


1.Writing is aslow process, requiring ____ thought, time and effort.

A) significant

B) considerable

C) great

D) numerous

2. Thank you forapplying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at thistime, but we shall keep your application on ____ for two months.

A) pile

B) portion

C) sequence

D) file

3. Only a selectednumber of landladies in the neighbourhood have been allowed by the universityto take in _____.

A) residents

B) inhabitants

C) lodgers

D) settlers

4 .During theconference the speaker tried to _____to them his feelings concerning theurgency of a favorable decision.

A) comply

B) impose

C) imply

D) convey

5. He ____ hiscontrol by making his students quiet.

A) assessed

B) asserted

C) acquired

D) monitored

6. If you want toget into that tunnel, you first have to ____ away all the rocks.

A) repel

B) pull

C) transfer

D) dispose

7.Do you believethese two ____ friends used to be bitter enemies

A) intimate

B) emotional

C) intense

D) supreme

8. Although mostdreams apparently happen______, dream activity may be provoked by externalinfluences.


B) simultaneously

C) homogeneously


9. According tothe instructions we received, we cannot accept photocopies(复

印件), but need the ___

A) source

B) resources

C) origin

D) original

10. _____ thepopular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicitythat only a genius can create.

A) Subject to

B) Contrary to

C) Familiar to

D) Similar to



1.Writing is aslow process, requiring ____ thought, time and effort.

A) significant

B) considerable

C) great

D) numerous

2. Thank you forapplying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at thistime, but we shall keep your application on ____ for two months.

A) pile

B) portion

C) sequence

D) file

3. Only a selectednumber of landladies in the neighbourhood have been allowed by the universityto take in _____.

A) residents

B) inhabitants

C) lodgers

D) settlers

4 .During theconference the speaker tried to _____to them his feelings concerning theurgency of a favorable decision.

A) comply

B) impose

C) imply

D) convey

5. He ____ hiscontrol by making his students quiet.

A) assessed

B) asserted

C) acquired

D) monitored

6. If you want toget into that tunnel, you first have to ____ away all the rocks.

A) repel

B) pull

C) transfer

D) dispose

7.Do you believethese two ____ friends used to be bitter enemies

A) intimate

B) emotional

C) intense

D) supreme

8. Although mostdreams apparently happen______, dream activity may be provoked by externalinfluences.


B) simultaneously

C) homogeneously


9. According tothe instructions we received, we cannot accept photocopies(复

印件), but need the ___

A) source

B) resources

C) origin

D) original

10. _____ thepopular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicitythat only a genius can create.

A) Subject to

B) Contrary to

C) Familiar to

D) Similar to



来源:成人三级英语考试网 2010-07-24 23:46 点击:73

用逆向法学习快两年了,感受真是太多了。千言万语汇成一句:It is terrific. It really works. I believe it. It can lead me to touch down.

用逆向法学习,我最大的收获是重新认识了学习英语,学习英语是一种永不停歇的大脑英语思维的自我训练活动。我们中国人能说汉语是经过了多少年不 自觉地、不停歇地训练的结果。学习英语也是一样。有的人说"英语难学,我不是学英语的料"。我觉得有这样认识的人并不是脑子笨,而是没有下决心学英语,没 有持之以恒的学习毅力。我认为,会说汉语,就能学会英语,关键是要下功夫长期坚持不懈地自我训练。

在我看来,逆向法的"听、写、说、背、想"五法并举实际上就是我们从小学习汉语的过程。不过建立汉语的过程是不自觉的、被动的,而现在建立英语 的过程应该是主动的、自觉的 。这里所说的主动和自觉是指要认识英语的重要性,学习过程中要自觉创造条件,自觉按照规律进行自我训练,积极主动地调动各个感官和思维器官去接受英语的刺 激。从这个意义上讲,学习英语的人都应该把自己看成是一个小学生,一个词一个词,一句话一句话地学。我参加CET-6考试的经历就充分说明这一点。我从小 学三年级开始学英语,基础不错,大学二年级时以77分成绩通过了CET-4考试,被认为是班里英语水平比较高的,其实学得并不很扎实。本科毕业前参加过五 次CET-6考试,第一次成绩在58.5分,最后一次为48 分。1990年后按逆向法要求听写special English,刚开始时只能听懂播音员较长停顿后念的第一个词,后面的全是一锅粥,听不懂。所以我深深地感到,英语学习是一个长期的过程,来不得半点急 躁。而且必须放下架子,像小孩子学说话那样,一个词一个词地听写,来不得半点自以为是。英语基础比较好的人,经过两个月左右即可入门。五个月左右就可以顺 利地听懂special English。由于我扎扎实实地通过听写Special English 打牢了基础,在随后的CET-6考试中得了90.5分(编者注:全校第一名)。



我机构已开展过多期公共英语三级保过班,通过率百分百,至今已经有2000多名学员在我校拿到公共英语三等级证书,顺利免考自考英语(二), 我校公共英语三包过班是广大自考生的福音.公共英语三含金量高,同等于高等教育院校的大学英语4级水平的证书,非在校生最好的选择,足以与大英4级媲美的证书,你能够轻松拥有,赶快行动吧。






Atlantic Container Line 大西洋集装箱海运公司

Hawaiian air Lines 夏威夷航空公司

2. Agency 公司、代理行

The Austin advertising Agency 奥斯汀广告公司

China Ocean Shipping Agency 中国外轮代理公司

3. Store(s) 百货公司

Great Universal Store 大世界百货公司(英)

Tesco Stores (Holdings) 坦斯科百货公司(英)

4. Associates(联合)公司

British Nuclear Associates 英国核子联合公司

Subsea equipment Associates Ltd. 海底设备联合有限公司(英、法、美合办)

5. System(广播、航空等)公司

Mutual Broadcasting System 相互广播公司(美)

Malaysian Airline System 马来西亚航空公司

6. Office公司,多与 head, home, branch等词连用

3M China Limited Guangzhou Branch Office 3M 中国有限公司广州分公司

China Books Import and Export Corporation (Head Office) 中国图书进出口总公司

7. Service(s)(服务)公司

Africa-New Zealand Service 非洲—新西兰服务公司

Tropic Air Services 特罗皮克航空公司

8. Exchange

American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange国制造商出口信用保险公司

9. Center

Binks (Shanghai) Engineering Exhibition Center, Ltd.



1. Consolidated Coal Company 联合煤炭公司(美)

2. United Aircraft Corporation 联合飞机公司(美) 美

3. Allied Food Industries Co. 联合食品工业公司(新加坡)

4. Integrated Oil Company 联合石油公司

5. Federated Department Stores 联合百货公司

6. Union Carbide Corporation 联合碳化合物公司(美)

7. Associated British Picture Corporation 英国联合影业公司

8. China Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Joint Company中国农业机械进出口联合公司


1. Export Credit Insurance Corporation 出口信贷保险公司(加)

2. Export Finance and Insurance Corporation 出口金融和保险公司(澳)

3. Federal Insurance Corporation 联邦保险公司(美)

4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 联邦存款保险公司(美)

5. Export Payments Insurance Corporation 出口支付保险公司(澳)

6. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation 联邦储蓄贷款保险公司(美)

7. Development Underwriting Ltd. 开发保险公司(澳)

8. American International Assurance Co. Ltd. 美国友邦保险公司

9. American International Underwriters Corporation 美国国际保险公司


中国东方科学仪器进出口公司(China Oriental Scientific

Instruments Imp.& Exp. Corporation)



A按地名翻译的原则处理;B可音译,也可意译,音译时可按汉语拼音,也可按英语拼写方式;C须意译,两个并列成份一般用符号&连接起来,如“中国科学器材公司”译为“ChinaScientific Instruments & Materials Corporation”,但不宜在同一个名称里使用两个&符号,如“中国工艺品进出口公司”译为:China National Arts and Crafts
