170. It’s bad for your health if you spend too much

time on them.

171. I hope your dream will come true. 172. What’s it made of? 173. What’s it made from? 174. What’s it used for?

175. In the past it was widely used in people’s daily


176. She was created by cloning more than ten

years ago.

177. What will our future be like? 178. No one knows for certain.

179. They work for us like servants all the time. 180. They help us do dangerous and difficult work. 181. People are surprised at the rapid development

of robots.

182. Perhaps there will be a war between human

beings and robots.

183. GPS is a great invention that helps us explore

our planet and discover where we are.

184. He ran away very quickly and then hid in a

secret place.

185. They are reading information on the Internet

in order to learn about human culture. 186. You’re probably right.

187. I won’t believe there are aliens until I see

them with my own eyes.

188. They can travel into space and discover

something new about Mars.

189. I’d like to be an astronaut when I grow up. 190. I think you should first master some basic

computer skills.

191. It is my favorite subject in school.
