



Unit 1 Section 1

Page 4

Exercise 4 1) 我很高兴能有机会参加面试。

I am very happy that I have the chance for this personal interview. 2) 我曾经在远东贸易公司兼职当过三个月的人事助理。

I had a part-time job for three months at Far East Trade Company as a personnel assistant. 3) 作为一名秘书,我经常要与来自其他文化的人打交道。

As a secretary I usually need to deal with people from other cultures. 4) 我的计划就是成为一名成功的秘书,因此在这方面我训练有素。

My plan is to become a successful secretary because I have been well trained for this. 5) 秘书作为团队一员要与同事协作高效地工作

A secretary must team up with other colleagues for a smooth operation to maximize working efficiency. 6) 我想问一下该公司的工资和福利是怎样的.

I want to ask about the salary and benefits in the company.

Unit 1 Section 3

Page 10

Exercise 2 1) 我从《中国贸易》的广告得知贵公司正在招聘秘书,本人对该职位很感兴趣。

I know from your advertisement in China Trade that your company is looking for a secretary, This position has aroused my great interest. 2) 我所学的专业和已有的工作经验使我有能力胜任这份工作。

My major and working experience will enable me to be competent for this position. 3) 东方公司享有很好的声誉,本人很希望在贵公司工作。

Oriental company has been enjoying a very good commercial reputation, so I have a keen interest in working for your company. 4) 我希望有机会与你面谈我应聘该职位的条件。

I hope I can have a chance for an interview regarding my qualifications for this position. 5)


I am honest, enthusiastic, hardworking and of team spirit.

Unit 2 Section 1

Page 16

Exercise 4 1) 我带你到处转转,见见将和你一起工作的同事。

We should go round and meet some of the staff you’ll be working with. 2) 让我们从凌云开始吧。

Let’s start with Ling Yun. 3) 期待着下周见到你。

I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. 4) 可以占用你们一点时间吗?

Can I have a few moments of your time? 5) 今明两天你将和他在一起。

You’ll be spending today and tomorrow with him. 6) 她这周末将离职,由你取代她。

She is leaving us at the end of the week and then you’ll take her place.

Unit 2 Section 2

Page 19

Exercise 4 1) 作为团队的一员,经验丰富的秘书会保护老板。

As part of the team, the professional secretary protects the employer.

- 1

4) 建立一种归档系统,使所有需要进入系统的人都容易调阅。

Having a filing system that can be used easily by all who need access. 5) 定期将文件分类,比如在年末或者一个项目完成的时候。

Sort file regularly, for example at the end of the year or the completion of a project.

Unit 4 Section 2 Page 42

Exercise 4

A secretary should know how to deal with unexpected visitors and make them feel welcomed. Enquire about the purpose of their visits before introducing them to the boss. If the boss cannot meet them right now, ask the visitors to wait politely or to make an appointment for another day.


Unit 4 Section 1 Page 40 Exercise 4 1)早上好,先生。能为您效劳吗?

Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 2)是的,我想会见凌云先生。

Yes, I would like to see Mr. Ling Yun please. 3)您有预约吗?没有,我没有预约。

Do you have an appointment? 4)我来自威尔森汽车公司,我来见凌云先生是为了讨论一下我们新车型的销售的。

No. I’m afraid I haven’t. I’m from Wilson Motors, and I’ve come to see Mr. Ling to discuss sales of our new model.

Unit 4 Section 4

Page 48

Exercise 4 1) 秘书应该将服装看作是适合公司形象的制服。

The secretary should view clothing as a uniform that fits the image of the office and thus advances the secretary’s career goals along with the purpose of the office. 2) 用服饰、发型等来表现自信和职业特点。

Use dress, hairstyle and so forth to convey confidence and professionalism. 3) 给别人真诚的赞美。

Give sincere compliments. 4) 愿意与人交流思想,愿意向他人学习。

Be willing to exchange ideas and learn from others. 5) 学会如何在压力下有效地工作。

Learn how to work effectively under pressure.

Unit 5 Section 1

Page 52

Exercise 3 1) 她明天有时间吗?

Does she have any time tomorrow? 2) 请您别挂,稍等一会好吗?

Would you please hold the line for a moment? 3) 凌云先生明天的日程已满。

Mr. Ling Yun has a full schedule tomorrow. 4) 我会把它记下来。

I’ll make a note of that.

- 3

Dear Doris,

Congratulations on your promotion.

Now you know your hard work has been recognized and accepted by the company. This is a positive sign that you are on your way up, and all of us believe that you really deserve it.

I look forward to congratulating you on your next promotion.

Best regards


Unit 7 Section 1

Page 73 Exercise 5 1).你今天下午需要做会议记录的这次会议室一场大会吗?

Is the meeting that you have to take minutes this afternoon a big one? 2).我只写一个简短的报告就可以了。

I just make a short report. 3). 你能给我看一份副本吗?

Could you show me a copy? 4) 你必须确保你把一切都包括在内了。首先是时间,然后是地点。

You must make sure that you include everything. First the time and then the place. 5). 凌云先生说所有的司机都必须遵守城市汽车停车规则。

Mr Ling Yun said that all drivers must obey city car parking regulations. 6)他说将来任何停车罚款都必须由司机本人支付。

He said that in the future, any parking fines would have to be paid by the drivers themselves.

Unit 7 Section 3

Page 79

Exercise 2 大为.约翰先生:

谨定于1月4日(星期五)下午7时在长安街假日酒店18层国际俱乐部举行晚宴。 敬请光临


Mr. and Mrs. Ling Yun

request the pleasure of David Johns’

company at a dinner

on Friday, the fourth of January

at 7:00 p.m.

at the International Club on Eighteen floor, Holiday Inn Chang’an Street, Beijing

Unit 7 Section 4

Page 82

Exercise 4 1)请注意。

Attention please/May I have your attention, please. 2)我有个重要通知要发布。

Here is an important announcement./I have an important announcement to make. 3)由于天气原因,今天下午的会议将推迟到明天下午进行。

Because of the weather, this afternoon’s meeting will be put off to tomorrow afternoon./will be postponed until tomorrow afternoon. 4)请张先生说话。

Mr. Zhang has the floor please. /Let’s invite Mr. Zhang to give us a presentation.

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Unit 1 Section 4 Page 12 Exercise 2 1 (T) A secretary sometimes should deal with some private or secret tasks.【秘书有时要处理一些私人或机密的任务。】

2 (F) A secretary of today is only responsible only for carrying out the boss’s wishes.【秘书今天仅只负责执行老板的愿望。】

3 (F) Since a secretary’s work is usually office routine, the methods of handling information are simple.【由于秘书的工作通常是办公室的日常工作,处理方法的信息很简单。】

4 (F) A modern secretary should have the ability to bear responsibility and to make decision without supervision.【现代秘书应该有能力承担责任和作出的决定,没有监督。】

5 (F) According to the survey by APSI, secretary can be divided into different types and they are completely different position.【根据调查,apsi,部长可以分为不同的类型,它们是完全不同的位置。】

Unit 5 Section 2 Page 54 Exercise 4

1 (F) Telephoning skills cannot be learned.【电话技能不能教训。】

2 (F) It is not necessary that the secretary says the name of the company because the caller already knows it.【这是没有必要的,秘书说,公司的名称,因为对方已经知道了它。】

3 (T) Being a good listener is very important to a secretary.【一个好的倾听者是非常重要的一个秘书。】

4 (T) If a secretary promises to call back, he/she should do it as soon as possible.【如果秘书答应回电话,他/她应该尽快做。】

5 (F) A secretary needn’t know how to use the buttons on the telephone.【秘书不必知道如何使用上的按钮电话。】

Unit 5 Section 4 Page 59 Exercise 2 1. (T) Diplomacy is the management of international relations by negotiation.【外交是管理国际关系的谈判。】

2. (F) Diplomacy is a Greek word.【外交是一个希腊词。】

3. (T) Zhuge Liang can be regarded as an ancient diplomat.【诸葛可以被视为一个古老的外交官。】 4. (F) “The Vertical Alliance” was political alliance.【“合纵联盟”的政治联盟。】

5. (F) A diplomat only learns the situation, external or internal, of the countries they are appointed to.【一个外交官只学习情况,外部或内部,他们的国家被任命。】

6. (F) The Qin Kingdom formed the Vertical Alliance in history.【秦国的纵向联盟的形成历史。】 Unit 6 Section 4 Page 70 Exercise 2 1. (T) An embassy has a political office, military office, economic and commercial office, cultural office, educational office, and so on.【一个大使馆政治,军事,经济,商业,文化,教育,等等。】 2. (F) Interpreters, typist, and clerks also hold diplomatic passports and enjoy full diplomatic privileges and immunities.【口译,打字员,和职员也持有外交护照和享有完全的外交特权与豁免。】

3. (T) Diplomats are the representatives of their states in the host countries.【外交官是代表他们的国家在东道国。】(T) Diplomats should make friends with the people in the host countries.【外交官应该交朋友与东道国的人。】

4. (T) A secretary is a “diplomat” in a company, somehow.【秘书是一个“外交官”在一个公司,不知何故。】

5. (F) A secretary doesn’t have to know diplomacy.【秘书不必知道外交。】

- 7




5.因...而发笑6. 看

8.明天见9.我们的学校10下课后11. 放学后 12.去看电影

13.电脑游戏14下午好 15.在沙发下面



22.坏消息23.在操场 24.在周一早上



31.绿灯行32.黄灯等 33.左转

34.直走35.右转36.下棋37.思考/想 38. 看一看39.醒来40.出现41. 笔友42.宠物商店

44. 鞋店45.长城

48. have to

49. just do it50. use

56.speak to57. stay at home

64. 校长

第三篇:4A英汉互译 专题训练







13.在八点二十五分________________14.47加 55_______________________



19.晚安!___________________20.上床睡觉 _____________________



25.来吃些蛋糕 ____________________一个快乐的女孩儿______________

26.又饿又渴____________________27.读读写写 _____________________



32.喜欢你的小扇子_________________33.三只饥饿的老虎________________ 34.你为什么不。。。?________________35.两把短尺子_________________

36.你怎么了? ____________________37.在课上_________________

38.这个新钱包 ____________________39.看她的新毛衣 _________________


42.Nancy的棕色的雨伞______________43.多可爱啊! ____________________

44.在电脑房里 ____________________45.可能她在教室里。_______________ 46.她的可爱的兔子__________________







58.过来 // 进来_____________________59.去电影院____________________



64.奶奶的2条旧围巾_________________65.喜欢你的小水壶 __________________


















1) I took advice on the matter.


2) They are all of age.


3) It has made the headlines that the president’s wife threatened her husbands with public exposure.


4) He often talks horse. 【译文】她常吹牛。

5) They lingered long over his letter.


6) Between ourselves, I don’t think much of him.7) There is something in the wind.


8) She hasthe making of agood teacher.

【译文】 她具有一个优秀教师的潜质。

9) You never realize how fortunate you are to havegoodhealth until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.

【译文】除非你亲眼目睹体弱多病之苦,不然, 你是不会意识到你有一个健康的身体有多好。

10) That notion is being nurtured by people.【译文】有人在吹这种风。

11) Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds. There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted. 【译文】曙色中的海岛美极了,晨曦柔合,彩云片片。澄澈的光影是无法描绘的。

12) From each according to his ability, to eachaccording to his needs.【译文】各尽所能,各得所需。

13) When we make friends, we should choose those who areour supporters in danger. (Aesop) 【译文】要交朋友,要选那些我们遇到危险时支持我们的人。

14) Only a very slight and very scattering ripplesof half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him. 【译文】欢迎他的只有几下半声不响的、七零八落的、虚情假意的掌声。

15) So long as we love we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend. (Robert Louis Stevenson) 【译文】只要我们去爱人,我们就有所贡献;只要我们被人所爱,我们就不缺少什么;任何一个人,如果有一个朋友,那他就不是无用之人。

16) With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.


17) All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books.


18) Besides working to improve building structure,people in areas where earthquakes are common should also prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake in several other aspects.

【译文】除了努力改进建筑结构外, 地震多发区的人们还应该在其它几个方面为可能发生的大地震做好准备。

19) I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.【译文】就是从这一天开始,我的生活和以前全然不同,一想到这个,我就感到无比兴奋。这个重要的日子是1887年3月 3日,当时我还差三个月才满七周岁。

20) The college student caught cheating does not even blush. He shrugs his shoulders and comments: “Everybody does it, and besides, I can’t see that it really hurts anybody.(J. Krutch: The New Immorality)



I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations, through which for the next seven years I was destined to journey. These examinations were a great trial to me. The subjects which were dearest to the examiners were almost invariably those I fancied least. I would have liked to have been examined in history, poetry and writing essays. The examiners, on the other hand, were partial to Latin and mathematics. And their will prevailed.


Moreover, the questions which they asked on both these subjects were almost invariably those to which I was unable to suggest a satisfactory answer. I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew. They always tried to ask what I did not know. When I would have willingly displayed my knowledge, they sought to expose my ignorance. This sort of treatment had only one result: I did not do well in examinations.


During the past few years, scientists the world over have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in a task they once spent their lives avoiding writing, but particularly letter writing. Lured by electronic mail’s seductive blend of speed, convenience and economy, people who have never before touched the stuff are routinely, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence.


Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant countries, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals. Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. An estimated five million scientists have done so, with more joining every day, most of them communicating through a bundle of interconnected domestic and foreign routes known collectively as the internet, or net.


E-mail is starting to edge out the fax, the telephone, overnight mail and, of course land mail. It shrinks time and distance between scientific collaborators, in part because it is conveniently asynchronous (writers can type while their colleagues across time zones sleep; their message will be waiting). If it is not yet speed discoveries, it is certainly accelerating disclosures.




1. 他长得一表人材,举止彬彬有礼。

2. 母亲死得早,她很小就失去了母爱。

3. 他心灵手巧,大家认为他是厂里第一把好手。

4. 雇主热情地接待了这位先生,恭喜他拥有一个这么有价值的奴隶。

5. 他突然要求把乔治的工资拿给他,宣布自己打算把乔治带回家去,厂主和在场的工人听了大吃一惊。



多么奇特 / 奇异、多么可怜的海岛!可是似乎谁也没有觉察到这一点。上帝把他们安置在四面环海的岩石上,因此上帝有意要 / 上帝的意图是要他们呆在那里!谁敢对上帝的智慧说半个不字? 这里土质坚硬,无钱可赚,但是人们可以到英格兰,苏格兰这些外国去赚钱。这些国家,也好像由天意 / 上帝的意旨决定了似的,坐船只要短短几个小时就到了 / 位于坐船只要短短几个小时就能到达的地方。


这些女人和都市里娇滴滴 / 娇气的女子属于两个不同的世界。眼看着在艰苦生活的折磨下,美貌明显地早早凋谢 / 凋零,实在令人痛心。这里的女人三十而老,四十而衰。都市女子领略 / 体验过的舒适和关怀,她们不知(其)为何物 / 根本没有体验过。人到老年,就像船只进港,有了特权,可以叉着双手 / 十指交叉环顾四周享清福了,可是她们一生中似乎没有这样一个阶段 // 她们到了老年,本来就像船只进港,有了特权,可以叉着双手 / 十指交叉环顾四周享清福了,可是实际上她们一生中似乎没有这样一个阶段。你会看到妇女在田间劳动,像骡马一样驮着东西沿路走来,可都是弯腰驼背,满脸皱纹,根本看不出她们多大年纪了。满脸皱纹”。

然而阿基尔充满了欢声笑语。少女们一边赶着鹅群越过岩石一边格格地笑;她们一边背着筐子 / 篓子翻过低矮的石墙一边格格地笑;她们一边叫开似乎要一口吞下陌生来客的恶狗一边格格地笑;有人告诉我说 / 我听说,她们笑得最开心 / 最欢的时候,是舞会期间的晚上,这时男人们已从海外归来,小提琴像屋檐下的鸟雀一样,在阿基尔岛群山中到处啁啾。

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