


A Light Purse Makes a Heavy Heart

Although many people know that the love of money is the root of all evil, some would still go through fire and water in order to get it, because they believe that money makes the mare go and money talks. To get it, some would keep their nose to the grindstone and work hard while others would do things on the sly or grind the faces of the poor. There are also people who think gambling is the quickest way to make money. But these people don’t know that money doesn’t grow on trees and that money sometimes unmakes its makers.




1. at the drop of a hat


Be careful, he can lose his temper at the drop of a hat. 2. at ease


Her smile set my mind at ease. 3. between you and me


Between you and me, I don’t think their marriage is gong to work out. 4. by leaps and bounds

very quickly 飞速地

Chinese science and technology have advanced by leaps and bounds. 5. beyond the reach of


Wealth and fame are beyond the reach of the average man, but you, my friend, are far from average. 6. by no means

never ; not at all



China will by no means be the first to use nuclear weapons.

I’m by no means pleased with his behavior. 7. by and large

on the whole 总的来说,大体上

By and large, he is a kind and generous man. 8. for 50% off

half price


I bought this DVD player for 50% off. 9. back up



Will you back me up on this new proposal ? 10.behind schedule



The train is behind schedule. You have to wait another twenty minutes.


1. 汤姆的建议帮助我提前完成了任务。

Tom’s suggestion helped me complete my task ahead of schedule. 2. 你是否注意到老板今天看上去心不在焉的?

Are you aware our boss appears distracted today? 3. 良好的团队合作需要所有团队成员为共同目标做贡献。 Good teamwork requires that all team members dedicate themselves to a shared goal. 4. 你可以不顾自己的隐私,但是你无权侵犯别人的隐私。 It’s all right if you do not care about your own privacy, but you have no right to impose on the privacy of others. 5. 如果你想在同事中间表现突出,你必须显示解决这些问题的能力。

If you want to stand out among your coworkers, you have to demonstrate your ability to solve problems. 6. 史密斯教授的教学法与众不同。他的学生参与课堂活动的方式给我留下了深刻的印象。

Prof. Smith’s teaching method differed from others’. I was impressed by the way his students involved themselves in classroom activities. 7. 你申请工作时,需要评估一下这个公司,看看它是否适合你。

When you apply for a job, you need to evaluate the company to see if it suits you. 8. 你需要花一些时间提高计算机技能,这会反过来帮助你节省许多工作时间。

You need to spend some time brushing up on your computer skills; that effort will in turn help you save time when you work.

9. 这些行为你也许会觉得微不足道,但却真正会决定你在事业中能走多远。 These acts, which you may consider trivial, actually determine how far you can go in your career. 10. 他现在做的工作刚好发挥了他的长处。难怪他工作起来如此自信、投入。

He is now in a job that truly plays to his strengths. No wonder he works with such assuredness and commitment. 11.大学毕业生现在面临着令人气馁的现实:特别难以让自己拥有的技能去适应雇主的需求。

College graduates today are faced with the daunting reality that it is extremely difficult to match their skills to what employers need. 12.凭借自己丰富的海外工作经验、语言上的优势和非凡的处事技巧,他将很快在新公司站稳脚跟。

With his rich overseas work experience, strength in language, and excellent executive skills, he will very soon gain a solid foothold in his new company.


Global warming could be a matter of life and death to polar bears, as it threatens their living environment. 14.你可以利用这张地图找出你所在地的经度和纬度。

You can make use of this map to find out the longitude and latitude of your location. 15.人造卫星错过了既定轨道,结果绕着一颗小行星运行。


随着我国经济的发展,社会和企业对人才的要求也相应提高。 理论基础扎实、实践能力过硬的人才在激烈的职业市场竞争中备受欢迎。 在此背景下,中国留学服务中心与苏格兰学历管理委员会合作,把HND(Higher National Diploma,英国高等教育文凭)项目引入中国。 该项目因其课程质量高,教学理念先进,管理体系严格,学术能力和职业发展并重,得到了世 界上110多个国家的认可 。 由于该项目是中外合作办学 ,为学生将来进入国外大学留学深造做准备,因此它对学生们的英语水平提出了较高的要求。 而英语水平测试(Proficiency Tests)作为了解学生英语水平的重要形式, 为进一步的教学计划提供了参考, 它对于英语考试研究也有着重要的意义。 因此,如何对英语水平测试质量进行准确、全面的分析就显得尤为重要。

Rasch模型是丹麦数学家乔治·拉什 (George Rasch)提出的一种数学概率模型,它可以同时估计测试的项目难度和学生个体的能力水平。正确运用Rasch模型对学生进行评估,可以更深入地帮助教师理解学生的英语水平,为下一步的教学提供有力的参考。 Rasch模型可以根据学生水平测试所获得的原始数据来评估项目的难度和学生的个人能力水平,建立起项目难度和学生个人能力水平的关系,并把它们放在同一个等距水平的量尺上进行对比, 使量尺上的单位距离具有同等的意义和价值。 与此同时,Rasch还可以对水平测试项目的难度分布,项目得分和测试总分之间的关系,以及测量目标进行准确的分析,这些为分析测试质量提供了一个全新的视角。

近年来, 许多专家学者运用Rasch模型对不同的主题进行了深入的分析。赵南、董燕萍(2013)利用多面Rasch模型对交传测试进行了检验,指出分项评分标准能够显著地区分被试的口译水平。刘红云等(2010)使用多面Rasch模型,对初二学生语文学绩测试评分员标准进行了研究,发现大部分评分员内部一致性和外部一致性良好。 刘建达、杨满珍(2010)对写作测试中误差来源,评卷质量,评卷人信度进行了多面Rasch模型分析。 彭康洲,邹申(2012)用Rasch模型和验证性因子分析分析了词汇和语法项目作答反应对构念效度的影响,发现词汇和语法测试属于彼此相关但又相互独立的两个构念测试。





贵州师范大学国际教育学院2014级HND项目大一学生英语测试成绩。 数据总量为124,剔除无效数据1个,实得有效数据123个。


首先使用统 计软件SPSS 15.0预处理所 得数据 , 之后用Rasch模型分析软件WINSTEPS 3.74进行模型分析 。



图1是该校学生的成绩分布图。 通过对图1的分析不难发现此次考试学生对知识的掌握程度一般偏上, 成绩呈正偏态分布(=.20),少部分学生成绩位于均值以上。


图2中,纵轴左边是学生能力分布,纵轴右边是项目的难度分布。 从上到下,学生的个人能力水平不断提高;相应地,项目难度也随之增大。 学生与学生之间的距离越远,表示他们的能力水平相差越大;同理,项目间的距离越远则表示其难度水平相差也越大。 图2中,测试项目和学生能力都几乎呈现出正态分布。 其中,样本校学生能力水平宽度占了约5.1个logit,而测试项目的难度水平宽度占了约4.6个logit, 说明学生能力水平略高于测试项目的难度水平。 另外,改图还体现出该次测试中有许多项目的难度水平比较接近。

表1是样本校Rasch模型项目信息(部分)。 在对项目难度和学生个人能力水平进行评估之后,Rasch模型继续估计学生在每一个项目上答对的概率,并与观察分数进行对比,得到两者之间的差异, 并用之来估计原始数据与理论模型的拟合程度。 Infit MNSQ和Outfit MNSQ是Rasch模型研究通常报告的两个拟合 度指标 。 其中 ,Infit MNSQ是加权后 残差的均 方 ,Outfit MNSQ为标准残差的均方 。 如果Infit MNSQ和Outfit MNSQ的值为1.0,则表示数据和模型完全拟合;取值范围在0.5~1.0之间表示数据与模型拟合良好;如果Infit MNSQ和Outfit MNSQ值大于2.0,就可以说明学生回答项目的方式和项目的设定方式出入较大; 小于0.5则说明项目未能准确区分学生间的能力水平差异或学生间答题差异较小。 Rasch S.E. 为Rasch模型的标准误,说明测试在考察学生能力水平时误差的大小。 Correlation是相关系数,表示项目和测量目的之间的拟合程度;较高的相关系数可以说明项目与测量目的拟合良好, 能够体现测试要考察的目标。

表1表明,全体项目的参数大体都在可接受范围内,表示数据与模型拟合良好。 此外,除项目15之外,全部项目都呈正相关。 其中,第7、15、39的相关系数分别为0.04,-0.03和0.04,表明在实际测试中学生正确作答改项目与其能力水平关系不大。 15题甚至出现了负相关 ,说明一些能力水平比较高的学生在此项目上的正确率甚至没有一些能力水平低的学生猜测得出的结论 准确 。 15题原项目 为 :A: Are you really sure that you are not going to come to my apartment for a drink with our friends? B: _____, if you truly insist. 选项为 :A. All right then. B. It depends. C. I don’t care. D. Not at all. 通过分析 , 我们可以知道,该题正确选项为A。 成绩前十位的学生中竟然有七位在该项目上做错,说明此题有一定难度。 其中,在全部学生中,B选项的选择率高达34.96%, 可能是学生没有正确理解“It depends.”的意义 ,误以为 “It depends.”意为 “定下来了 ”之意 。 经试后访谈得知,学生中流传着“如果不会,就蒙C”的“诀窍”,这在一定程度上也造成了该题相关系数偏低且呈负相关,Infit和Outfit MNSQ值超出正常范围的结果 。 再以项目7为例 , 它的Infit MNSQ值为1.18,Outfit MNSQ值为1.64, 两项指标 均在1.0之上 。 该题原题为We ____ very early the next morning, so we got packed the day before. 选项为 :A. were leaving; B. have left; C. had left; D. leave。 本题考查过去将来体的用法 , 但有54.47%的学生错误地选择了C项。 这说明许多能力水平较高的学生反而做错了该项目。因此,该项目在区分学生能力水平时的误差较大,但该项目设计得比较巧妙,通过“从句或分句为过去时,主句往往选择过去完成体”这一看似正确的形式,其实巧妙地考察了学生对于过去将来体的掌握情况。因此,虽然该题的相关系数较低,Infit和Outfit MNSQ值超出了可接受范围,该题也应该保留。它对于学生全面、细致地学习时态知识及解题具有积极的反拨作用。 根据Rasch模型分析结果,可以推断测试是否有效考察了学生能力、 项目难度同学生个人能力之间的差异大小,由此调整项目内容或用其它合格项目来替代,以此提高我们测试的信度和效度,但对于一些有积极意义的项目,即使一些测量指标超出或低于可接受的范围也应予以保留。

图3中,每个气泡代表一个项目,气泡的大小与Rasch标准误大小 成正比 , 而气泡的 左右位置 则表示每 一个项目Outfit MNSQ值的大小 。 在理想的情况下 ,每一个气泡都应该趋近图的中轴位置,并且不应该发生重叠。 从图中我们可以得知,几乎所有的气泡都位于[0.5,1.5]这个取值范围,表明原始数据与理论模型拟合良好,项目基本达到了测试目的。 图3中部分气泡重合, 表明测试项目难度水平比较接近或测试内容区别不大。 21号项目的Outfit MNSQ值接近于1.5,因此有必要对该项目进行进一步的探讨。 从图3中还不难发现,项目3、7、19、21、49对于估计学生能力水平时误差较大。 图2显示,3、19、49属于比较容易的项目,7、21属于比较难的项目。 结合表1中关于样本校Rasch模型的标准误信息不难判断, 过于难和容易的项目在评估学生能力水平时都会出现比较大的误差。


本研究利用Rasch模型对样本校的测试数据进行了分析。 结果表明,本次测试基本符合其测量目标,但其中有个别项目需进一步考察,以提高测试的信度和效度;而个别项目虽然测量指标超出或没有达到理想的取值范围, 但其设置对于培养学生正确、细心区别相近考点、形同义不同等知识点有积极意义,因此应予以保留。 Rasch模型能够对测试项目的难度和学生个体水平进行估计,根据原始数据建立线性测量结构,从而帮助我们发现测试项目之间、学生能力之间、测试项目和学生能力之间的关系, 精确地揭示水平测试对学生个人英语能力水平评估的准确度,从而为我们完善项目提供合理依据,从而使得测试有更强的针对性。英语水平测试作为考察学生英语水平的重要手段,为英语的教学和科研的科学化做出了应有的贡献。 充分利用Rasch模型不仅可以更加有效地检验和改善英语水平测试, 而且可以为教育研究者和教师科学评价测试质量以及学生的能力水平提供有力的指导。 因此,我们有必要掌握Rasch模型,利用该模型对英语水平测试进行全面的分析, 对测试本身及其分数作出公正、客观的评价。



1. The old ____well looked after by the government in China.

A. is B. are C. has been D. was

2. The secretary and manager ____very busy now.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

3. Both the secretary and the manager _____agreed to attend the meeting.

A. has B. have C. are D. was

4. Tom as well as two of his classmates _____invited to the party.

A. was B. were C. have been D. had bee

5. Either you or I _____going to the teachers‘ office after class.

A. am B. is C. are D. will

6. Most of his spare time ____spent in reading.

A. are B. were C. was D. have been

7. This is one of the best novels that ____appeared this year.

A.have been B. has C. had been D. have

8. Ten thousand dollars _____quite a large sum.

A.are B. is C. were D. have

9. About 20 percent of the work ____done yesterday.

A. are B. is C. were D. was

10. Mr Smith, together with his children, ____arrived.

A.are B. has C. is D. have




1. Please _________ look at the blackboard.

A. notB. don’t toC. don’tD. no 2. There _________ any money on the floor.

A. areB. isC. isn’tD. aren’t 3. Let me help you _________ the box.

A. to findsB. to seeC. lookD. find

4. I can’t speak _________ English. What’s that _________ English?A. /, ofB. in, inC. /, inD. the, / 5. Are Lily and Lucy in _________ class? No, they are in _________ classes.

A. the same, the differentB. a same, a differentC. same, differentD. the same, different 6. Jim likes _________ TV after school.

A. watchB. watchesC. to watchD. to see 7. The clothes are green. I want to _________.

A. colour it redB. colour it to redC. colour them redD. colour them to red

8. _________ young man in a black shirt is _________ good worker.A. The, theB. The, aC. An, aD. An, the 9. It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time for _________.

A. get to schoolB. go to schoolC. schoolD. schools 10. These books are Miss Li’s. Please give _________

A. her temB. them to herC. it to herD. her it. 11. Mr Smith is forty, but he _________ very old.

A. lookB. looks likeC. looksD. look like

12. This isn’t _________ skirt. _________ is on the clothes line.A. my, MyB. his, HisC.her……HerD. your……Yours 13. _________ is your bike? The green one.

A. WhereB. WhichC. WhatD. What colour 14. Who’s the girl _________ green. Is she your sister?A. onB. inC. in theD. in a 15. Tom is _________ brother.

A. Lucy’s and LilyB. Lucy’s and Lily’sC. Lucy’s and LilyD. Lucy and Lily’s 16. ---- Aren’t you a Young Pioneer?---- _________.

A. No, I amB. Yes, I’m notC. Yes, I amD. Yes, I’m 17. This is _________ picture of _________ Green family.A. a, aB. the, /C, a, theD. the, the 18. Can you see the bird _________ the apple tree.A. onB. inC. downD. behind

19. ---- There’s a football game in the afternoon.---- _________!

A. SureB. Come onC. GreatD. All right 20. _________ woman in red is Wu Hua’s mother.A. ThatB. aC. TheD. An

21. ---- What’s the time. Please? ---- It’s _________.A. half to eightB. forty to nineC. thirty-five past sevenD. five to five

22. ---- What colour is your new coat?

---- It’s _________ orange. It’s _________ orange coat.A. the, theB. a, anC. /, aD. /, an

23. Mr Wang, I’m very ________ to see you.---- _________ to meet you

A. nice, GladB. fine, NiceC. glad, GladlyD. glad, Nice

24. --- Who is the girl over there?--- I don’t know. Let’s _________ him.A. to go and meetB. to go and to meetC. to go and meetD. go and meet 25. _________ is my uncle.

A. The man on the brown carB. The man in brown carC. The man in the brown carD. On the brown car man


1. They are those ____________ bags . (child )

2. There aren’t _________ pictures in the book. ( some ) 3. It’s time _________ up. (get)

4. The door is ____________.(lock)

5. These sweaters are ________________(they). _____________(our) are on the chair.

6. Sue and I are __________________(woman) teachers. 7. Let_____________(he) look at the picture. 8. Mr Green ____________ to work at 8:00. (go) 9. I ________________ a watch. (not have) 10. Jim’s father is a __________(work).


1. It’s time for lunch. (同义句)

It’s time ___________ ___________ lunch.

2. Are there any American buses in the street? (单数)

___________ there __________ American ___________ in the street? 3. Put on your shoes. (反义句)

___________ ___________ your shoes.

4. The trousers on the bike are father’s. (划线提问)___________ ___________ are father’s.

5. There are some birds in the sky. (用some kites)

___________ there __________ birds or __________ __________ in the sky?

6. Is the nice watch hers?(复数)Are the nice ___________ ___________?

7. I can see five animals on the hill.

___________ ___________ animals ___________ you see on the hill. 8. It’s five forty-five?(同义句)

It’s ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________.

五、补全对话对话填空,选十个单词,并用适当的形式填空(5分) whatwhosecanaboutaskthank

look atputthereletIwatches

A: Excuse me, Han Mei. __1__ the time, please?

B: Sorry. I don’t know. I __2__ find my__3__.Please go and __4__ Mr. Hu.

A: Excuse me. What time is it, please? C: It’s __5__ 3:30. A: Thank you, Mr. Hu.

C: __6__ watch is that? __7__ at it under the table. B: Is it black? C: Yes, it is.

B: Let__8__have a look. Oh, it’s mine. C: __9__ you are.

B:__10__ very much. C: You’re welcome.



1.Many countrysides in China have developed r

in recent years. 2.One of the most powerful forms of nonverbal(非语言的)c

is body language. 3.The b

is ringing.It’s time to work. 4.Last Sunday,Jim wrote a c

about Beijing Olympics. 5.I can’t find a p

pen to write with.



(顺便问一下),where is our chairwoman?

—She has gone to an important meeting. 2.I often go to

(残疾儿童养育院)to take part in

volunteer acticities. 3.There are many children in West China still


艰苦的生活). 4.

(为了)practice oral English,Tom gets up early every day. 5.—How do you usually

(与„„保持联系)your parents?

—By telephone. 6.I have

(拟定)an outline of my compilation(编纂). 7.Thanks to your help,I have

(取得很大进步). 8.He is too young

(描述)the story

(详细地). 9.They don’t live

(遥远的). 10.Almost all parents hope that their children have the chance to

(受到良好的教育)and find good jobs.


1.China is still a

(develop)country. 2.I

(be)to Lintong to see Terracotta Warriors twice. 3.He

(succeed)in finishing the project with his colleagues. 4.She completed her further

(educate)in 2008 and found a good job. 5.Many people in China are considering

(buy)a new car this year.




Were Nanjing’s roads

in the past?




D.How;like (

)2.The government should give children in poor families lots of





D.supportings (


The help of my teacher,I got

good education.




D.With;an (

)4.I won’t go to see the film tonight,because I

my ticket.


B.have lost

C.will lose

D.didn’t have (

)5.—These students have been to the Ming Tombs.



A.will they go

B.did they go

C.do they go

D.have they gone (

)6.Don’t worry.

A.Here the car comes.

B.Here comes the car.

第 2 页

C.Here the car is.

D.The car here comes. (

)7.—Is this Mr. Chen’s car?

—I don’t think so.He

pay for this kind of car.

A.can’t gone

B.have been

C.is rich enough to

D.wants to (

)8.—How do you like Hangzhou,Miss Read?

—I’ve no idea.I


A.have gone

B.have been

C.haven’t gone

D.haven;t been (

)9.It’s a lovely dress,but it’s too dear.I can’t





D.cost (


rapidly in recent years,but our country is still a




C.has developed;developing

D.has developed;developed (

)11.—May I speak to John?


Japan.But he

in two days.

A.has been to;will come back

B.has gone to;will be back

C.has been in;would come back

D.has gone to;won’t come back (


the soldiers are very tired,

they keep on working.

—They are great.We must learn from them.




D.Though;but (

)13.—Will Chinese people have any problems talking with English in a fes years?

—I don’t think so.Now

the young

the old can speak some English.


B.not only;but also


D.both;or (

)14.I sat in the front of the classroom

hear clearly.

A.so that

B.in order that

C.in order to

D.when (

)15.—I’m Yao Ming’s fan.I dreamt

him last night.







根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。 Tom:Hello!Glad to meet you! Mary:Hello! 1

Tom:May I ask you some questions? Mary:Sure. Tom:Are you familiar with Beijing? Mary:No,I’m not. Tom:How many times have you been to Beijing? Mary: 2

Tom:When did you go to Beijing last time? Mary: 3

A.、During the Olympic Games in 2008.

B、For half a month. C、Gld to meet you,too.

D、I want to improve my English. E、Only once.

F、I like it. G、The environment is enjoyable and the people are friendly,too. Tom:How long have you been there? Mary: 4 Have you ever been there? Tom:Yes,of course. Mary:What do you think of Beijing? Tom: 5

Mary:Would you like to go to Beijing again? Tom:Sure. Mary:Here comes the taxi. Tom:Hi!Taxi!(To Mary)Let’s get into it

第 3 页


Most American families are smaller than those in other countries.Most American families have one or two

1 each.

Children in the U.S.A will

2 their parents’ home when they grow up.They usually live

3 their parents because they want to find good jobs.They often

4 to their parents or telephone them.And they often go to visit their parents on

5 .

Parents usually let their children choose their

6 jobs.Americans think it is

7 for young people to deoend on themselves.

Children are asked to do some work

8 their houses.Many families

9 children for doing some housework so that they can learn

10 to make meney for their own use.What about your family? (




D.grandparents (




D.hate (


B.far from

C.next to

D.close to (




D.write (




D.holiday (




D.best (




D.wrong (




D.beside (




D.call (







Life in the future will be different from life today.Between then and now many changes will take place,but what will the changes be?

The population is growing fast.There will be many people in the world and most of sports,watching TV,traveling and surfing the Interner.Traveling will be much chaaper and easier.And more and more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food,too.More land will be used for(将被用来)building new towns and houses for all people.Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensive.Maybe no one will eat it every day.Instead,they will eat more fruit and vegetables.Maybe people will be healthier.

Work in the future will be different,too.Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do.That will be a new problem. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案


)1.In the future,people don’t have to


A.work long hours

B.work fast

C.walk on foot

D.eat meat (

)2.People may not eat as much as they do today.




D.rice (

)3.One big problem in the future is that


A.many people don’t have to work

B.many people will not be able to find jobs

C.people won’t have enough food to eat

D.all the work will be done by robots (

)4.In the future,


A.meat will not be more expensive

B.computers will be less important

C.people will be too busy to do sports

D.traveling will not be expensive (

)5.The main idea of this passage is about




C.life in the future



In 1896,the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens,Greece.Since then,many countries have successfully held the Olympics,such as England,France,Germany,Canada,the U.S.A.,Spain and Australlia.After more than a century,the games returned to its hometown.

When people hold the Olympic Games,they always make an emlem(会徽).The emblem of the Athens Olympic Games was a white circle of love branches in the sky.

In 2004,Athens developed a spirit of peace.An officer said,“While in Athens,the world should be at peace.We hope the peace is not just for a short time.We would like the message from the Athens Games to help countries come together and solve their problems.”

The Olympic Games has been held in China.And China has already made a seal(图章)as the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.The emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means“Chinese seal——dancing Beijing”.The character in the emlem is “Jing”.It meas the capital of China and it is like a runner or a dancer.The running figure(人形)of the emblem shouws the spirit of the Olympics——faster,higher and stronger. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。


)1.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.An emblem.

B.The spirit of Olympic.

C.Modern Olympic Games.

D.Dancing Beijing (

)2.What do people always make when they hold the Olympic Games?


B.An emblem.

C.A flag

D.A map (

)3.What message does the Athens Olympic Games want to give?




D.Peace. (

)4.How many years have passed when Athens again held the Olympic Games?




D.112 (

)5.The spirit of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is


A.history and friendship

B.faster,higher and stronger

C.running and dancing

D.peace,friendship and development 参考答案






二、1.By the way

2.the disabled children’s home 3.having a hard life

4.In order to 5.keep in touch with

6.drawn up 7.made great progress

8.to describe;in detail 9.far away

10.receive/get a good education


2.have been








5.B 6.B




10.C 11.B
























5.C B.1.C







( ) 1. ----- How do you do? ----- _____________

A.Hello! B. Good morning! C. How do you do?

( ) 2. ----- _____________ ----- I’m fine. Thank you.A. Are you Michael? B. How are you? C. How do you do?

( ) 3. ----- _____________ ----- See you.

A. See you later. B.How do you do? C. How are you?

( ) 4. Are _____from Japan?

A. she B. he C. they

( ) 5. ________name is Kangkang.

A. I B. My C. You

( ) 6. ----- Where _______they from? ------ They’re from Japan.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 7. ---- ________, are you Jack? ---- Yes, I am.

A. Hi B. Excuse me C. excuse me

( ) 8. ----________ his telephone number? ----- His telephone number is (010)8217-6952.

A. What’s B what’s C. What

( ) 9. ---- Are you from China? -----Yes,_________.

A. I’m B. you are C. I am

( ) 10. ----Where is Deng Yaping from ? ---- _____is from ______.

A. her; China B. She; China C. Her; China

( )11. 路遇一位朋友,无论何时我们都可以说:

A. Hello B. Bye-bye C. Good morning.

( ) 12. ----Where is Shanghai? ----It’s in ________.

A. Japan B. England C. China

( )13. They and I _____ from England.

A. are B. am C. is

( ) 14 This is Miss Yang. ____ is an English teacher.

A. Her B. He C. She

( ) 15 ----- Who is he? ----- He is __________ .

A. Michael B. Maria C. Jane

( ) 16. ----- ________ is your mom ? ----- She is fine.

A. Where B. How C. What

( )17. ----- Is Kangkang from China? ----- ___________. He’s from Beijing.

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, she is.

( ).18. 下列哪个既是字母又是单词?

A. C B. I C. U

( ).19. 下列哪组字母发音音素相同?


( ).20. 当你在野外发生意外,急需援救时,你应该打出什么信号?



A.从II 栏中选出与I栏恰当的答语.(10分)


( ).1.Welcome to China ! A. No, I’m Jane.

( ).2. What’s your name ? B. Good evening.

( ).3. Where are you from ? C. It is in thee USA.

( ).4. Is he Kangkang ? D. I’m from England.

( ).5.What’s your telephone number ? E. Thank you.

( ).6.Nice to see you? F. My name is Jane.

( ).7. Are you Maria? G. Michael and Maria.

( ).8.Where is New York(纽约)? H. No, he isn’t.

( ) 9. Good evening. I. Nice to see you, too.

( ) 10 Who are they? J. (010)9267-6929

B.完成下列对话,从下框中选词填空, 每空一词:(10 分)

where aren’t who England from teacher in good she’s am

1.----- ___ are you from? ----- I’m from Youxi.

2.----- ___ is he? ----- He is Jim.

3.-----Where is Zhou Weilun from? ----- He is ____ Beijing.

4. ----- Where is Nanjing? -----It’s Jiangsu.”

5. Mr Yang is from Sanming. He is a P.E. .

6.----- _____ afternoon! ----- Good afternoon!

7.-----Where is Kumiko from? ----- _____ from Tokyo, Japan.

8.-----Are you Kitty? ----- Yes, I _______ .

9.-----Are Maria and Jane from Washington D.C.? ----- No, they . They’re from New York.

10.-----Joy Smith is from __________. ----- Yes. That’s right .”


A: Excuse ___1 ___ , are you Jane ?

B: Yes, I ___ 2 ___ .

A: Good. My name is Liu Qiang. Welcome to China.

B: ____ 3 ___

A: ____ 4 __ are you from ?

B: I’m from Chicago(芝加哥).

A: Chicago ? Is it ___ 5 ____ England ?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s in ___ 6 ____ .

A: _____ 7 __ he?

B: Oh, ____ 8 _____ Michael.

A: Is he from England ?

B: No. He is from Washington (华盛顿).

A: Is Washington in the USA, ____9 ___ ?

B: Yes, that’s righ. Michael is ___10___ American boy.

( ) 1. A. I B. my C. me

( ) 2. A. am B. is C. am not

( ) 3. A. How are you ? B. Thank you C. Welcome.

( ) 4. A. Who B. What C. Where

( ) 5. A. from B. to C. in

( ) 6. A. the USA B.Canada C. Cuba

( ) 7. A. Who B. Who’s C. What’s

( ) 8. A. it’s B. his C He’s

( ) 9. A. too B. right C.OK

( ) 10. A. a B. an C.. the


( A )

Hello, I’m Lucy. I am from the USA. But now I’m in China. My teacher is Miss Chen. She is from Tianjin. She is Chinese. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. She is in China , too.We are in the same school.

阅读短文,判断句子正(用 “T” )误(用 “F” )

( ) 1. Lily and Lucy are from Canada.

( ) 2. They are in China now.

( ) 3. Miss Liu is their teacher.

( ) 4. Miss Chen is from Dalian.

( ) 5. Lily and I are students.

( B )

Lily is from New York , the U.S.A. She is twelve. She is in Shanghai NO.3 Junior High School. She is in Class Eight, Grade One. Her phone number is 66786019. Dongdong is from Kunming. His English name is Tom. He is eleven .He is in Class Seven,Grade One. His telephone number is 24524233. They are not in the same class. They are good friends


( ) 6. Lily is from _____ .

A English B China C the U.S.A

( ) 7. Dongdong is in Class ______ .

A Six B Seven C Eight

( ) 8. Lily and Dongdong are good___________ .

A students B friends C teachers

( ) 9. Where is Tom from ? He is from______________

A The U.S.A B Japan C China

( ) 10. How old is Lily ? She is ________________

A ten B eleven C twelve



1. two(同音词) ______________ 2. he(复数形式) ___________ __

3. I am(缩写形式) ____ 4. mister(缩写形式) ___________

5. yes (反义词)_________________

(B)用am, is和 are填空(5分)

1. .-----_________ this your friend, Maria? .----- Yes, it ________

2. ----- ________ you Michael? ----- No, I _________ not.

3.Mary and I ___________from Canada. We __________ in China.

4. .-----_________ he Li Ming? .----- No, he ________ Kangkang.

5.My name _________ Kumiko. I ________ from Japan.

VII. 连词成句并正确书写并标上标点符号(10分)

1. meet, too, nice, you, to

2. teacher, is, my, Lee, this, Miss

3. where,they,are,from

4、she, from,is,Japan, not

5、to, welcome, class, our

VIII. 根据要求完成句子,注意一空一词.(5分)

1. -----玛丽来自哪里?-----来自美国。

----- ____ Mary from? -----She is ____ the USA.2. -----你叫什么名字?-----我叫Jane.

----- ____ her name ? ----- ____ ____ Jane.

3. -----他是杰克吗?-----不,他不是。

-----Is _____ Jack? -----No, he _____ .

4. -----你好吗?-----很好。谢谢。

-----___________ are you? ----- I’m fine,_______________.

5.他的电话号码是多少? What’s his _____ ______ ?

Ⅸ. 书面表达.(5分) 下面是Bill的个人信息,请根据表格提供的信息,写一篇小短文,至少三句。


From:the U.S.A

Tel Number: (010)9843-2089



(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)

School:____________ Class: __________ Name:________ Mark:________









A.从II 栏中选出与I栏恰当的答语.(10分)



B.完成下列对话,从下框中选词填空, 每空一词:(10 分)

1. Where_ 2.Who 3.from4.in5.teacher6.Good 7.She’s 8.am 9.aren’t 10.England









1.too/to 2.they 3.I’m 4.Mr. 5.No

(B)用am, is和 are填空(5分)

6.Is;is 7.Are; am 8.are;are 9.Is;is 10.is; am

Ⅶ. 连词成句并正确书写并标上标点符号(10分)

1.Nice to meet you, too.

2.This is my teacher, Miss Lee.

3.Where are you from?

4.She is not from Japan.

5.Welcome to our class.

Ⅶ. 根据要求完成句子, 注意一空一词.(5分)

1.Where’s ; from 2. What’s ; My; name’s 3.he ; isn’t 4.How; thanks 5. telephone; number

Ⅸ. 书面表达.(5分)
